small farmer

Chapter 10 Picking Fungi

Chapter 10 Picking Fungi

time flies

the next morning
After finishing the gymnastics, Zhang Feng followed his mother to the field to weed.

Zhangjiawan is sunny in the morning, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, the air is extremely fresh, and it is refreshing to take a deep breath.

The dew on the mountain road is like crystal clear crystals hanging on the weeds, quickly soaking Zhang Feng's clothes, just as the ancient poet Tao Yuanming said:

The road is narrow and the vegetation is long, and the evening dew stains my clothes.It is not a pity that the clothes are stained, but the wish is not violated.

Zhang Feng doesn't want to be a humble rice bug anymore, he doesn't want to escape from life, he doesn't want to waste his time anymore. Although the road under his feet is muddy, Zhang Feng is still going forward. Even in the countryside, he wants to live a wonderful life of his own.

Walking into the familiar and unfamiliar land, the green corn seedlings are growing vigorously, the crystal dew reflects the colorful light, and the breeze blows gently, setting off a burst of green waves, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.


Zhang Feng followed behind his mother, pulling up the weeds in the field with great vigor. The April of the lunar calendar is the beginning of the rainy season, so the rain in the field is sufficient, not only the crops in the field grow well, but the weeds also grow extraordinarily Lush, densely packed under the corn seedlings are full of weeds.

Most of them are bamboo leaf grass and wild flower grass. These two kinds of grass are very vigorous. Cutting off the above-ground part is only a temporary solution, because their underground rhizomes can quickly grow seedlings. This is what we often call It is said: Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

For weeding work, Zhang Feng has done it before, so he is not unfamiliar, and he quickly entered the role. Coupled with his abnormal physical fitness, Zhang Feng weeds at a very fast speed. , The speed is fast, as if not aware of fatigue.

Watching her son's actions, Wang Guilan felt relieved and nodded with a smile. She felt that her son had really grown up and became sensible, and finally walked out of the small world closed to her.


Two hours passed in a flash.

After the hard work of the mother and son, the weeds in the field were finally cleared. Standing up straight, looking at the neat and clean cornfield, Zhang Feng felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Labor really makes people feel at ease and happy.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and Zhang Feng felt relaxed after weeding. The spring breeze blew slightly, and a faint freshness of vegetation and soil rushed to his face. The fatigue of his body seemed to be relieved a little, and he felt extraordinarily refreshed.

"Huh? What is this question?"

Suddenly Zhang Feng's nose twitched, and he smelled a strong fragrance. Soon Zhang Feng's face was happy, and he walked in the direction of the fragrance, as if he smelled something precious.

"Ah! It's fungus, a lot of fungus!" Zhang Feng walked about ten meters, and a large piece of chicken fir fungus appeared in front of his eyes. The surprised Zhang Feng shouted excitedly.

"Mushrooms?" Zhang's mother rushed over after hearing the sound.

"Mom, bring the basket here, there are a lot of fungus." Zhang Feng was overjoyed, never expecting to have such a harvest.

"Hehe! It seems that today's luck is good." Wang Guilan walked over with a basket on her back, and was obviously very happy when she saw her son find so many fungus, almost smiling from ear to ear.

Callia miltiorrhiza is known as the "king of mountain delicacies". It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrition. It can sell for hundreds of yuan per catty, and it is very precious because it is priceless.

Gallium fir fungus usually grows on the top of termite nests, and the mother and son act cautiously, for fear of damaging the termite nests and hyphae, otherwise there will be no fungus growth here in the second year.

One, two... soon a large piece of mushrooms was picked by the mother and son, and they filled a large basket, which was estimated to weigh twenty to thirty catties, which was a considerable income.

"Hehe! It seems that the son is really lucky."

The day before yesterday, my son earned more than 3000 yuan fishing, which was equivalent to what other people spent working outside for a month. Yesterday, he earned more than 1000 yuan fishing eels.

Looking at today's harvest again, a basket full of fungi can sell for at least three or two thousand. Wang Guilan thought in her heart that in just three days, her son actually earned six or seven thousand. Thinking of this, Wang Guilan There was a smile on his face.

As soon as he got home, Zhang Feng immediately looked for a buyer for the fungus.

"Hey! Is it Boss Niu?"

"I'm the one who sold black fish to you the day before yesterday..."

"My name is Zhang Feng... Hey!! Yes! Yes! Yes..."

"No, it was luck to catch that black fish the day before yesterday, but I have twenty or thirty catties of chicken fir here, I wonder if Boss Niu will take it?"

"So much? Take it! Why don't you take it? Brother, you must keep it for me. Don't sell it. I'll be right over." Boss Niu hung up the phone in a hurry, and drove to Zhangjiawan at high speed. come rushing.

"Is there a need to be so excited?" Zhang Feng shook his head puzzled.


"Brother! Where is your chicken fir, take it out and have a look..." After just a cup of tea, Boss Niu came from the county town and asked impatiently when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Boss Niu, don't worry, I'll bring it for you right away." Zhang Feng poured tea for the fat man, and seeing Fatty Niu's anxious look, he knew that his fungus should be sold for a good price.

Fatty Niu gulped down a cup of tea in one gulp. After that, he waited anxiously for the arrival of Ji Zong. Zhang Feng didn't keep him waiting, and quickly moved out the basket and put it in front of him.

"Good! Good! Good! It's really a blessing this time!" The fat man swallowed with a chicken fir, as if he wanted to swallow the chicken fir raw, looking like a foodie.

"Hehe, brother, don't laugh, brother, I'm good for this, you can tell by my figure." Afterwards, Niu came back to his senses and explained.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhang Feng suppressed a smile, then waved his hands and continued: "It's human nature to like food, but in fact, I also eat delicious food."

"Really? Hehe, brother, I won't let you suffer. These chicken firs are very good. I'll give you a hundred and fifty catties. What do you think, brother?"

"Then I would like to thank Boss Niu." Although the chicken fir is precious, it usually only costs [-] kg, and sometimes it can be bought at [-] kg. Zhang Feng did not expect that Boss Niu would give such a high price.

"Brother is out, just call me Brother Niu, and you must tell me if you have something good in the future."

"No problem, I will keep some good things for you in the future." Zhang Feng immediately agreed.

At the final settlement, 28 catties of chicken fir, a total of 4000 two hundred yuan, "Brother, you must remember to notify me if you have something good."

"Brother Niu, don't rush away. If you don't mind having a light meal at home, I caught two catties of eels yesterday. Let's have a drink later."

"Wild ones?" As expected, he was a foodie, and when he heard that there was something to eat, he stopped walking immediately.

"Of course, the ones caught in the ditch, how could they be raised by themselves?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Then brother, I'll bother you..." Fatty Niu said, rubbing his hands in embarrassment.

"Brother Niu, sit down first, I'll deal with the eels..."

"It's okay, I'll go take a look with you..."


"Oh! It's such a good eel... Today is really a blessing."

Looking at the wild eels jumping around in the water basin, Fatty Niu stared straight at it, and swallowed his saliva.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect,

Zhang Feng moved faster than yesterday, and quickly arranged the ingredients, and his mother also raised the fire, everything was ready, and Zhang Feng started to cook.

Because of the guest of Fatty Niu, today we not only have fried eels, but also fried red mushrooms with green peppers, fried Houttuynia cordata with bacon, and finally fried Chinese cabbage.

Soon, a strong fragrance came from the kitchen. Fatty Niu was like a gluttonous child, staring at the kitchen almost eagerly. He didn't have the image of a hotel owner at all, but this was more real, sincere, unpretentious, and easier to get along with .

(End of this chapter)

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