small farmer

Chapter 17 Lottery Draw

Chapter 17 Lottery Draw (Please recommend for collection)

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at this time,

The task of a few days ago is finally completed.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest—renovating the small farmyard. Completion will reward you with 200 points and a chance to draw a prize."

Zhang Feng was very happy to hear the prompt from the system. Originally, Zhang Feng had waited for these days, until the flowers were almost withering, and when he was about to become numb, he suddenly gave himself a surprise. It was really a surprise.

Although this task takes a long time, the rewards are also very generous. After Zhang Feng calculated, he now has a total of 350 points and two chances to draw a lottery.

Zhang Feng intends to use up these two lottery chances to see what good things he can get. Zhang Feng clicks on the lottery button, and the lottery roulette is still the same, divided into six areas, and each area has an item. thing,
Among them, there are 50 points, 100 points, 300 points, a bottle of Yuehua growth hormone (100ML), primary driving skills, and primary painting and calligraphy skills.

"Start the lottery draw!" Zhang Feng gave an order, and the pointer on the lottery roulette began to rotate rapidly. The pointer turned so fast that it was impossible to know where it would stop. It was all about luck.

"Stop!" As the voice fell, the pointer also slowly decelerated, and finally stopped at the primary calligraphy and painting skills.

"Elementary calligraphy and painting skills? Why do you feel a little weak?" Zhang Feng has always regarded himself as a cultural person, and he doesn't know what use this skill can be.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting the primary calligraphy and painting skills, do you want to claim it now?"

"Receive!" Although this skill is tasteless, it can also be used to cultivate (pretend) and cultivate (pretend) love (competition).

"May I ask if the host will continue to draw prizes?"


"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of fruity fragrance potion. May I ask the host when to pick it up now?"

"Get it!" Soon Zhang Feng was holding a bottle of potion in his hand, thinking to himself, "What is Guoguoxiang?" '

According to the systematic explanation, Zhang Feng finally knew that this medicine is used when the fruit trees are bearing fruit, and it can make the fruit bigger and more delicious, and the taste is more fragrant and better;
In fact, it is similar to the "big fruit spirit" or ripening agent commonly used by fruit farmers, but the products produced by the system are of course not so low, because fruity fragrance is a natural medicine, which will not cause any harm to people, but on the contrary. There are also certain benefits, so there is no problem drinking it directly.

According to the introduction of the system, this is a kind of concentrated medicine. Although it is only 100ml, it can cultivate fruit forests as large as ten acres, but its price is not low. 10 points are equivalent to 1000 yuan.

Put away Guoguoxiang and store it in the system, Zhang Feng began to learn basic calligraphy and painting skills, "The system started to learn."

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, countless knowledge of calligraphy and painting appeared in Zhang Feng's mind. Each word, suddenly the pen was like a dragon and snake, like flowing clouds and water, and suddenly the style was sharp and penetrating, and there were ink paintings, some lifelike, some profound elusive;
But at this time, Zhang Feng seemed to be enlightened. He seemed to be transformed into a figure in his mind, scribbling ink without a trace of stagnation, as if he had written thousands of times, and after decades of tempering, there was no rust in the slightest. For Zhang Feng's knowledge and experience.

When Zhang Feng woke up, it was already the dead of night.

The mother has already rested, and the lights in the rooms of the two younger sisters are still on.

Ten years of hard work is for fame.

This is a knowledge-based society. If you don't get into a university, for ordinary people, you have already been eliminated by the society, because not everyone is a rich second-generation official second-generation.

Only by being admitted to a university can one change one's destiny, one will not lose at the starting line, one will have a step up, one can climb from the bottom of society to the upper middle class.

The man aspires to go out of the mountains, and he will never repay his fame if he fails. The former Zhang Feng also worked very hard. He wanted to get out of the mountains and see the scenery outside the mountains. Finally, he was admitted to a key university as he wished.

It's a pity that for the sake of Shan Jiuren, Zhang Feng relaxed his demands on himself after college, and became a scumbag that he hated. Although he barely graduated, he lost his previous self-confidence. He returned to his hometown in despair and became a humble rice bug.

But all of this has become a thing of the past. I have obtained the super farmer system, and I can live my own style even in the countryside, making my family happier.

Thinking about it...slowly fell asleep

The early morning birds are already flying over the trees, chirping as if happily welcoming the arrival of a new day.

There is no cloud in the sky outside the window, it seems to be another sunny day,
The intense sunlight shone on Zhang Feng's face, his eyes moved, and he gradually woke up.

"Ah! It's another good weather today!" Taking a deep breath, Zhang Feng immediately turned over and got up. After washing up, he began to practice aerobics in the yard.

"Zhang Lin woke up? Do you want noodles or porridge for breakfast?" I just finished my gymnastics and saw my younger sister getting up too. As for the younger sister, she is probably still on the lazy bed.

"Let's eat noodles!" Zhang Lin got up this morning and planned to make breakfast for everyone, because it was her job before. I didn't expect that today my elder brother got up earlier than me and cooked breakfast for me. Zhang Lin was very happy that someone cared Myself, my heart suddenly warmed up.

"Xiao Lin, go and wake up the little lazy pig, your brother's noodles are almost ready." Mother washed up and then instructed Zhang Lin.

"Okay, Mom!" Then Zhang Lin walked into the room, "The little lazy pig is up for breakfast!"

"Uh...uh... let me sleep for a while..."

"Still sleeping, if you sleep any longer, you'll be like a pig..." After all kinds of 'harassment' by her sister Zhang Lin, the little slob Zhang Yue reluctantly got up.

Looking at the clear sky, it is estimated that there is no need to do the mushroom business today. After breakfast, Zhang Feng talked to his mother and rode his family's tricycle to the city.

The house at home has a history of more than ten years, and the walls have been mottled and peeled off, so Zhang Feng plans to buy some materials and repaint the house. Although Zhang Feng has never done this work, his father used to do painting, so I am not very unfamiliar with painting walls, and I guess I can do it by fumbling.

Soon Zhang Feng came to the building materials market, bought a few packages of materials, loaded them into the car and drove home.

"Brother, what did you buy in the street?" I met my cousin Zhang Yi just after returning to the village.

"I bought some materials, and I'm going to paint the walls of my house. By the way, Xiaoyi, if you have nothing to do later, come and help." Zhang Yi was not polite at all. The two grew up together, stole melons, touched shrimps together, Closer than brothers.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Zhang Yi has a rest today, and usually goes to the market with his second uncle to do business, buy low and sell high and do whatever can make money. He is what we often call second-hand dealers.

When I got home, my mother and sisters had cleaned the house, removed the furniture around the walls, and even removed the weathered white ash on the walls, so that the painted walls would be easy to fall off.

Make up the putty powder, wet the wall with clean water, and then the two novices started working. At the beginning, they made a lot of jokes because of their inexperience. There were always uneven marks on the painted walls. The two novices saw each other. After seeing it, they all laughed.

However, with the increase of experience, the skills of the two have become better and better, and the walls have become smoother and tidier. It can be said that the two have made rapid progress.

After working for a whole day, the two finally finished and repainted all the walls in the house. Looking at the white and smooth new walls, the two felt full of achievements in their hearts. They never thought they could do so well before. , which is almost the same as a professional one.

"Hee hee, Mom, look, does our house look new?" The little girl looked at the brand new room, the windows were bright and clean, and the walls were as smooth as new. If she hadn't seen the old beams and roof tiles, she might have seen it It can't be seen that this is an old house of more than ten years.

"Yeah, it really looks much better after repainting." Looking at the white as new walls and her sensible son, the mother also showed a gratified smile.

(End of this chapter)

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