small farmer

Chapter 100 Knowing that there is a guest coming

Chapter 100 Knowing that there is a guest coming (for collection)
Since six guests are coming this afternoon

Zhang Feng began to prepare the food for dinner. The fish was at home, and he caught it with a net by hand in the morning. Then Zhang Feng came to the backyard and caught two catties of rice field eel, preparing to make a dry-stir-fried eel for everyone.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng suddenly found a black shadow in the ditch, which seemed to resemble a black fish.

If there are snakeheads, the small fish and eels in the ditch will be miserable, because snakeheads are omnivorous fish, very ferocious, and like to eat other fish, so this thing is a scourge for farmers.

So Zhang Feng hurried home, took some bait soaked in Rihua auxin, and prepared to lure the snake out of the hole to see what the black shadow in the water was.

Zhang Feng sprinkled the bait into the ditch as planned, then stared intently at the water, while holding the net in his hand tightly, ready to attack at any time.

Soon, the fish, shrimp, and eel in the water finally smelled the smell of Rihua auxin, and they all swam desperately to the bait. Seeing the densely packed fish in the water, Zhang Feng did not blink his eyes, and continued to wait patiently. The mysterious shadow.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards the bait fiercely like a sharp sword. Zhang Feng took a closer look, and sure enough, the black shadow in the water was really a black fish.

Zhang Feng tried his best to copy the copying net in his hand, and the black shadow was caught in response, but Heiyu had a fierce personality and struggled desperately, and the copying net almost couldn't catch it.

So Zhang Feng threw his right hand, and the black fish was thrown to the ground four or five meters away. No matter how hard it struggled, it would be impossible to escape. Zhang Feng hurried up and grabbed it tightly with both hands. .

Only then did Zhang Feng observe the black fish carefully. It was black all over, and there were some snake skin-like patterns on the fish skin. It was about one foot long and weighed about two or three catties.

The snakehead is very fierce and has sharp teeth in its mouth, so you must be careful when catching the snakehead, so as not to be bitten by it, Zhang Feng held the snakehead tightly with both hands, and then walked home.

"Hehe, there's another good dish tonight." Zhang Feng is looking forward to the fish and tofu soup made by black fish, and I believe everyone will like it very much.

When Zhang Feng prepared all the ingredients, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the guests were estimated to be arriving soon.


"Crazy, we're almost there, hurry up and pick us up at the entrance of the village." Sure enough, Zhang Feng received a call from Liu Yiyi just a few minutes later.

"Yiyi, are you coming soon?" "Yeah, okay, I'll pick you up at the entrance of the village right away." Zhang Feng hung up the phone and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Zhang Feng was very happy about the arrival of his old classmates, but at the same time he was very worried, because Liu Yiyi's grandparents also came and planned to stay in Moon Lake for a few days. Such a humble life.

Although Zhang Feng didn't know the specific situation of Liu Yiyi's family, he heard that their family was very rich. Zhang Feng had never dealt with such rich old men and women, so he was worried that he would not be able to receive them well.

Zhang Feng soon came to the entrance of the village, and it was very lively here every day. The old people in the village liked to play chess and chat here, talking about the world,
There are also little kids in the village who like to play games under the big banyan tree, hide and seek, and touch blind people. Little girls like to play rubber bands and play sandbags here. It is very lively after school every day, just like children's amusement. field.

"Xiaofeng is here..."

"Xiao Feng, come here and let's play a game. This old man's chess skills are too bad." The second uncle and Master Paoshan were playing chess at the entrance of the village. Seeing Zhang Feng coming, the second uncle shouted with a smile.

"What? I'm poor at chess? Who was it that I was almost killed by me just now? In the end, I just persisted for a while longer." Said the Paoshan Master angrily, raising his beard.

"Blame me! It was you who regretted the game first!"

"I regretted one step, but how many steps did you regret?" The two old men fought each other like children, refusing to give in to each other.


"Hehe, old man, play slowly. I still have something to do." Looking at the argument between the two old children, Zhang Feng found it very interesting. In fact, the level of the two chess players is very bad, but it may be that they have similar smells. Whenever people have time, they play chess here.
Moreover, if they don't quarrel a few words every day, they seem to feel uncomfortable all over the body, and they often break up unhappy, but both of them seem to be very forgetful. After sleeping, they will forget what happened yesterday, and continue to play chess here the next day. It's really interesting.


About a quarter of an hour later, a red BMW drove up from the entrance of the village. Zhang Feng had good eyesight and saw the female driver inside from a distance. Who else could it be if it wasn't his old classmate Liu Yiyi.

When the BMW stopped, Zhang Feng hurried up, "I'm crazy again."

"You are very welcome, you can come anytime."

"Crazy, these are my grandparents." Liu Yiyi introduced to Zhang Feng when the old man sitting in the back got out of the car.

"Grandpa and grandma, welcome to Zhangjiawan as guests." Zhang Feng hurriedly greeted them with a smile.

"Hehe, the young man must be Zhang Feng. I often hear Yiyi mentioning you. I heard that the scenery here is beautiful. We have the audacity to come and plan to stay for a few days. It is really disturbing." The old man nodded and said with a smile.

"What a spirited young man." The old lady also nodded silently and thought in her heart that she was very satisfied with Zhang Feng's spirit, and felt that young people should be like this, full of sunshine.

"Don't bother, don't bother, as long as you don't mind the shabby home." Zhang Feng waved his hand quickly.

"Hahaha, how is it possible, young man, don't you know, our Liu family has three generations of poor peasants, I have lived in the countryside since I was a child, and the conditions in the countryside at that time were far worse than this!" The old man said with a laugh.

"That's right, you don't know. When I married into their family, I didn't even have a new bed. It was made of bricks and planks. The conditions at that time were really difficult." It was hard before, but I still feel good in my heart.

"Crazy, hurry up and help me get the things." At this moment, Liu Yiyi opened the trunk and shouted to Zhang Feng.

"Damn it, are you going to move? Why do you bring so many things?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise as the three large suitcases filled the entire trunk.

"Hee hee, I was just moving. The scenery here is so beautiful, I plan to live here forever." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"Okay, whatever you want." Zhang Feng shook his head, quickly unloaded the luggage from the car, and walked home with the three of them.

"Mum's guest is here."

"The two old people and Yiyi are here, hurry up and sit down..." Wang Guilan and her two daughters rushed out to greet her.

"Hehe, I'm really bothering you..."

"Where where..."

Afterwards, Zhang Feng introduced everyone to each other, and it was considered a preliminary acquaintance. Zhang Lin hurriedly served tea to the guests, and Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi put the luggage into the room.


"It's such a big cypress tree. It must be five or sixty years old, Xiaofeng?" After putting away his luggage, the old man found this old cypress tree when he came to the yard. Small courtyard.

"It has been seven or eighty years, and it is said that it was planted by my grandfather when he was a child."

"It's such a good tree. You can hardly see such a tree in the city." The old man was full of regrets. Although it was convenient to live in the city, he still missed the natural and peaceful life in the countryside.

"Xiaofeng also likes flowers. I think the flowers in the yard are well taken care of." On the other side, the grandmother also smiled when she saw the garden full of flowers.

"Hehe, when I have nothing to do, I just take care of it." Zhang Feng said modestly. In fact, Zhang Feng didn't bother too much. It was almost due to the effect of the auxin, which made the wild flowers at home grow so beautiful.

PS: Try to make three changes today, and make up for yesterday's chapter. There are too few collections, and I will be busy next week. Please help to collect and recommend, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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