small farmer

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Sister Goes Home
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"Mom, we're back." The little girl happily ran into the house after admiring the wild flowers in the yard.

"Ah, Xiaolin and Xiaoyue, are you back?" Wang Guilan immediately came out to greet her daughter when she heard her voice. Her face was full of joy. She hadn't seen her daughter for a week, and she missed them too.

"Mom, how is your family doing?" Xiaolin asked sensiblely.

"Hehe, okay, okay, your brother recently..." Then the mother told them all the things at home these days.

Hearing that the eldest brother Zhang Feng earned more than 3 yuan in just a few days, Zhang Yue and Zhang Lin were speechless in surprise. They couldn't believe that the lazy elder brother before had such a big change. In just a few days, he seemed to be a different person, and he really treated each other with admiration after three days of farewell.

The two girls are also very happy about the change of the eldest brother, so that the mother can be less tired and not bear so much pressure.

"Xiaoyue, what do you want to eat today and I'll make it for you?" Zhang Feng walked into the house after weeding the flowers. The two younger sisters both go to school in the county town and only go home once a week, so Zhang Feng is going to give them a meal. They showed their skills and made some delicious food to nourish them.

"Brother, I want to eat rice field eel, I want to eat rice field eel..." Xiaoyue raised her hand impatiently and replied.

"Okay, okay! I'll go catch it in the backyard in a while, and I promise to do it for you." Seeing the little girl tightly holding his arm and shaking excitedly, Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, and patted the little girl on the head dotingly.

"Zhang Lin, what do you want to eat?" Zhang Feng looked at Wen Jing's younger sister and asked.

"There are mushrooms at home, let's fry some mushrooms later." Zhang Lin replied with a smile. She has always been so gentle and peaceful, not as chatty and lively as her younger sister.

"Okay, you guys wash the mushrooms, and I'll catch eels in the backyard."

"Brother, I want to go too." The little girl couldn't sit still all day long, so she took a small bucket and followed Zhang Feng's buttocks to the ditch in the backyard, ready to catch eels.

Seeing Zhang Feng throwing things into the ditch, Zhang Yue asked curiously, "Brother, what are you throwing?"

"Some bait." This time Zhang Feng did not directly use the Rihua potion, but mixed the diluted potion with bait to make new bait.

Soon, the eels in the ditch smelled the auxin and got out of their caves one after another. In the blink of an eye, the whole ditch became lively, and countless eels rushed towards the bait without knowing the danger was coming.

"Wow! There are so many rice field eels!" Zhang Yue was already stunned by the sight in the ditch. She grew so big. Except for the last time, she had never seen so many rice field eels clustered together.
And this time there seem to be more rice field eels than last time, because Rihua auxin also has the effect of promoting growth and reproduction, so Zhang Yue is not mistaken, the number of rice field eels in the ditch is about double that of last week. In addition, there are Some eels are attracted here by auxin, because this ditch is not short, from Zhang's backyard to Moon Lake.

Zhang Feng didn't say a word, he acted decisively and attacked decisively. Once he copied the net in his hand, it was a full net bag. It was really easy to catch rice field eels like this.

"Xiaoyue, you pick out all the eels and put them back into the water."

As the saying goes, there are three gaps around and one net to open one side. Since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the ancestors knew that they should not fish in the wild when fishing, so as not to damage the ecology, so as to survive better.

"Okay brother!" Although Xiaoyue is eccentric, she also knows that killing chickens and taking eggs is not a good thing. In the countryside, everyone knows that everything can't be done absolutely, and those who do absolutely will be punished.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's go" Soon, the brother and sister caught the eel, and Zhang Feng weighed it, which was about a catty.

"Hee hee, okay." The little girl happily followed Zhang Feng to the house with a bucket in her hand.


about half an hour
A seductive scent wafted from the kitchen. At this moment, Zhang Yue was like a greedy kitten, staring at the delicious food in the pot without blinking.

"Oh, let me try it!" Zhang Yue couldn't help but wanted to sneak a piece, but was caught by Zhang Feng.

"You greedy cat, you haven't cooked yet." Zhang Feng said with a smile as he knocked off Zhang Yue's paw.

"Hmph, it's really..." Zhang Yue held her mouth shut.

"Zhang Yue, come and wash the dishes!" At this moment, the mother shouted from the room.

"Hey! I'm coming right now."

Soon, Zhang Feng prepared the dishes, spicy rice field eel, fried mushrooms with green peppers, sliced ​​black fungus meat, bacon Houttuynia cordata, eggplant with oil, and tomato and egg soup.

"Ah! It smells so good!" The little girl sniffed, feeling a little impatient.

"You girl, hurry up and get some food!" Seeing her daughter's impatient look, Wang Guilan smiled slightly and shook her head, thinking that the little girl would not know when she would really grow up.

A dinner, although not very rich, is simple but full of warmth, full of the warmth of home,

Without the pressure of life, the family sits and eats a meal talking and laughing, which is simply a kind of happiness and joy.


After dinner, the two younger sisters began to do their homework. Zhang Yue was about to take the high school entrance examination, and Zhang Lin was going to cross the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops to take the college entrance examination.

Zhang Feng climbed upstairs, lay on the bed with his eyes closed, and began to check his system attributes.

Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 20 (+16)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 18 (+10)

Stamina 17 (+14)

Flexibility 15 (+10+1)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 150 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
The main task of the first stage: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host.Completion reward: 95 points, three chances to draw a lottery, (mission completion rate 100/[-]).

(System evaluation: The host's combat power is low, the lazy cancer has been initially cured, and is still under observation. The system recommends that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, and practice gymnastics diligently. I hope that the host will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer in the era soon .)
Zhang Feng looked at it and found that his body's flexibility had changed and increased a little. It was an unexpected surprise. I think it was the result of insisting on practicing gymnastics these days.

Then Zhang Feng discovered that his first phase of the main task had actually increased by 15.00%, which was not far from the completion of the task.

Thinking about completing the main task, not only will there be a reward of [-] points, but there will also be three chances to draw a lottery. With such a generous reward, Zhang Feng couldn't help being excited and ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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