small farmer

Chapter 19 Pheasant Stewed Mushrooms

Chapter 19 Pheasant Stewed Mushrooms

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"Where did Xiaofeng catch two pheasants?" Uncle Dashan met him on the way, and asked in surprise.

"It's in my fruit forest! Uncle Dashan hasn't got off work yet?" Zhang Feng replied.

"Now, you're lucky, boy!" After packing up his things, Uncle Dashan looked at the two pheasants in Zhang Feng's hands, envious.

"What luck, Dashan, you have luck too." At this moment, Uncle Er Niu drove the cow to the back of the two of them at some point and continued, "You can meet pheasants every three days, but if you want to catch them It's too difficult."

"Yeah, the pheasant is too wild, and it will fly away as soon as it hears the wind." Uncle Dashan nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I was lucky too. One mud ball hit two of them." Zhang Feng said with a happy smile.

"Boy, I'll give you 100 points for you pretending to be a coward." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu envied and hated him.

"Tsk tsk! Your kid's luck is really..." Regarding Zhang Feng's luck, Uncle Dashan was speechless for a moment.

The three of them talked and laughed as they walked towards the village. The pheasant in Zhang Feng's hand almost attracted the attention of all passers-by. Everyone envied Zhang Feng's luck.

"Young man, do you sell this pheasant? I'll give you 200 yuan each." Walking to the edge of the village, the number of tourists gradually increased. One of them saw the pheasant in Zhang Feng's hand, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over to ask.

"200 yuan?" Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Dashan moved in their hearts, and they both wanted to persuade Zhang Feng to sell it. Anyway, the pheasant has less bones and more bones, so there is nothing to do. It can sell more than ten catties of pork for 200 yuan. .

"I'm sorry, I don't want to sell it. I want to keep it for myself." Zhang Feng shook his head. Although 200 yuan is not a lot, Zhang Feng is not short of that kind of money. Why don't you try it yourself? Think about chicken stewed with mushrooms, it's so delicious The taste is definitely great.

"Young man, don't you have two? Why don't you keep one and sell the other to me? I'll give you two hundred and five... no... no! How about three hundred." The tourist looked like a foodie, I have a special liking for mountain delicacies, and I look forward to watching Zhang Feng all year round.

"I'm really sorry, I have to keep both, or I'll keep one for you next time I catch it?"

Seeing that Zhang Feng was determined not to sell it, the tourists had no choice but to give Zhang Feng their business card even though they were a little disappointed.

"Okay bro, next time you catch a pheasant, you must notify me!"

"No problem, I will let you know next time." Zhang Feng saw that this unremarkable tourist was not only the owner of a real estate company, but also a member of the Provincial Photographers Association.


"Xiaofeng, why don't you sell it? It costs 300 yuan a piece. Last time your fifth grandfather bought one, and it only cost 180 yuan when you sold it on the street."

"Yeah, this pheasant tastes good, but it doesn't have much meat..."

After the man left, Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Da Shan regretfully said to Zhang Feng.

"It's okay. Zhang Lin and Zhang Yue are about to take the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination. Take the two pheasants back to supplement their nutrition." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that both of them had good intentions. After all, it is not easy to earn a penny in the countryside. .

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, the two of them didn't say anything else. Everyone knew that Zhang Feng's two younger sisters had excellent grades. Unexpectedly, the key university will definitely not be able to escape. In the countryside, it is Wenquxing,
Thinking that Zhang Feng also graduated from a key university, the two felt even more envious. They thought that they must take good care of their little girl after they go back, and if they don't study hard, their asses will bloom.

After entering the village and the few people separated, Uncle Dashan sighed and said:

"It seems that Xiaofeng should send out the mushrooms he collected."

"I think you can delete the word 'should', then it must be posted."

Regarding Zhang Feng's change, the two were also very emotional. The once famous "lazy scholar" has now changed his past, and now he is not a prodigal son. In just a few days, he has earned tens of thousands, which is really beyond everyone's expectations. expected.


"Yeah, brother is back!"

"Mom, Second Sister, what do you think the eldest brother caught?" As soon as Zhang Feng entered the yard, the younger sister saw the pheasant in his hand, and immediately ran towards Zhang Feng overjoyed, shouting while running.

Wang Guilan and Zhang Lin ran out curiously when they heard Zhang Yue's cry, and they were also very happy to see the pheasant that the younger sister was hugging excitedly.

"Hee hee, brother, how about we have stewed pheasant and mushrooms in the afternoon?" The little greedy cat Zhang Yue looked at the pheasant and said salivating.

"What to eat? This one costs more than 100 yuan?" The mother immediately said with a straight face.

"Mom, it's okay. It won't sell for much anyway. Let's try stewed pheasant and mushrooms in the afternoon." Zhang Feng said with a slight smile.

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, the mother thought about it and didn't say anything more. Recently, the family has earned [-] to [-] yuan, and they are no longer so tight, so they should treat it as a tooth-beating ceremony for the children.

had lunch
Zhang Feng immediately killed a pheasant and cleaned it in the yard.The two younger sisters are also washing fresh russula on the side. Russula is rich in nutrients and rich in various rare amino acids. According to the introduction on Du Niang Encyclopedia, it is the legendary panacea or Shiquan Dabu Decoction.

Although the role of red mushrooms is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the taste is good. Zhang Feng thinks red mushrooms are much more delicious than chicken.

Just like Su Shi, a great gourmand in ancient times, said, eating three hundred lychees a day is a Lingnan native.Zhang Feng's love for russula is no less than Su Dongpo's love for litchi.

Chop the pheasant, put it into clear water and boil it over high heat without adding any condiments, and soon there will be a strong fragrance in the pot. When the chicken is boiled, you can add red mushrooms, because red mushrooms are It is fresh, so its nutrition and taste can be cooked quickly. If the mushrooms are dried, they should be put in early, so that the unique fragrance of mushrooms can be boiled out.

About two hours later, a pot of stewed pheasant and mushrooms was finally freshly baked, and Zhang Yue, the greedy cat, swallowed his saliva when asked about the rich aroma.

"Brother, let me taste it for you and see if it tastes good..." The little girl took the bowl and spoon that she had prepared earlier, filled a full bowl for herself, and said playfully.

"You girl knows how to eat by yourself, and you don't know how to share a bowl with everyone." Wang Guilan patted her little daughter on the head lovingly and said with a smile,

Zhang Feng and Zhang Lin are already used to it, and they both love their eccentric sister very much.

"Hee hee..." The little girl smiled and filled a bowl for everyone,
"Well, this pheasant chicken is really delicious, much better than the chicken in the school cafeteria." The little girl said while eating.

"How can this be compared? The chickens in the school are all [-] or [-] days old?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Everyone eats it, and this mushroom is also good." The pheasant tastes extremely delicious, but the taste of the mushroom is even more delicate.

Soon, a large pot of stewed pheasant and mushrooms was wiped out by the family of four, and there was not even a mouthful of soup left. It has been a long time since I had such a delicious meal.

After dinner, rested for a while, and saw off his two younger sisters, Zhang Feng started to tidy up the flowers and plants in the yard, pruned the branches and leaves, watered and pulled the weeds. The most beautiful farmyard in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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