small farmer

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
Thank you very much for the reward of 'Xiaofeng Remnant Dream 1'. This book finally has its first deacon. Renmao is very excited. Although it will run wild again this week, Renmao will not give up. Keep at least two chapters of [-] a day The word is updated, this book will never be eunuchs, please rest assured to collect it.

standing on the bow
Looking at the wide lake, it is calm and calm, like a smooth mirror.

On the shore of the lake in the distance, pink lotus flowers are blooming one after another. They emerge from the mud but are not stained, and the ripples are clear but not demonic.

The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun. Moon Lake is really beautiful at this time. At this time of the year, the lotus flowers in the lake are in full bloom. There are always many tourists who come here to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the lake. lotus.

Listening to the ethereal singing of the little girl, it seems that the whole Moon Lake is full of spirituality. The lotus in the lake keeps nodding along with the breeze, and the fish in the water jump out of the water, as if they are cheering for Jiajia's singing. The entire Moon Lake seems to have become more lively, full of vigor and vitality.

"Ah, mom, look at the fish inside! There are fish inside!" Suddenly the little girl saw a big carp jumping out of the water, and she was overwhelmed with surprise. She excitedly pulled her mother's arm and danced.

"Sit down obediently and don't jump around on the boat, you know." Jiajia's mother immediately hugged her excited daughter.

"Got it, mom!" The little girl sat down obediently, but children with ADHD are not easy to control.

Soon the little girl curiously put her fleshy little hand into the lake water. As the wooden boat moved forward, her tender little hand drew a waterline on the water surface. Seeing her daughter's movement, her mother tightly held her Daughter's hand.

The little girl put her hand into the water, and from time to time, little fish came up to suck her chubby fingers. Whenever this happened, the little girl's silver bell-like laughter would come from the boat.

Everyone walked around the lake twice and saw the scenery in the lake twice, but they were still reluctant to part with it, as if they would never get tired of watching the beautiful scenery in the lake.

It's a pity that the dock is always the home of the boat. The boat that has been drifting for a long time finally returned to the shore, and returned to the dock at the door of the house. Everyone reluctantly got off the boat, and looked back at the beautiful scenery in the lake from time to time. The delicate lotus, the cheerful fish.

It's a pity that the sun is already high in the sky, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Sitting on a bare boat, it is easy to suffer from dehydration and heatstroke, so everyone had to embark on the return journey and returned home soon.

"Come on, everyone is eating watermelon..." After returning home under the scorching sun, everyone was already sweating slightly; seeing everyone coming back, my mother hurriedly cut a big iced watermelon, and then shouted to everyone.

"Thank you, auntie!" Several young people said politely.

"Thank you grandma..." Jiajia also thanked politely.

"Well, it's really cool..." Yang Guang took a bite, sighed and said with a look of enjoyment.

"It's delicious..." In the hot summer, eating cool iced watermelon is really a high-level enjoyment.

After eating the iced watermelon, the hotness of the body was finally dispelled. Everyone felt refreshed and full of energy. They began to chat about the beautiful scenery in Moon Lake with great interest.


After lunch, everyone came to the yard, sat around the stone table, and slowly sipped the country bitter tea. Although this kind of tea tastes bitter, it has a sweet aftertaste. Only by working hard and sweating can there be gains.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, your teapot is still a purple sand pot!" The old man also loves tea and knows a little about all kinds of teapots. When he saw this old purple sand pot, his eyes lit up and he said with interest.

"It should be. I remember that my grandfather was already using it when he was still there." Zhang Feng thought about it and said.

"Well, it has a history of at least five or sixty years." The old man stroked the lid of the purple clay pot and nodded.

"Grandpa Liu, is this purple clay teapot considered an antique?" Yang Guang asked curiously. Everyone knows that antique purple clay teapots are not cheap now, and there are hundreds of thousands of them.

"Hehe, this should be something that was mass-produced by machines in modern times. It has a large stock, so the value is not high, and it is only worth 2000 yuan." The old man explained with a smile.

After listening to the old man's explanation curiously, everyone felt that it was a pity that they were not able to witness the birth of a sky-high antique, but Zhang Feng just smiled and didn't care much.

Valuable antiques are usually high-quality goods when they are new. The old man is just a poor schoolteacher in the village. He has no money to buy a high-end purple clay pot, so Zhang Feng is not disappointed. He only regards it as a souvenir, as an ordinary tea set .

"Hehe, everyone drank this tea just now, do you feel that the tea has a strong fragrance?" Seeing everyone nodding in doubt, the old man continued: "This is the precipitation of the old purple sand pot over the years. Everyone knows that it is often used. The inside of the teapot is easy to form tea stains. As time goes by, the essence of the aroma of these tea leaves will be deposited in the teapot. Therefore, the longer the purple clay pot is used, the better the effect of making tea. That's how it came."

"So it's like this..." Everyone suddenly realized that this was the reason. No wonder this ordinary bitter tea tastes so good, it's all because of the teapot.

On the other side, the old lady also took a few girls by the flower garden to enjoy the flowers and introduce the knowledge of various wild flowers to the juniors.

"Grandma Liu, what kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful!" Zhang Lin's classmate Li Wei asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is the amaryllis flower. In fact, it has two more beautiful names." Slightly glanced at everyone, the old lady continued with a smile, "One name is Manshushahua."

"Manshushahua? What a beautiful name..." The girls slowly chanted this wonderful name, feeling a special charm.

"Hehe, that's right. It's also called Manjusawa. It's a kind of 'flower of heaven' in Buddhism. It originally came from the Buddhist scripture "Lotus Sutra."

"Besides, it also has a more famous name - Bianhuahua" the old lady slowly introduced to the girls.

"The this the Bianhua?" Everyone has heard many legends about the Bianhua, but they didn't expect it to be the Bianhua, so everyone was surprised and couldn't believe it.

Hearing Bianhua, everyone became interested. Even the young people who were drinking tea held their breath and listened curiously, wanting to know about this legendary and wonderful flower.

"Yes, it is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that the Bana flower blooms for 1000 years and falls for 1000 years, and the flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not caused by cause and effect, fate is destined to life and death..." Then the old lady continued to introduce to everyone,

Lycoris is also called Manzhushahua, also known as Bianhua.

Bianhua means the flower of death.It is generally considered to be a flower that grows on the road of death.

Legend has it that the fragrance of its flowers has magical powers and can evoke the memories of the dead. It blooms under the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It is large and bright red like blood. Its beautiful and sad name comes from the Lotus Sutra. It is one of the four flowers in the heaven. Sanskrit means Red flowers blooming in the heavens.

Bianhua blooms on the other side. According to legend, Bianhua is a flower that blooms on Huangquan Road. It looks like a carpet paved with blood. Its redness is like fire, so it is called the road of fire.This is the only scenery on Huangquan Road, and people follow the guidance of this flower to lead to Jiuyou Hell.The color is like blood, it is a kind of flower with a strong spiritual atmosphere, and it is considered an ominous plant.

But its beauty is unquestionable, especially in the countryside, where you can often see their demeanor, adding a little bit of color to the lonely mountains.

Wild flowers bloom in the north wind, no one loves each other and no one pities them, not afraid of stigma and lies, each and every flower blooms like a fairy.

Zhang Feng thinks that the Bianhua flower is considered dead and unknown. It has nothing to do with it. It is an image given to it by others, and it is a stigma imposed on it by others. Zhang Feng thinks that this kind of flower is called amaryllis flower. Simple and simple, although it is not as high-end as Manjusawa and Bianhua, it is also innocent and uncontaminated by the ups and downs of the world.

Then the old lady continued to explain to everyone the wild flowers in the yard, including the beautiful Rudbeckia, the wild lily standing proudly, and the inconspicuous clover with broken flowers. This simple farmhouse is decorated with incomparable beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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