small farmer

Chapter 12 The whole village is dispatched

Chapter 12 The whole village is dispatched
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Qingshan County

Located in the southwest, affected by the southwest monsoon all year round,

Therefore, the climate is mild and humid, and the four seasons are like spring, and Qingshan is located on a plateau, so there is no severe cold or heat, and the climate is pleasant.

When the rainy season comes every year, the local rainfall increases greatly, and there will be heavy rain every three to five times. Therefore, the suitable climate provides good conditions for the growth of wild fungi.

It just happened to rain last night
All the villagers in the village were overjoyed, thanked God, and felt that it was God's blessing. They thought that there would be a bumper harvest tomorrow, because only when it rained, mushrooms would grow, and everyone could harvest when they entered the mountain.

it was dark the next day
The whole Zhangjiawan started to be noisy

Men, women and children all join the battle. Except for children who are studying, almost all of them go to the mountain to pick mushrooms, because picking mushrooms is not difficult, and children of two or three years old can do it, but the mountain road is slippery. As long as you pay attention to safety and take care of each other, there will be no problem.

Zhang Feng also woke up very early
After practicing gymnastics, I breathed the fresh air and was full of energy.

Looking at the vast expanse of whiteness outside the window, the thick mist almost covers the whole world, Zhangjiawan is like being in a fairyland, hazy, dreamlike, and has a kind of hazy beauty.

"Xiaofeng got up so early and dressed so vigorously, are you going on a blind date?" Seeing Zhang Feng exercising in the yard, Uncle Er Niu came over and joked.

"Blind date? I don't know which mother-in-law's family the daughter-in-law is raising?" Zhang Feng teased himself.

Through the thick fog, Zhang Feng discovered that Uncle Er Niu still had a small tail behind him. The sleepy-eyed duckling probably hadn't woken up yet, and was carrying a bamboo basket in a daze, dressed like he was going into the mountains. "Uncle Er Niu, do you want to take this monkey up the mountain?"

"Hehe, this guy knows how to talk back. After being beaten yesterday, he said that he doesn't need me to care about him, and he wants to earn his own money to find a wife." Uncle Er Niu said amusedly.

"Aha! How old are you, little duck? Just want to ask for a wife?"

After pinching the duckling's cheeks, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing out loud, he hasn't found a girlfriend yet, it's so cute that such a little guy just wants to ask for a wife.

"Oh! Where is it? I'm talking about making money to find a wife, not a daughter-in-law, okay?" The duckling seemed to know that he was shy, but he was too young to realize that a wife and a daughter-in-law were actually the same thing.

"Hahaha... Isn't a wife a daughter-in-law?"

"Hahaha... Really, tears almost flowed out of my eyes..."

"Xiaofeng, it seems that you have to hurry up!!! You see, the ducklings are going to find a wife..."

"Yes, Xiaofeng, how about I introduce one to you?"

I don't know when, everyone gradually tilted the building, and pointed the cannon fire at Zhang Feng. Seeing everyone teasing him, Zhang Feng was also very helpless. The fire at the city gate really caused the fish in the pond.

After laughing a bit, everyone scrambled to go up the mountain,
Although the mountains and forests are large, the competition among so many people is fierce, so those who walk in front will definitely gain more, and no one wants to follow other people's butts and pick up other people's leftovers.

"Xiaofeng, let's go first, see you later." Uncle Er Niu pulled the duckling and hurriedly followed.

"Uncle Er Niu, why don't you just let the little duck stay at my house..."

"Ah! No! I won't stay here. I want to pick mushrooms to earn money to buy candy..." The duckling immediately protested loudly. The children in the mountain village are self-reliant, and they know that they earn pocket money since they were young.


Zhangjiawan facing south

To the south is the beautiful moon, and to the HB are the vast mountains.
Zhangjiawan has beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and water, surrounded by green trees, surrounded by green trees and villages, with green hills and guo slanting outwards, the natural scenery is very beautiful.

The vast back mountain, with overlapping peaks and dense forests, is a large original forest with a radius of tens of miles. It is the best preserved original deep forest in Guizhou Province, not one of them.

On the outskirts of the boundless mountains are patches of Qinggang forests, which are most suitable for the growth of red mushrooms, and in the depths of the forest, there are patches of primitive pine forests, which are mainly suitable for the growth of boletus.

Russula is very popular in other places because of its delicious taste and rich nutrition. The market value is high, and a catty of dry goods can sell for hundreds or thousands of yuan.

For example, the russula mushrooms in Fujian are well-known throughout the country, and the brand has become popular, so the price is very high. A pound of dried mushrooms costs one or two thousand, and there is no market for them.The price of red mushrooms from other producing areas is much lower, only a few hundred yuan per catty.

Boletus is also a good product among wild mushrooms. It is sweet and delicious, rich in nutrition, and is widely loved by Chinese and foreign gourmets.

However, although Qingshan and County are rich in mushrooms, they have no consumer market, because no one has developed them, so these delicious mushrooms have been buried in the mountains.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to eat water,
Faced with such a rich mushroom resource, the cooperation between Zhang Feng and Niu Zhong hopes that the mushrooms in Qingshan can be sold at a good price, and a new treasure of the mushroom market will be developed, so that the villagers can also benefit from it and create a new fortune. wealth.


The fog in the mountains comes and goes quickly,

When the sun came out, a gust of wind dissipated the dense fog, and soon disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

It has not been half an hour since everyone entered the mountain
An unexpected figure appeared in front of Zhang Feng

I saw the second uncle with a basket on his back and a cane in his right hand, staggering towards Zhang Feng's yard.

"Second uncle, you're back right now??" Zhang Feng hurried out, took the second uncle's basket, ho!It's quite heavy, and it's already filled with fresh and tender mushrooms.

"Hehe, if I'm an old man with old arms and legs, if I'm with them, can I still pick up fungi?" The second uncle suddenly showed a sly fox-like smile on his tired face, and shook the flashlight in his hand.

Zhang Feng suddenly realized that the second uncle went into the mountain before dawn. Jiang is really old and spicy. Although the second uncle is not young, he is 72 years old, but his experience is richer than that of young people. This is an Internet term. Described as an old driver.

Perhaps no one would have thought that the elderly second uncle would be the first to come back. This is really shocking, admiring, and worrying.
It was shocking and admirable that the old man was the first one to return with a full load, but Zhang Feng was also worried about the old man. After all, it was dark in the mountains and forests, and the mountain road was wet and slippery. What if he fell?
"It's okay, Xiaofeng, don't worry. We farmers have lived and worked forever. If you don't let me work for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over." Seeing Zhang Feng's worried look, the old man waved his hands in disbelief Said intentionally.

"Then you always have to pay attention to safety!" Zhang Feng didn't say anything more. The older generation in the rural areas are like this, feeling that their lives are not so precious.

"Second uncle, sit down first, and I will weigh you." Zhang Feng told the second uncle to sit down, and then picked out the mushrooms in his back basket and put them on the scale for weighing.

"Hey! 35 catties, Second Uncle, you have gained a lot today." Zhang Feng said to the Second Uncle with a smile after weighing.

"Hehe, it's about the same as I estimated!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the second uncle nodded and laughed happily.

"One catty is 15 yuan, 35 catties is 520 five yuan, second uncle, please count."

"That's right, that's all. Xiaofeng, I'll go first." The second uncle slobbered his fingers, and after counting, he went back into the mountain with a basket on his back.

"The duckling is back?"

Zhang Feng was also shocked by the second person who came back. It turned out to be a little duck who made money to find a wife, a monkey from Uncle Er Niu's family, a mischievous child.

"Oh! Isn't it my father? Give me such a small basket, and it will be full in one go. It doesn't even hold as much as Da Mao's small back basket." Seeing Zhang Feng's face full of grievance, the little guy complained.

"Haha, your father still loves you, and is worried that you won't be able to memorize so much." Zhang Feng smiled and began to weigh the duckling to settle the score.

"Little duck, what do you plan to find a wife with the money you earn?"

"Hehe, this monkey is looking for a wife before its hair grows."

"Who said that? No..."

The eldest aunt and the fourth grandmother who were cleaning the mushrooms in the yard couldn't help but teased the little duck. After being teased by everyone, the little guy seemed to know what it meant to find a wife, and he denied it with an embarrassed smile.

(End of this chapter)

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