small farmer

Chapter 18 The pheasant flew into the iron pot

Chapter 18 The pheasant flew into the iron pot

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The next day

Zhang's mother stayed at home to collect mushrooms, and the two younger sisters were also studying at home.
Zhang Feng walked towards the orchard with a basket on his back and a pair of large scissors.

On the way, I met Uncle Er Niu and joked, "Hey! Why does Xiao Feng look like Yue Lao San with a pair of big scissors?"

Zhang Feng quickly realized, "Is there a handsome Yue Laosan like me?"

"Hehe, you narcissistic guy, by the way, are you going to prune branches?" Uncle Er Niu asked with a slight smile.

"Yeah, the branches are growing too densely, so I'm going to trim it."

Some people may think that it is not good for fruit trees to grow luxuriantly?

Of course it’s not good. Too dense branches and leaves will take away the nutrition of the fruit, and it’s not conducive to the photosynthesis and sugar accumulation of the fruit. In layman’s terms, without sufficient sunlight, the fruit will not only grow poorly, but also tasteless, so it will not be sold. Price.

After a few words with Uncle Er Niu, the two parted ways. Uncle Er Niu wanted to graze cattle in the sinkhole, while Zhang Feng continued to walk up the mountain.

Zhangjiawan is located in the southeast of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, with undulating mountains, overlapping peaks, gullies and karst caves everywhere, which is a typical karst landform;

As the saying goes, "Peaches, three plums, four cores and eleven", it has been a few years since the farmland was retired, and the nectarines and April plums in Zhang Feng's house had already begun to bear fruit on a large scale the year before last.Moreover, the improved varieties have a shorter fruit-bearing period and better fruit quality;

The orchard at home is neither big nor small. It covers about ten acres. In addition to peaches and plums, there are also a small amount of pears, ponkans, walnuts, and loquats. blocks of income, so the orchard is also an important economic pillar for the family;

Zhang Feng's job today is to prune the branches and thin the peaches and plums. People in the village used to think that it would be nice to hang fruit trees full of fruits?Why take off part of it, isn't it a waste?So I didn't follow what the experts said, and I didn't know the huge gap between the two until the fruit matured;

Pruning and thinning fruit seems to waste a part of the fruit. Many people will be a little bit reluctant, but this work is very important, because the inherent nutrition of a fruit tree is limited. If there are too many fruits, it will cause malnutrition and ripening. Afterwards, it will be shriveled and thin, and the taste will not be good. No matter how many such fruits bear fruit, it is useless, because they cannot be sold for a good price, and no one even wants to sell them.

Just like a family can only earn 5000 yuan a month, it may be very difficult to feed four or five children, but if there are only one or two children, it will be much easier. The children can not only raise fat and fat, but also provide better education;
Therefore, pruning and thinning the fruit is to reduce the burden on the fruit tree, leaving an appropriate amount of fruit, so that the remaining fruit can obtain sufficient nutrition, so that the fruit can be big and delicious after ripening, and can be sold at a good price;

As the saying goes, one learns one's wisdom by eating a ditch. After that, everyone firmly remembered the importance of pruning branches and thinning fruits.


When he came to the orchard, Zhang Feng flew up and down with big scissors, constantly pruning the branches and leaves. For one main branch, only two or three of the strongest branches should be kept, and the rest can be cut off;
Zhang Feng's strong physical fitness makes Zhang Feng very handy. At first, he was a little rusty, but as he went forward, his speed became faster and faster, so fast that it was astonishing.

A fruit tree can be pruned in less than 2 minutes, which is beyond the capabilities of human beings, and even the most skilled old farmers cannot have such a fast speed;


Just when Zhang Feng was working hard, a pheasant flew out of the side, which caught Zhang Feng by surprise. It was impossible to catch the pheasant, and the pheasant had already flown away;
"The environment is really getting better..." Seeing the pheasants flying away, Zhang Feng couldn't help sighing. In the past, the rocky desertification near the orchard was serious, and there was no room for pheasants to live. With the implementation of returning farmland to forests, there are gradually more pheasants and hares. Get up, especially in the past one or two years, there are some signs of flooding;


"Huh?" Zhang Feng listened carefully, thinking that it must be the sound of a pheasant, and it should be near him;

I have eaten pheasant a few times before, and the taste is still unforgettable to me, so Zhang Feng picked up a few mud balls, ready to try to see if he can get the pheasant;


"The good guy is right here." After practicing, Zhang Feng's sense became countless times more sensitive, and he soon found the trace of the pheasant;
So I picked up the mud ball and approached the pheasant carefully... five meters, four meters, three meters...

Soon it was less than three meters away from the pheasant, and finally the pheasant found the intruder, fluttered its wings, and wanted to escape, but when it was too late, Zhang Feng immediately threw out the Li group in his hand, and hit it accurately After being hit, the pheasant dared not flap its wings and fell not far away;
"Haha, I didn't expect it to work..." Zhang Feng was very happy when he saw that he was hit with one blow. He just wanted to try, but he didn't expect to hit a pheasant. It seems that his eyesight and reaction ability have improved Many, for even the best hunter is hard to do;
It can only be said that Zhang Feng's physical fitness, eyesight and reflexes are becoming more and more abnormal, otherwise it would be impossible to catch pheasants with this method;

"It's not bad, it's quite fat, it should weigh about three catties." Zhang Feng was very satisfied when he weighed a pheasant with bright feathers, because pheasants are generally small, and it is very rare to weigh three catties;

"It seems that there is another good dish today." Maybe he didn't grasp his strength well, and the pheasant died after struggling for a while, which became the ingredient of stewed pheasant with mushrooms;

After that, the pheasant appeared several times,

However, Zhang Feng does not have the opportunity to shoot every time, because the pheasant is very fast, and it may fly seven or eight meters in the blink of an eye, and Zhang Feng is not specially here for hunting, so he shot twice after that, although once Missed, but this kind of success rate is already very high, and it is estimated that the success rate can be improved a lot if you practice more in the future;

"A chicken in the left hand"

"A chicken in the right hand"

"My buddy is so happy today, really so happy!"

Accidentally hit two pheasants. Zhang Feng was very happy. While working excitedly, he couldn't help humming. Fortunately, no one nearby heard his voice, otherwise he wouldn't be scared to death.

From six o'clock in the morning, he went up the mountain after the sky was brightened, and worked until twelve o'clock in the noon. After more than five hours, Zhang Feng finally pruned all the fruit trees in the orchard, and picked off some of the dense fruits.

"'s finally time to call it a day!" After finishing the last bit of work, Zhang Feng stretched his waist and heaved a sigh of relief. He watched the pruning of a new ten-acre fruit forest. At this time, Zhang Feng's heart was full of infinite achievements. Although life is a bit tiring, it is extremely fulfilling.

(End of this chapter)

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