small farmer

Chapter 11 The News Spreads

Chapter 11 The News Spreads
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"Yeah! It's delicious!!"

Faced with delicious food, Boss Niu devoured it regardless of his image.
"Brother, your skills are really good." Fatty Niu praised while eating, "Brother, I have eaten in many star-rated hotels, and I can't compare with you."

"Let me tell you, brother, with your skills, it's easy to be a chef in a star-rated hotel with an annual salary of one million. How about it? Brother, let me introduce you." Niu Zhong praised Zhang Feng's skills. Absolutely.

"Thank you, Brother Niu. Brother, I don't have big ambitions. I'm too lazy and I'm afraid I won't be able to stand that constraint." Zhang Feng refused with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay. This kind of life is also very good. From now on, I can often come to eat and drink. Come and let's have a toast." Fatty Niu felt that it was a pity, but when he thought of being close to the water, he would have a good fortune in the future.

"Brother Niu is welcome to come often, do it!!" Zhang Feng drank a glass of beer while talking.

"Mmm! So cool! Hiccup!" Fatty Niu burped in satisfaction as he ate the delicious eels and delicious red mushrooms.

"Hehe, I made my aunt laugh." Fatty Niu hurriedly apologized to Zhang's mother.

"It's okay, it's a blessing to be able to eat." Wang Guilan is also very happy that this chubby boss likes her own food. Zhang's mother likes such guests the most. Some guests are picky and picky, and such guests are not easy to entertain.


After dinner, the two sat leisurely in the yard drinking tea.

"This meal is so satisfying. Fatty, I haven't had such a good meal for a long time." Fatty Niu touched his big belly, looking satisfied.

"Brother Niu, as long as you don't mind." Zhang Feng said modestly, "By the way, Brother Niu, do you accept other mushrooms in your store? We have a lot of red mushrooms and boletus here."

"Accept! Why don't you accept it? In fact, I have long wanted to develop some new mushroom dishes, but I have not been able to find a stable source of supply. Haha brother is really my lucky star. Don't worry, I will accept as much as you have." Fatty Niu heard it just right. I also inherited these ingredients, so the two hit it off.

After a discussion between the two, Zhang Feng bought wild mushrooms in the village and sold them to Fatty Niu after preliminary cleaning. Among them, red mushrooms cost 30 yuan per catty, boletus 20 yuan per catty, and other fungi cost 30 to [-] yuan. acquisition.

After the discussion, Fatty Niu was about to leave. Zhang Feng fished two catties of rice field eels from the ditch in the backyard and gave it to him, as well as some dried mushrooms that were dried last year. Fatty Niu did not delay, and happily left with his things .


"Xiaofeng, who is that person who just came?" The second uncle asked curiously when he met the second uncle at the door. "A boss in the county is the one who bought black fish the day before yesterday." Zhang Feng replied honestly.

"Oh! So it was him, so why is he here today?"

"It's nothing but selling him more than 20 catties of chicken fir..." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and then told the ins and outs of the matter.

"Wow! Brother, you made another 4000 yuan in such a morning?" My cousin came over at some point, and was surprised and couldn't believe it when he heard Zhang Feng's words.

"What 4000 yuan?" At this time, Uncle Er Niu led the scalper and came over, and it was estimated that the cattle would come back.

"It's just..." Crackling... Crackling,
Then the cousin looked at Zhang Feng adoringly, and told Uncle Er Niu how Zhang Feng made more than 4000 yuan in one morning.

Uncle Er Niu was stunned by the news, pinched Zhang Feng's arm in envy and hatred, and yelled for a treat. Finally, Zhang Feng promised to buy him a drink at night, so he was let go.

"By the way, Uncle Er, Uncle Erniu, Boss Niu also entrusted me to help him buy mushrooms, one hundred and twenty-one catties of chicken fir, 15 yuan per catty of red mushrooms, twelve one catty of porcini mushrooms..." Then Zhang Feng told the two about the acquisition of the fungus himself, and asked them to help him promote it.

"Really?" Both of them were stunned by the news. Everyone knows that the rareness of the chicken fir fungus is the most expensive, but they didn't expect that the red mushrooms and boletus mushrooms everywhere in the mountains and forests are so valuable.

"Of course, can this still deceive everyone? Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, and guarantee that there will be no default." Zhang Feng resolutely promised.

"Okay! It seems that our village will have another fortune." When Uncle Erniu thought of the mushrooms all over the mountains and plains, he wanted to set off immediately, his eyes lit up.

"Xiaofeng is not bad! He is really sensible." The second uncle was very pleased to see that his nephew stopped playing computer games at home and started a business to support his family.


After the publicity of the second uncle and the others, the whole village soon knew the news that Zhang Feng bought the mushrooms at a high price, so everyone ran to the house to verify.

"Xiaofeng heard that you collect fungi here, right?" The third aunt was the fastest, and immediately asked Zhang Feng's house.

"Yes, we will start collecting from tomorrow..." Then Zhang Feng explained the types and prices of the purchases again.

"Xiaofeng heard that you are going to collect mushrooms..." As soon as the third aunt was sent away, the second uncle ran in panting and asked impatiently.

"Yes, second uncle, please sit down and rest for a while, don't get tired." Seeing the second uncle in his 70s looking out of breath, Zhang Feng was really worried for him.



Afterwards, more and more people came to inquire. Zhang Feng saw that such an answer was not an answer, so he posted a notice at the gate, which stated the purchase of mushrooms and the prices of various varieties.

After posting the notice, everyone finally stopped asking Zhang Feng in a hurry, and ran outside to have a look, and soon the door of Zhang Feng's house was full of villagers.

"I really didn't expect that the fungus that we usually look down on can be sold for a good price..."

"Yeah, this is more expensive than food..."

"How can you compare it with vegetables? It's more expensive than meat, isn't it?"

"What's the point? Mushrooms are more expensive to sell outside, and a pound of dried russula costs hundreds or thousands of dollars."

"Cut! It's so valuable, why don't you sell it?"

"That's right, they have word-of-mouth and sales channels, okay? Farmers like us who don't know a single word, don't think about such good things."

"Haha, contentment is always happy. It's not bad to sell it for more than ten yuan a catty. If I can find ten catties every day, it will be much easier than selling my labor."

The villagers stood at the door talking and talking, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. Everyone was very happy about Zhang Feng's acquisition of mushrooms. In the past, mushrooms were not rare at all. Now that Zhang Feng's channels can be sold, everyone is very happy. They were all very happy and full of gratitude to Zhang Feng.

As the excited villagers gradually dispersed, Zhang Feng and his mother also started to make preparations for tomorrow, cleaning up, cleaning big pots, dustpans and other things.

In the end, the mother and son discussed and planned to find two people to come to help tomorrow, because if the whole village went up the mountain, it is estimated that there would be hundreds of catties of mushrooms a day, and so many mushrooms would not only have to be weighed to settle accounts, but also had to be further cleaned before they could be sold. The mother and son are simply too busy, so they have to find someone to help.

(End of this chapter)

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