small farmer

Chapter 102 Boating on the Lake

Chapter 102 Boating on the Lake (for collection)

Chapter 95 Boating on the Lake

bathed in the bright moonlight

Everyone's body and mind have been fully integrated into this beautiful night,
Unknowingly, everyone has circled Moon Lake and returned to the door of the house, but everyone is unwilling to enter the house, and still stands quietly by the lake bank, continuing to enjoy the beautiful moonlight of Moon Lake.

A gust of wind blew by, causing ripples in the lake, and brought a little bit of coolness. As the sun went down, the weather in the mountains would turn cold quickly, so Zhang Feng hurriedly called everyone into the house, worried that the two old people would catch a cold, And everyone has been busy all day, so you should rest earlier, and you will continue your trip tomorrow.

Then everyone reluctantly left the lake and returned home. Since it was getting late and they were tired from running around, everyone took a bath and then went back to their rooms to rest.


the next morning
Zhang Feng's family got up early.

"Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu woke up so early?" Not long after Zhang Feng got up, Liu Yiyi's grandparents also walked out of the room.

"Hehe, I can't fall asleep even when I'm old." The old man said with a smile, "You got up quite early, Xiaofeng."

"Yes, there are not many young people who get up so early." Grandma Liu also said with a smile.

"I'm used to it. I wake up naturally at this time every day." Zhang Feng's work and rest habits are already very regular, and he has formed a habit of going to bed early and waking up early.

"That's right, that's good. Only in this way can we develop healthy living habits and be in better health." The two old people were very satisfied with Zhang Feng.

After washing up, Zhang Feng started to make breakfast, while his mother, eldest sister and younger sister went to pick vegetables in the backyard. The two old people couldn't sit still, so they also went up to help.

After everyone had breakfast, while it was still early, Zhang Feng prepared to go to the orchard with a basket on his back. There were still some scattered peaches in it, and Zhang Feng planned to pick all of them today.

"Where are you going, lunatic?" Liu Yiyi asked curiously at this time.

"Going to the orchard, there are still some fruits that haven't been picked..."

"Picking fruit? Shall we go and have a look too?" The old man also became interested.

"Okay, no problem, everyone who wants to go will follow me." Anyway, it's not far away, it's only five or six minutes away, and there are not many fruits in the orchard. It can be done in half an hour at most, and everyone will soon be able to come back.

"Uncle Crazy, I'm going too, I'm going too..." The little girl Jiajia also thought of the delicious fruits in the orchard, and screamed to go, as if she was afraid that everyone would not let her go.

"Okay, okay, Jiajia can go, but you have to listen to your parents, you know?"

"Jiajia understands, I will definitely listen to what mom and dad say." The little girl promised quickly, but unfortunately the child's words are not very trustworthy, and the girl may soon revert to her old ways, transforming into a super little devil, running around all over the mountains and plains.

So Zhang Feng led a group of people to the orchard, "The orchard is here, everyone wants to eat peaches and do it yourself."

Zhang Feng had already prepared for this time. He made five or six net bags two days ago, specially prepared for tourists to pick fruit, so that everyone would not have to climb the tree, avoiding unnecessary danger, and it would not damage the fruit tree. Trees do a lot of damage.

"Hehe, that's great. You can have enough food and clothing by yourself." The old man cheerfully took the net bag and walked towards the nearby peach tree.

Afterwards, everyone shared a net bag each, and started the picking journey with great interest. Even the little girl Jiajia also took one. When she picked the first peach with hope, she screamed excitedly. As happy as getting a perfect score on an exam.

As for Yang Guang and Jiajia's mother, because they have never done such a thing, they worked hard for a long time but failed. In the end, Jiajia couldn't see it, pushed them away domineeringly, and successfully picked the peaches and gave them to their parents. Been a teacher for a while.

As expected, the two old men had experience in doing farm work, and they picked their peaches very smoothly, not much slower than Zhang Feng, a strong guy.

With everyone's help, in about half an hour, all the remaining peaches in the orchard were picked by everyone.

"Xiaofeng, your peaches taste really good."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the old woman's bad teeth, I would have eaten more." The two old people tasted the peaches from Zhang Feng's house, and they were full of praise.

As for the little girl, Jiajia's teeth are very good, and she eats with great relish. If her parents didn't stop her, she might be able to eat peaches alone.

After resting for a while, Zhang Feng took everyone to go home. When we got home, Zhang Lin's classmate arrived at home and was having breakfast.

"Brother is back! These two are my classmates..." Then Zhang Lin happily introduced her two classmates to Zhang Feng. One of the short-haired female classmates was named Li Wei, and the other long-haired classmate was named Xiao. Snow.

"Brother Feng, hello," the two quickly stood up and said.

"Hi, you guys are welcome to come and play at home. I'll take you all to the lake for a boat ride later." Zhang Feng greeted him with a smile.

"It's really great, thank you Brother Feng." The two thanked excitedly.


"Wow... woof..." Hearing Dahei Xiaohei's cry, Zhang Feng knew that they must have been caught by that little demon king Jiajia again, so he shook his head. Zhang Feng could only pray for them silently.

Zhang Feng went to the door and looked, sure enough, the little girl was holding the hair on Xiao Hei's back with one hand, and tightly holding Da Hei's hind legs with the other hand, preventing the two puppies from escaping, Da Hei and Xiao Hei were unwilling Devastated, struggling desperately, trying to pull out Jiajia's claws.

"Jiajia hurry up and wash your hands, we're going to take the boat." Seeing the miserable condition of the two puppies, Zhang Feng twitched his mouth and said hastily with distress.

"Ah! Crazy uncle, are we going to take a boat?" The little girl stood up excitedly, and the two puppies took the opportunity to escape and finally escaped from the clutches of the devil.
Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief immediately, "Yes, after the two sisters have finished their breakfast, we will go to the lake to take a boat."

"Jiajia, let's wash our hands. Look, your hands are as dirty as a beggar." Jiajia's mother also hurried over, pulling Jiajia and walking towards the water pipe.

Then Zhang Feng asked everyone for their opinions. Except for his mother who was watching the house at home, everyone was very interested in taking a boat, so Zhang Feng called Zhang Yi, went to the village to borrow a wooden boat, and then took everyone to the lake. go.

Zhang Feng's boat was a bit bigger, so there were two guests on board, six passengers plus Zhang Feng and a boatman, a total of seven people, and the rest sat on Zhang Yi's boat.

"I haven't seen this kind of wooden boat for many years." The old man also said with emotion.What a quaint means of transportation, except in such small mountain villages, other places have disappeared.

"Yes, I haven't seen such a boat in about 30 or [-] years." Grandma Liu also recalled.

After everyone put on life jackets, Zhang Feng pushed the oars, and the boat, like an arrow leaving the string, cut through the water and galloped away into the distance.

"Hehe, everyone sit down, let's go!"

"Jiajia, hurry up and sing "Let's Swing the Oars" to grandpa and grandma..." Yang Guang encouraged his daughter with a smile.

"Hey! Jiajia can still sing this song, it's awesome..." The two old people praised quickly.

"Of course, our kindergarten teacher taught it, so I'll sing it to you..." The little girl raised her head proudly, and then began to sing this well-known nursery rhyme.

"Let us swing our oars, the boat pushes away the waves, the beautiful white pagoda is reflected on the sea, surrounded by green trees and red walls, the boat floats lightly in the water, and a cool wind blows head-on... Soon, the ethereal singing of the little girl Jiajia was rippling in the lake.

Jiajia's young and lovely voice was so melodious and pleasant that the tourists on the bank followed her voice, wanting to see the lovely singing girl.

Then everyone saw the two wooden boats in the lake, and they were all envious. Such wooden boats are generally not provided to tourists, and only the villagers can use them.

But everyone likes the simplicity of wooden boats, so that boating on the lake will have more charm and a sense of simplicity in the countryside.

So tourists took out their mobile phones and cameras one after another, and took pictures of Zhang Feng and others paddling in a natural boat. Such a natural and harmonious picture really made everyone envious.

(End of this chapter)

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