small farmer

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The next day

because the sky is not beautiful
There are not many mushrooms in the mountain forest due to the lack of rain, so I closed my work early today.

After dinner, Zhang Feng wanted to go for a walk on the mountain
gentle breeze
The sunset lights up the whole sky

Birds and insects contend in the mountains and fields, and birds and beasts return to their nests one after another;

At this time, Zhang Feng was walking on the mountain road, looking at the clouds in the western sky, and admiring the fresh and beautiful scenery of the mountain village in the evening;

Since obtaining the super farmer system, taking the primary genetic liquid, and adding the transformation of the fitness super, Zhang Feng's physical fitness has improved rapidly,
With one step, there are several meters away, walking lightly on the rugged mountain road, still as if walking on flat ground, climbing mountains and wading through water is like practicing light skills, effortlessly;
"This is where the mountain god temple used to be..." Looking at the ruins of the mountain god temple, the tiles on the roof of the temple are impure, the beams have been taken away by the villagers, and the statue of the mountain god worshiped by thousands of people has been broken into several pieces. Abandoned in the wild grass, Zhang Feng couldn't help being angry and desolate;
This is the once-famous Qinglong Dashan Mountain Temple. It is said that the incense here was at its peak, and even hundreds of miles away, people came here to pray for the blessing of the mountain god. Unfortunately, the green mountain is still there, and the mountain god has disappeared;

The once glorious mountain temple has become a ruin, and the previous glory has become a passing cloud and no longer exists;
Walking around the ruins, you can still see the traces left by playing here when I was a child, the graffiti on the wall, the scratches on the big tree in front of the yard, every brick and tile here has left the footprints of my friends , hide-and-seek, play house, when I was a child herding cattle, I often fought with Zhang Yi and the others here, what a beautiful childhood memory, how happy;
The things that happened when I was young seem to have happened yesterday, but looking back, it has been more than ten years, Zhang Feng also has to sigh, the dead are like this, day and night, I didn’t expect that I was 25 or [-] years old in a blink of an eye, and all the things in my childhood are still clear. Printed in my mind, I didn't expect time to pass so fast, it has been more than ten years in a blink of an eye;


Soon the sun has disappeared into the distant horizon,
The sky is getting darker, and the night is slowly opening;

"It's time to go back." Zhang Feng thought in his heart, if he didn't go back, his mother would definitely be worried;

As the saying goes, "It's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down the mountain", but all this is not true here. With Zhang Feng's abnormal physical fitness, going down the mountain is as easy as drinking water and eating;
"Huh! There is such a big field of wild flowers here?" Zhang Feng went down the mountain while admiring the scenery on the side of the road, and when he walked halfway up the mountain, he encountered a beautiful sea of ​​colorful flowers.

"It's really easy to find nowhere to go." Zhang Feng was very pleasantly surprised. There is a shortage of flowers and plants in his small courtyard. He didn't expect to encounter so many beautiful wild flowers when he went for a walk on the mountain. What a surprise reward.

This sea of ​​flowers has a radius of hundreds of meters, and colorful flowers are in full bloom. The beautiful alfalfa is like a natural colorful carpet, covering the entire sea of ​​flowers. The green leaves and purple flowers are connected to form a beautiful landscape. picture scroll;

There are also some yellow wild chrysanthemums, red amaryllis flowers, beautiful hyacinths, and even white and noble wild lilies dotted in the sea of ​​flowers. There are also many wild flowers that Zhang Feng can’t name. All common wildflowers can be found here.

Looking at these beautiful flowers, Zhang Feng immediately started to pick a few of each, especially the beautiful wild lilies. Zhang Feng liked the golden and yellow wild chrysanthemums. At this time, Zhang Feng felt like he was descending from the mountain. The little monkey wanted to throw away the corn when he saw the watermelon. Zhang Feng was overwhelmed by all kinds of colorful flowers. Before he knew it, all kinds of flowers were piled up in front of Zhang Feng.

If you plant all these flowers in your own yard, the yard will definitely be more beautiful and more rural;

"Where did Xiaofeng go?" When Zhang Feng returned home, it was already pitch black, and his mother was still sitting at the door waiting for him.

"Walking around the back mountain, I picked some wild flowers and prepared to plant them in the yard." Zhang Feng replied with a slight smile.

"Well, it would be nice to plant some wild flowers in the yard." Mother nodded in agreement.

Then Zhang Feng buried the roots of wild flowers in the flowerbed, so as to keep them fresh and not dehydrated, and they will not wither tomorrow.

In the next few days, Zhang Feng quietly poured diluted potions on these wild flowers. Because of the modification of Rihua auxin, the wild flowers in the flower garden not only grew luxuriantly, but even their quality improved a lot. The wildflowers grow more beautiful and bright;

But the one that has changed the most is the wild chrysanthemum. The flower that used to be the size of a dime has now become the size of a fist. People who don’t know it may regard them as new varieties. No one studies these, so it is not surprising.

time flies

Fast forward a week,

Today is Friday again, and it is also time for the two sisters to go home.

"Ah, brother, where did you get so many flowers!"

The second sister and the younger sister had just stepped into the yard, and saw that the yard was full of colorful wild flowers, and immediately opened their mouths in surprise.

"Hehe, isn't it beautiful? I brought these flowers back from Fengshan Mountain." Seeing the surprised expressions of the two younger sisters, Zhang Feng also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Wow, this is the wild chrysanthemum, but it seems that the flowers of the wild chrysanthemum are not so big." The younger sister looked at the wild chrysanthemum with huge flowers in amazement, and the second sister smiled and admired the garden in silence. flower;

"Brother, what kind of flower is this one? Its flower is so small, but it looks so refreshing." Zhang Lin looked at the green leaves and purple flowers in front of her eyes and asked her elder brother;

"This is alfalfa. Because its compound leaves are generally composed of three cotyledons, it is also called clover. It is said that if you can find a four-leaf clover with four cotyledons, you will be lucky, so it is also called clover. Lucky four-leaf clover..." Zhang Feng carefully explained the legend of the clover to his sister;
The leaves of alfalfa are green and reproduce rapidly. It is not only cost-effective but also very beautiful to use for greening the land, so Zhang Feng planted this grass in the open space in the yard;
"This is a wild cockscomb, this is a wild orchid, and those with red flowers are Lycoris..."

"What about this?"

"This one is a daisy, that one over there is a white crystal chrysanthemum,..."

The wild chrysanthemums are the most common in Zhang Feng’s yard, because there are many varieties of chrysanthemums. In ancient times, they were deeply loved by literati, such as Tao Yuanming who picked chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and Huang Chao, who killed all the flowers after I bloomed.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a literati named Wang Xiangjin who also wrote a book called "Quanfangpu" to classify chrysanthemums;

It is recorded in "Qunfangpu", among which there are 92 varieties of yellow chrysanthemums, 73 varieties of white chrysanthemums, 32 varieties of purple, 35 varieties of red, 22 varieties of pink, and 17 varieties of exotic chrysanthemums, with a total of 6 categories and 271 varieties. varieties; there are at least 16 flower types.

In modern times, after countless generations of cultivation, many new varieties have been produced again, so the current chrysanthemum varieties are more complicated than those in ancient times;
Looking at more than ten kinds of wild flowers in the courtyard, competing to bloom, taking a breath, there is a faint fragrance of flowers in the air, seeing his masterpiece, Zhang Feng is very satisfied;

(End of this chapter)

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