small farmer

Chapter 20 The first million in life

Chapter 20 The first hundred thousand in life

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The sky in April changes as it says
It was still sunny
In the blink of an eye, there were no dark clouds, the wind suddenly picked up, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

Soon, the bean-sized raindrops slapped on the ground, and the dense raindrops were like thousands of arrows, shooting from the nine heavens, making it impossible to dodge.

Seeing the heavy rain coming, the whole Moon Lake Village suddenly boiled up. The people who went to work in the fields ran home in a hurry, and the people at home hurriedly packed and dried their clothes.

Although many people can't take shelter from the rain before being drenched, everyone's heart is full of joy, because the mushrooms in the mountain will grow rapidly when it rains heavily. It can rain a little harder.

God may have felt the prayers of the villagers. There was a heavy rain in the evening, which lasted until late at night. The mountains and forests that had been dry for a week finally received enough rain to moisten the land. The flowers, plants and trees on the ground became more energetic and full of vitality. .

at night
Zhang Feng practiced the gymnastics once, closed the windows and went to bed early, preparing to replenish energy and get ready for harvesting mushrooms tomorrow.

"Well, I slept so well!"

The air in Zhangjiawan was exceptionally fresh in the morning, and Zhang Feng felt refreshed immediately after taking a deep breath.

Pushing open the window, looking at the small mountain village outside the window, misty and misty, as if you are in a fairyland, full of mystery looming.

Although the sky is not clear yet, the village is already lit up, and passers-by on the road can still be vaguely seen. Looking carefully, it turns out that someone has already carried a basket on their back and is ready to enter the mountain.

So Zhang Feng also went downstairs quickly. After washing up, he started to make breakfast. After eating breakfast with his mother, the sky was already bright, and it was estimated that those who had entered the mountain early would be returning soon.

Sure enough, about a quarter of an hour later, one after another, villagers came back with a full load.

"Third Uncle, you came back so early, you can't go into the mountain in the middle of the night." Seeing the first person who came back, Zhang Feng asked in surprise. It seems that the old people in Zhangjiawan are very hardworking.

"How is it possible, I'm just earlier than them." The third uncle waved his hands and said with a smile.

"You take care of it. It's 450 catties in total, [-] yuan." The third uncle took care of the scale, nodded and collected the money, and hurried to the mountain again with the basket on his back.


"Aunt Osmanthus, twenty catties of red mushrooms, five catties of porcini mushrooms, a total of 360 yuan."

"Sister Cuilian, 25 catties of red mushrooms, 490 catties of porcini mushrooms, a total of [-] five yuan."

"You two count the money, right?"

"That's right (yes) that's all." The two accepted the money with smiles on their faces, and they earned 400 yuan in one morning. Both of them were very happy.

"By the way, Aunt Guilan (sister-in-law), do you still ask someone to wash the mushrooms today?" The two seemed to have no intention of going into the mountains, and then asked Mother Zhang.

"Please, why not please? How can our mother and son wash so many mushrooms?" Wang Guilan smiled and continued to ask: "Why don't you go into the mountains?"

"I won't go in. There are so many people who have entered the mountain. Everyone has searched the entire mountain. If you go into the mountain again, you may not be able to pick mushrooms." The two shook their heads and explained.

With the help of the two of them, Wang Guilan was immediately relieved. Now both adults and children in the village have gone up the mountain, and they can't recruit people. Afterwards, they found a few people to help, and the cleaning speed increased.

"Second uncle and second aunt, you are back too..." Soon Zhang Feng's second uncle's family also came back from the mountains, and the family of three all carried mushrooms on their backs.

"I'm back. There seem to be fewer mushrooms this time. You can see that our baskets are not full." The second uncle shook his head and said dissatisfied.

"That's not a lot. After all, there are more people entering the mountains today." Everyone made a lot of money last time, so people in the village have been waiting for this day. Mushrooms, because that's more money than going to work.

In the end, the mushrooms collected by the second uncle’s family sold a total of 680 yuan. This kind of income is not bad, probably at the upper-middle level, because the number of people entering the mountain this time is almost three times that of the last time, and the total number of mushrooms in the mountain More people, more people, everyone's income will naturally be less.

As time passed, almost all the people who picked mushrooms came back at noon. With the help of the second uncle's family and Aunt Osmanthus, everyone finally cleaned thousands of catties of mushrooms. Boss Niu's people will finish cleaning soon Take the mushrooms away. The mushrooms in Zhangjiawan have exploded in the market recently, and the supply is almost in short supply. There are at least two to three hundred catties of sales every day.

With the fame of Zhangjiawan mushrooms, many diners came to buy them specially. Because the supply of mushrooms was in short supply, Niu Zhong’s restaurants had to limit the supply, and customers who couldn’t eat delicious mushrooms had to come to the village to buy. It has increased the income of the villagers, and also increased many tourists to the Moon Lake Scenic Area.

Although they have been busy for a long time, the mother and son are tired and weak, but when they think of today's income, both of them are very happy. Today, they made more than 5000 yuan again today. I have already earned more than 8 yuan, which is a huge sum in the countryside. It is estimated that everyone will not be able to earn so much after planting the land for seven or eight years.


Under the dim light, Zhang Feng and his mother were eating.

"Mom, my eldest sister can't make much money working in Zhejiang Province, so I might as well ask her to come back and help." Just now, his mother said that his back hurts. Zhang Feng knew that his mother must be too tired. Washing mushrooms and squatting all morning must be an old problem. again

Zhang Feng also couldn't bear the fact that his mother was too tired. The eldest sister worked outside the home early and late, and her monthly income was only three to five thousand. After rent and living expenses, there wasn't much left. So Zhang Feng wanted his sister to come back and make it easier for his mother. No more tiring.

"Hey! For the sake of the family, your eldest sister has worked very hard in the past two years. The family really needs manpower. I will call her later." The chopsticks used by the mother paused and sighed.

She has always felt guilty about her eldest daughter. This time she is called back and she probably has the idea of ​​letting her start a family, because the eldest daughter is already 27 years old, and she was always dragged down by her family. Now that the family conditions have improved, Zhang's mother also wants her daughter. Find a good home quickly.

Poor parents all over the world, all parents want their children to live better.

It rained for the next two days. As long as there is moisture from the rain, the mushrooms will soon reappear on the ground. Every day before dawn, the villagers will go up the mountain rustlingly. Although the income is not as much as the first day, But there is still an income of two to three hundred yuan a day. It is estimated that after a rainy season, each family can earn ten to twenty thousand yuan.

It can be said that the nearby mountains and forests have become the cornucopia of the village, the golden mountain in everyone's heart, and a new means for everyone to make a fortune.

And Zhang Feng also earned the first [-] yuan in his life by buying mushrooms, and successfully changed everyone's perception of himself. The once-famous "lazy scholar" has now become a hard-working new farmer.

(End of this chapter)

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