small farmer

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
I am very grateful to the book friend '161210101809678' for the reward of 200 starting coins, and thank you for your collection and recommendation, thank you everyone.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission - earning the first 300 yuan, [-] points for completion, and a chance to draw a lottery. Please check the host carefully."

"Ding dong! The system releases a new task - to become a millionaire. The task period is one year. Completing the task will reward you with 500 points, and you will get a chance to draw a lottery. If you fail the task, you will be deducted [-] points."

"Damn it! Points will be deducted if the task fails?" Unfortunately, the system task has been released and cannot be changed, so Zhang Feng can only accept it. With the help of the system, I believe it will not be difficult to complete this task.

Then Zhang Feng checked his property panel:
Host: Zhang Feng

Strength 21 (+16+1)

Speed ​​19 (+13)

Reaction 18 (+10)

Stamina 18 (+14+1)

Flexibility 15 (+10+1)

Spirit 18 (+11)

(Note: The average level for adults is 10)

Skills Primary hunting skills, primary cooking skills.

Points 650 (Note: Points can be used to purchase various products in the system mall, and [-] points can be used for one lucky draw.)
Number of Draws 1
The main task of the first stage: cure the lazy cancer on the body within one month, and change everyone's view of the host.Completion reward: 99 points, three chances to draw a lottery, (mission completion rate 100/[-]).

Side quest——become a millionaire, the mission is for one year, 500 points will be rewarded for completing the mission, a chance to draw a lottery, and [-] points will be deducted if the mission fails.

(System evaluation: The host's combat power is low, the lazy cancer has been initially cured, and is still under observation. The system recommends that the host go to bed early and get up early to exercise, and practice gymnastics diligently. I hope that the host will become a strong, hardworking, and positive new farmer in the era soon .)
"Huh!" Zhang Feng found an unexpected surprise. His strength and endurance have actually increased a little. It seems that insisting on practicing gymnastics these days is not in vain.

Then Zhang Feng clicked on the system mall to see if the items in the mall had been updated:

Super fertilizer 5 points/bag (50 kg)

Super pesticide 5 points/bottle (100ML)

Yuxiang rice seeds 10 points/kg
Fruity fragrance potion 10 points/bottle

Super weeding goat 50 points/only

Rihua growth hormone 50 points
Yuehua growth hormone 100 points
No.30 Eight sets of gymnastics 100 points
Primary genetic liquid 500 points
Primary driving skills 500 points
Primary calligraphy and painting skills 500 points
Foreign language proficiency skills 800 points
Primary hunting skill 800 points
800 points for primary culinary skills
Primary engraving skill 800 points
(Note: 100RMB can be exchanged for 1 point.)
"Haha, the system mall has finally been updated." Zhang Feng found that five new items finally appeared in the mall:
Super fertilizers, super pesticides, super weeding goats, primary driving skills, primary carving skills.

Among them, the super chemical fertilizer is a highly polymerized natural organic fertilizer, and its fertilizer effect is ten times that of ordinary chemical fertilizers;
Super pesticide can kill all pests. It is a kind of non-toxic pesticide. 100ml can eliminate pests in 100 mu of land, and its efficacy is strong.

"Super weeding goat? What the hell is this? Could it be that goats can weed properly?" Seeing such a strange thing, Zhang Feng thought in surprise.

Then I learned from the system that super weeding goats can really help humans weed,

They will eat up all the edible weeds in the land, and they will also uproot the weeds that cannot be eaten, or directly crush them,
Moreover, this kind of super weeding goat is not only efficient, it can weed half an acre every day, and most importantly, it will not harm crops, so this kind of goat is deeply loved by everyone in the universe, especially in mountainous agricultural areas.

In addition, the super weeded goat is not only delicious, but also grows quickly, which is deeply loved by gourmets.

The remaining two skills are very common, one is the elementary driving skill of driving various ordinary cars, and the other is the carving skill, which includes wood carving, stone carving and so on.

For Zhang Feng, the driving skill is still useful, but the carving skill is a bit useless, not the skill Zhang Feng needs now, of course, even if Zhang Feng wants it, he doesn't have so many points.

"System, exchange for two super weeding goats for me."

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat drips down the soil." The great poet 1000 years ago told us how hard it is to weed, so Zhang Feng thought it was super cost-effective to exchange 100 points for two weeding goats, and used up 100 points , Zhang Feng still has 550 points left.

"Good host, please wait a moment..."

Suddenly, two cute little goats appeared in the yard. Seeing the appearance of the two little goats, Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. The two goats looked very cute. The hair is all white.

The two goats suddenly came to the yard. Seeing the unfamiliar environment, they seemed a little cute. As soon as they saw Zhang Feng, they immediately ran towards Zhang Feng cutely.

"Hehe! It's so cute!" Seeing the two little lambs rubbing their heads against his legs intimately, Zhang Feng happily stroked their heads and their smooth and soft hair, which may be related to the system. Feng is very close.

There are two lambs, one male and one female, the male one is named Dabai by Zhang Feng, and the smaller one is of course named Xiaobai.

"Okay, from now on you will be called Dabai, and you will be called Xiaobai, you know?" Zhang Feng said, rubbing the heads of Dabai and Xiaobai respectively.

"Baa...baa..." Dabai and Xiaobai seemed to understand Zhang Feng's words, and responded happily, then rubbed their little heads against Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, Dabai, Xiaobai squat down."

"Hey! So good, so smart!" Seeing that Dabai and Xiaobai really squatted down, Zhang Feng was overwhelmed with surprise in an instant.

"Dabai stands up, Xiaobai gets down..."


After Zhang Feng's continuous experiments, he found that Dabai's Xiaobai can understand some simple commands. Of course, body language is also needed. If you only speak, they don't understand. looking at you.

Just when Zhang Feng was teasing the two stupid people, the phone rang suddenly:

"Beep beep beep... Hello? Are you Zhang Feng?"

"Oh! Yes! I am Zhang Feng, may I ask who you are?" Zhang Feng saw that it was an unfamiliar call.

"I'm XXX courier. I've arrived at the entrance of the village. Where is your home in Moon Lake?"

After receiving the call, Zhang Feng immediately knew that the home appliances he bought online had arrived.

"There is a big cypress tree in the yard of my house, which can be seen at the entrance of the village..."

"Oh, I see, I see, I'll be right over..." The delivery man must be impatient, Zhang Feng hung up the phone right after he finished speaking.

"Here! Here!"

Two minutes later, the pickup truck arrived at the door of Zhang Feng's house, and Zhang Feng stood at the door and waved.

"Oh, it's finally here, it's really hard to find your place!" the delivery man exclaimed.

"Thanks for your hard work, buddy! Let's smoke a cigarette and rest first, and then I'll call two people to help." Zhang Feng handed a cigarette to the courier brother and said.

At this time, the villagers who were resting at the entrance of the village were also curious about the truck that followed the delivery, and wanted to see which one bought a truckload of home appliances.

There are many home appliances in the car, not only a TV, a refrigerator, a washing machine, but also a water dispenser.

"Hey, Xiaofeng turned out to be a home appliance bought by your family. Are you planning to take a wife?" The third aunt laughed when she saw Zhang Feng.

"We thought who was developed and bought so many home appliances all at once? I'm afraid it will cost tens of thousands of yuan?"

"It's not ten thousand, maybe seven or eight thousand..." The villagers also talked about it.

"How much did Xiaofeng spend on these appliances?" Uncle Er Niu asked curiously.

"It didn't cost much. Wasn't there a 5.15 discount two days ago? It was cheaper, and it only cost three or four thousand." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's really not expensive!"

"That's right, the price of such a large TV is 3888 in the county." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone felt that it was worth buying.

"Oh brother, did you buy this?" Hearing the movement, Zhang Yi and his second uncle and aunt also ran out next door. Seeing Zhang Feng's home appliances, the cousin was very happy, as if they were bought by his own family. .

"Second Uncle, Xiaoyi, and Erniu Uncle, please help move..."

"Hehe, what's the trouble?"

A few villagers also followed suit, and soon moved all the home appliances on the car home, and then everyone helped to install and debug. After about half an hour of busy work, everything was finally done, so the Zhang family bid farewell to the primitive era and entered the ushered in a new era of electrification.

(End of this chapter)

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