small farmer

Chapter 101 Group Tour Moon Lake

Chapter 101 Group Tour Moon Lake

Chapter 94 Group Tour Moon Lake
The two elderly people like the small farmyard here very much.

There are blooming flowers and big green trees here, which are fresh but beautiful, neat and natural, with elegant fragrance, simple and natural, embodying the simple beauty of the countryside.

"Xiaofeng, go and do your work, let's sit in the yard and look at the flowers and plants here."

"That's fine, I'll go there first, just call me if you have anything to do." It's not easy for Zhang Feng to follow the two of them all the time, and besides, it's not early, and it's time to cook.

Back in the kitchen, Zhang Feng cut the black fish into chunks and put them in earthen pots to simmer. It is said that the soup made in earthenware pots is more delicious. Then Zhang Feng added some ginger amomum, these spices can not only get rid of the black fish’s soil The fishy smell can also make the fish soup more delicious.


"Dahei Xiaohei, I'm here." "Oh, don't run away..." The little devil came again, and the house jumped up and down, very lively.

"Yo! Jiajia, are you here?" Hearing the noise in the yard, Zhang Feng knew that the little girl Jiajia was here. He really heard her voice before seeing her.

"Uncle Crazy, look at Big Black and Little Black and they ignore me." How could the little girl catch up with the puppy at home, and after chasing for a long time, she could only eat ashes behind, and when she saw Zhang Feng, she immediately felt wronged Complain to Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, if you chase them like this, of course they will run..." Zhang Feng thought the little girl was very cute, and said with a smile.

"Then how can they play with me?" The little girl asked curiously.

"Go to the house with this sister, bring out two crispy fish for them to eat, and they will play with you." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's great! My sister, let's go!" The little girl happily took Zhang Lin's hand and walked into the house.

"Hehe..." The little devil was sent away, and the yard was immediately much cleaner.

"Xiaofeng, we are here to disturb you again..." Yang Guang and his wife greeted Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Where is there! Please come in..." Then Zhang Feng walked towards the room with the two of them.


"Where are these two old people, Xiaofeng...?" After putting away his luggage, Yang Guang came out and asked Zhang Feng when he saw the two old people in the yard.

"Oh, this is Grandpa Liu, this is Grandma Liu..."

"This is Yang Guang, a guest who came here on weekends..." Zhang Feng then introduced them to each other.

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu!"


"Xiao Yang is also very good at finding a place. The scenery here is really beautiful. It's really a good place for vacation." Afterwards, they sat in the yard and chatted. After getting to know each other, they found that the two families lived in the city and were not far from each other. , so everyone chatted like this.

"Yeah, I came here once last week, and I fell in love with it completely, especially my girl, who didn't want to leave when she came here. She kept thinking about coming here every day, and she really fell in love with it." Yang Guang is also very emotional, the scenery and food here are really unforgettable, and the small animals are also very smart and cute.

"Hehe, Xiao Yang is really lucky to have such a lovely daughter." Seeing Jiajia, who is carved in pink and jade, the two old people love each other very much. Adorable great-grandchildren.



"Grandpa and grandma have eaten..." About an hour later, it was finally time to eat,
"Brother Yang asked sister-in-law and Jia Jia to come in for dinner." Liu Yiyi came out with a bowl of food from the kitchen, then went to the door and shouted to everyone.

There was a large round table in the main room, which could easily accommodate ten people. This table was specially customized by Zhang Feng from the Internet, and it was used when there were many guests.

"Hehe, we'll be right there." Grandpa Liu responded.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Feng said: "This is a wild black fish that was just caught this afternoon. How about you come and try it?" After speaking, Zhang Feng filled a bowl of fish soup for each of the two elderly people.

"Hey! Wild black fish, that's a good thing, you should try it too!" The old man is also a glutton at first glance, and he loves delicious dishes very much.

"It's really good, let's try it too." Heiyu has heard a lot, but he has never eaten it. Yang Guang couldn't help but pick up a piece, and then gave his wife and daughter a piece.

"Well, it's delicious, but the taste of black fish is different." Everyone applauded.


"Grandpa and grandma, come and taste the bamboo shoots I made today?" Liu Yiyi asked her grandpa with a smile.

"Hey, is my granddaughter cooking today?" the old man asked with a smile.

The two elders also gave their granddaughter a lot of face, and tasted a piece curiously, "Well, yes, the dishes made by our family Yiyi are even more delicious."

"Hee hee, of course, Xiaofeng's ingredients are so good, plus my craftsmanship, of course they are even more delicious." Afterwards, everyone praised Zhang Feng's vegetables, which are not comparable to the green vegetables in the supermarket. Yes, it can even be said that the two are not of the same level at all, the difference is too far.



When everyone finished dinner, the outside was already full of stars and the moon was hanging high.

But everyone is still very interested, even the two old people are in good spirits, so everyone is going to take a walk by the lake to see the beautiful night view of Moon Lake.

Seeing that everyone was so interested, Zhang Feng was extremely happy, and took everyone to the lake. Even the big black and small black at home followed closely, wanting to join in the fun.

Everyone is familiar with the scenery of Moon Lake in the daytime, but few people know the beauty of Moon Lake at night. The vast starry sky is full of stars, and the bright moonlight sprinkles the earth, decorating the entire Moon Lake into a fairyland in dreams. It's hazy and dreamlike, making people intoxicated and unwilling to wake up for a long time.

Seeing such a quiet and beautiful scenery, everyone dared not make loud noises, fearing to scare away this beautiful artistic conception, everyone walked carefully by the lake, looking at the golden willows on the shore of the lake, like a beauty with long hair reaching shoulders, In the breeze, dance with the wind.

Such a beautiful scenery makes Zhang Feng ring, a beautiful sentence in "The Book of Songs",
'In the past I went, Yangliu Yiyi.Today I come to think, rain and snow are falling. '

Zhang Feng couldn't describe the beauty of Yangliu Yiyi in words, but Zhang Feng knew that the beauty in front of him was the best interpretation of it.

Moon Lake at night is quiet, occasionally there are one or two fish flopping in the lake, everyone can hear the sound, the bright moonlight sprinkles on the lake, the breeze blows gently, sparkling, like a broken glass mirror, shimmering little bit.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, the flowers and trees beside the lake are deep, and the Moon Lake at night is quiet and beautiful. Everyone walks on the winding path and enjoys the unique scenery of Moon Lake, which surprises everyone. Moon Lake is also so beautiful.

PS: I am going to write the third update now, Renmao is not typing fast, it is estimated to be around 22:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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