small farmer

Chapter 14 The First Pot of Gold

Chapter 14 The First Pot of Gold
The new book is looking for collection and recommendation, and I hope everyone can support it.

The dazzling red glow illuminates the whole sky, like an oil painting of galloping flames,

The afterglow of the setting sun passes through the clouds, like a pair of golden flying swords, piercing the sky and the earth, rendering the entire Moon Lake into a sacred golden spring.

When Boss Niu took away the last basket of mushrooms, the helpers gradually dispersed. Zhang Feng, mother and son, who had been busy all day, sat on chairs and finally had a good rest.

At the same time, every household in the village smoked from cooking and smelled various delicacies. Cheerful monkeys were eating snacks in the courtyard and drying yard, chasing me and playing well.
The adults also sat in the yard to rest and chat, talking about today's affairs and tomorrow's plan with smiles on their faces, hoping to have such a harvest every day.

Because on such a day, everyone fried mushrooms and sold mushrooms, and the family with the most earned thousands of dollars, which was worth half a month's usual income.

And as long as those who enter the mountain, the least one has earned hundreds of dollars, such as the five-year-old duckling, even he has earned hundreds of dollars,
Therefore, the Mushroom Picking Village is a great source of income for the villagers, a huge golden mountain, and it is much better than working in the fields or going out to work.

rest for a while
After taking a sip of water, Zhang Feng couldn't wait to take out all the money from selling mushrooms. Seeing a large stack of red-colored Grandpa Mao, Zhang Feng was slightly excited, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Think about it a few days ago, I was still a useless dead house, a well-known "lazy scholar", and I would always be pointed at when I went out, without any dignity.

But now Zhang Feng is full of a sense of accomplishment, but in just one day, he has earned tens of thousands of income, which is almost equal to the income of the whole family farming for a year. This is the first time he has earned so much money. Very excited, and I am full of confidence in the future.

"Xiaofeng quickly calculate how much money you made today?" My mother was a little excited watching from the side, knowing that she must have made a lot today.

"Hey! Mom, let's count together." Zhang Feng smiled happily and gave half to his mother. He couldn't wait because the speed of the two was much faster.

About a cup of tea time,

Zhang Feng counted it three times, and it was all 8000 yuan
"Mom, I have [-] here," Zhang Feng said when he saw that his mother had tens of thousands.

"I have fifteen thousand here." The mother smiled and handed the money to Zhang Feng.

"[-] plus [-] is [-]." The excited Zhang Feng exclaimed, "There are so many?"

"Hehe, you silly boy, have you forgotten to calculate the cost?" The mother was very happy to see her son happy, and hurriedly reminded him.

"Yes, there are more than 8000 yuan in capital." After his mother reminded him, Zhang Feng remembered that he had invested all the money he earned in the past few days.

In the final calculation, after subtracting more than 8000 yuan from 4000 yuan, there is still a profit of more than 4000 yuan. It's like this every day throughout the year, and I posted it soon.

But Zhang Feng is just thinking about it, because the growth time of mushrooms is only a short one or two months, so it is impossible to imagine earning 20 yuan a day. After 50 days of opening and closing, you can earn [-] million.

As the saying goes, there is always happiness in contentment, and I am very satisfied with earning 50 million Zhangfeng a year, so I dare not be too demanding, "Mom, take a rest first, and I will cook right away."

After calming down, my stomach couldn't help growling, the sky was getting darker, the night was falling, and the moon lake village was lit up with little lights. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like glowing fireflies, dotted with stars , Abnormally beautiful.

after dinner take a shower

Zhang Feng returned to the house and began to practice gymnastics. The fitness super is indeed a high-end product of aliens. After practicing for a few days, Zhang Feng was able to get started. He just learned the first movement.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task of the system - the first pot of gold, the system rewards [-] points, please pay attention to check the host."

"Ding dong, the system mall has officially started, please pay attention to the host."

Just after finishing the fitness exercise, the system gave Zhang Feng a big surprise. He didn't expect to make money by selling mushrooms, which can also complete the system's hidden tasks. The most important thing is that he decided to open the system mall. Peak long awaited feature.

"Hehe, what a surprise." Zhang Feng thought happily, and then opened his attribute panel.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 20 (+16)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 18 (+10)

Stamina 17 (+14)

Flexible 14 (+10)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 150 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
The main task of the first stage: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host.Completion reward: 80 points, three chances to draw a lottery, (mission completion rate 100/[-]).

(System evaluation: The host's combat power is low, the lazy cancer has been initially cured, and is still under observation. The system recommends that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, and practice gymnastics diligently. I hope that the host will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer in the era soon .)
Then Zhang Feng clicked on the system mall, and there were not many things open on it, only a few items.

Yuxiang rice seeds 10 points/kg
Fruity fragrance potion 10 points/bottle

Rihua growth hormone 50 points
Yuehua growth hormone 100 points
No.30 Eight sets of gymnastics 100 points
Primary genetic liquid 500 points
Primary calligraphy and painting skills 500 points
Foreign language proficiency skills 800 points
Primary hunting skill 800 points
800 points for primary culinary skills
(Note: 100RMB can be exchanged for 1 point.)
"Fuck, profiteer, real profiteer, 100 yuan can be exchanged for a few points." Seeing the prompt behind, Zhang Feng scolded Huanyu Technology Company, no wonder he opened the system mall after seeing that he made money.

Zhang Feng looked at it, and his total points were only 150, of which 50 points were drawn in the last lottery draw, and 100 points for the hidden mission just now, the total is only 150 points, and he couldn't buy a few things at all, Zhang Feng was immediately depressed.

Even if he earned more than 2 yuan today, it is only equivalent to 200 points. Zhang Feng shook his head and could only sigh in relief for the time being.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the main task of the first stage - curing lazy cancer, was 80.00% completed. This is really an unexpected surprise." Zhang Feng carefully observed his attributes again, and finally found a pleasant surprise.

"Hahaha... It seems that my hard work these days has not been in vain. It is really a win-win cooperation." When Zhang Feng looked at it yesterday, the system did not change at all. Money, it's been an amazing start that people are finally starting to change the way they think about themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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