small farmer

Chapter 13 Harvest

Chapter 13 Harvest
The new book is in urgent need of everyone's support, and I hope everyone can help recommend collections, thank you.

"A total of five catties, 75 yuan" This is what the little duck has gained this time.

"Little duckling, I will keep the money for you first, and I will give it to your father when your father comes."

"Why? This is my money, okay? You guys know how to bully me..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the duckling shrugged and was about to shed tears of grievance.

"Oh! Don't cry, I'll give you five yuan first, and I'll give you the rest later?"

"Yes, we will keep it for you first, and we will guarantee to return it to you when you come back, or you will lose it in the mountains and forests?" Seeing the aggrieved duckling, everyone persuaded.

"Really? When I come back, you must return it to me!" The duckling asked suspiciously while holding five yuan.

"Of course, how could we lie to you..."

Then the little duck picked up the bamboo basket and left reluctantly. As soon as he went out, he happily ran to the small shop at the entrance of the village.

"What a greedy little guy, I went to buy snacks as soon as I got the money..." Wang Guilan looked at the little duck bouncing towards the entrance of the village, smiled and shook her head.

Ba... bah!

Everyone was cleaning mushrooms in the yard, when they suddenly heard the sound of a car coming from the door, Zhang Feng turned his head and saw that it was Fatty Niu coming.

"Hahaha, have you received so many so early?" Niu Chong asked happily when he saw a large pot of mushrooms that had been cleaned.

"Hey, brother Niu is here, what's that much? I only accepted one person." Zhang Feng hurriedly took out his stool and greeted him.

"Oh, so there are a lot of mushrooms in the mountains?" Niu Zhong was surprised,
"That is, it is estimated that the harvest will be opened today, and there will be more than 1000 catties." Zhang Feng was a little worried about whether the restaurant with heavy cattle could digest so much.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I want as much as I have, and I will bake them into dried mushrooms if I can't use them up, and I can use them in the future." Niu Zhong laughed, seeing Zhang Feng's worry, and he wished for as many as possible. Well, for such a good thing, of course, the more the better.

"Xiao Wang, take out all the baskets in the carriage." Niu Zhong continued, "Brother, I'll bring you some plastic baskets, put the washed mushrooms in them, and I'll take them away when the time comes."

Fortunately, Niu Zhong prepared the baskets, otherwise Zhang Feng really couldn't find so many bamboo baskets, Zhang Feng felt relieved, for the first time doing business, there will always be some mistakes and ill-considered places.

Before sitting for 3 minutes, Fatty Niu, who couldn't wait, asked the driver to pull more than 30 catties of red mushrooms and left in a hurry, ready to go back to see the market reaction.

Before leaving, Niu Zhong also left Zhang Feng a deposit of 1 yuan to buy mushrooms, which really solved Zhang Feng's urgent need. Although Zhang Feng made some money these days, the total amount was only more than 8000 It is only enough to collect five or six hundred catties of mushrooms. If there is no such money, Zhang Feng may have to borrow it from his mother.


After about an hour or so, the people who entered the mountain came back one after another.

Everyone crowded in the yard, scrambling to be weighed and settle accounts. The scene was full of excitement and excitement.

"Hey! Everyone, don't worry, don't worry, all line up, I won't accept the mushrooms if they are squeezed." Zhang Feng was sweating profusely, seeing everyone pushing and squeezing, Zhang Feng stood up quickly shouted loudly.

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone finally calmed down. If the mushrooms were crushed, all the hard work in the morning would be wasted, and they would really become 'Yang Bailao'.

"Uncle Dashan, twenty catties of red mushrooms, fifteen catties of porcini mushrooms, a total of 480 yuan, right?"

"That's right,"

"You take the money."

"Third Uncle, fifteen catties of red mushrooms, five yuan for 220, you take it..."

"Sister Cuilian, 25 catties of red mushrooms, 490 catties of porcini mushrooms, a total of [-] five yuan, you count..."

Aunt Osmanthus... 350 yuan
Uncle Three………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
"Uncle Er Niu, 550 yuan..."

"Little duck 30 yuan,"

"Add the 70 yuan that the little duck paid last time, and the total is 650 yuan. Uncle Er Niu, take it."

"Oh! Crazy brother, why did you give my dad my money, and I'm going to buy a Transformer..." The little duck protested dissatisfied while grabbing Zhang Feng.

"Buy what to buy, next time I go to the market, I will buy you buns to eat." Uncle Er Niu took the money, took the little guy and walked home. The poor little duck got up earlier than the chicken, and he earned 100 yuan from the busy morning. How could the yuan be in his father's pocket.

After seeing off the last villager, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the mountain of mushrooms piled up in the yard, collapsing again. If only four people were to clean the thousands of catties of mushrooms, it would take no one to know how long it would take.

"Mom, there are so many mushrooms that we won't be able to wash them all. Go to the village and ask some people to help."

Then Mother Zhang called five or six people including Sister Yingzi, Sister Cuilian, and Second Aunt, plus the second uncle's family of three, making a total of about ten people, and the speed was indeed much faster.

With everyone's help, everyone got used to it for a while, and everyone's speed became very fast. Seeing that the progress was good, Zhang Feng hurried into the house to prepare meals.

Fortunately, I cooked two pieces of bacon last night. Zhang Feng is going to make steamed bacon, fried bacon with Houttuynia cordata, spicy rice field eel, and fried red mushroom with green pepper. Finally, there is a soup dish - pumpkin and cowpea soup. It is everyone's favorite in the countryside.

Zhang Feng has completely absorbed the primary cooking skills, and it is easy to cook such home-cooked dishes. It takes only three or two strokes to cook a dish. In just one hour, Zhang Feng has prepared a large table of dishes. The rich aroma makes everyone salivate.

"Well, brother, this rice field eel is really delicious!" The strong aroma attracted his cousin Zhang Yi in, and while Zhang Feng was not paying attention, he secretly tasted a piece, and then couldn't help but shout out in praise.

"You bastard, you still steal food at such an age. It's no wonder that the second uncle sees it later, so it's no wonder you don't get criticized." Zhang Feng was also very happy to see that his dishes were welcomed by his cousin, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's fine if you don't let him see it." The cousin smiled and picked up a piece of eel and stuffed it into his mouth again.


"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, eat first, and wash the rest later."

"Yes, everyone, eat first. The food is ready, let's eat first." Mother Wang Guilan also greeted everyone.

"It's really hard for everyone today, everyone, eat quickly, don't be polite." When everyone sat down, the mother greeted everyone with a smile.

"Haha, it's all a family, why are you so polite?"

"Yeah, it's not a family, why don't you go to a family?"

Everyone is a fellow countryman, and even this village has some relatives, so everyone is not polite. Facing the delicious dishes made by Zhang Feng, everyone eats them with relish and praises them full of praise.


After picking all morning,
The mushrooms in the nearby mountains have all been picked, and there are not many fish that escaped the net, so there are many fewer villagers who enter the mountains again in the afternoon, and the harvest is definitely not comparable to that in the morning.

Sure enough, as expected by Zhang Feng, everyone harvested more than 100 catties of mushrooms in the whole afternoon, only equivalent to one-tenth of the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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