small farmer

Chapter 1003 A Different Iron Egg

Chapter 1003 A Different Iron Egg (22)

"Uncle, this is the merit money for this month, a total of 5000 yuan, except for the third grandpa's dividend, there is still 1 yuan left, and it's all here!"

Back in the village, Zhang Feng sent the money in the merit box to the village committee and then to the village chief.

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect there to be so many in the off-season!" The uncle nodded with a smile, and took a cardboard box of dexterity.

"Fortunately, I have your help. For ordinary people, it would take half a day just to count the change!" Seeing the banknotes in the box, there are stacks of 100 yuan, including one, five, and ten. of.

Of course, Zhang Feng didn't take the dime notes and coins, and left them all to the third grandfather. As for the 50 yuan and 100 yuan bills, they were put together separately, because there are not many such big bills, and there are only ten or twenty bills per month. That's all.

Hearing what the uncle said, Zhang Feng laughed. He was very confident in his hand speed. It wasn't that he was bragging. Even the bank's masters in counting money probably couldn't compare to him.

Of course, this is just thinking about it in my heart, if I get it to show off in the group, I don't know how those wretched guys will arrange themselves!


After returning from the village committee, Zhang Feng was going to wash the dirty clothes he had just worn.

"Mom, do you have any dirty laundry to do?"

"Yes, the two clothes I just took off yesterday are on my bedside!"

Zhang Feng nodded, walked into his mother's room and took a look. One was the sweater she was wearing recently, and the other was a thermal coat.

He first washed the dirt on his clothes, and then put his mother's clothes in the washing machine.

It's a pity that the weather has not been very good in the past two days, either cloudy or light rain. It would be great if there is a big sun. After washing, it can be dried in less than two hours.

Now even if most of the moisture is shaken off, it still needs to hang for a day or two.

While doing laundry, Tie Dan ran in with an exercise book in his arms.

"Crazy brother, crazy brother..."

"What's wrong?" Seeing Tie Dan's hurried appearance, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Crazy brother, I've been thinking about this question for a long time but I can't solve it. Can you teach me?" Tie Dan looked at him expectantly.

"Oh, what's the topic? Bring it here and let me have a look?" Zhang Feng dried his hands, then curiously took Tie Dan's synchronous practice, and began to read.

There are 42 students in Class 30 of the third grade, 24 of them like mathematics, 18 of them like Chinese, and [-] of them like both Chinese and mathematics. May I ask how many students in Class [-] who don’t like Chinese or mathematics?
"Ah, this question, this question seems very abstract, but we just need to draw a picture!"

Then Zhang Feng drew the picture on the draft paper, and explained the succession steps, Tie Dan suddenly realized, and he understood it all at once.

"How? Got it?" Zhang Feng put down his pen and asked Tie Dan with a smile.

"Understood, I understand!" Tie Dan nodded excitedly, "Thank you madman brother!"

"It's okay, go back and study hard, and you can ask me if you don't know it!" Zhang Feng smiled, and he also likes little kids who like to ask questions.

"Understood, Brother Crazy!" Tie Dan nodded, took the synchronization exercise and left happily.

Seeing Tie Dan's appearance, Zhang Feng also smiled gratifiedly. The little kid who used to take the eighth, nine, and tenth exams now knows how to work hard. The number is embarrassing, and sometimes even [-] to [-] points in the test, and passing the Chinese and math tests is no longer a problem.

Smiling and shaking his head, Zhang Feng continued to wash his clothes.

While washing, I recalled my elementary school and junior high school.

It’s true that when you are young, you don’t know your worries. At that time, going to school was like playing. Every day when the bell rang after class, everyone rushed out of the classroom. In the aisle and on the playground, it was so lively.

When I was in class, I pulled the hair of the girl in front of me and pretended nothing had happened. When the girl turned her head, she slapped her backwards, saying that she was blocking the blackboard. It was very interesting to think about it.

The scene at that time seems to be still yesterday, but time flies, and it has been 20 years in a blink of an eye. The former friends have all grown up, and some children have gone to elementary school again. This seems to be another reincarnation.

"Crazy!" Yiyi stepped into the courtyard.

"Yiyi, you are here, I happen to have something to give you!" Seeing Yiyi, Zhang Feng laughed happily.

"What?" Yiyi's face was full of curiosity when she heard that there was something to give herself.

"You wait..." After saying that, Zhang Feng ran into the house, and after a while, he came out with two cats in his arms.

"Wow, what a beautiful cat!" The black and white kittens are super cute, Yiyi fell in love with them the first time she saw them.

"Hey..." Seeing Yiyi's appearance, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing: "This is no ordinary cat!"

"Huh!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Yiyi found something unusual, because the two cats didn't move at all.

"This... is this made of stone??" After carefully stroking, Yiyi cried out in surprise.

"Well, these two are pebbles, I just drew two cats on them!" Seeing Yiyi's surprised expression, Zhang Feng became proud.

"It's really a pebble!" Yiyi took the two cats, felt the coldness of the stone, and finally accepted the fact, and then started watching with joy.

"Crazy, where did you learn it? It's really interesting to draw!" Yiyi looked at Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

"I heard what Daya and Erya said yesterday..." Then Zhang Feng simply said that Daya sisters want to learn to draw.

"Well, those two little girls are really worth cultivating, and you can tell that they will be very promising in the future!" Yiyi smiled and nodded.

As the saying goes, one year old is old, and three years old is old. You can probably see a person's ability from his daily words and deeds.

Yiyi holds her two kittens and looks left and right, the more she looks at them, the more she likes them, and she wants to try this novel painting method by herself.

"Crazy, do you still have pebbles here? I want to try too!"

"Yes, there are still a few pieces in the study!" Then Zhang Feng took Yiyi into the study and introduced to her the cobblestone paintings he drew yesterday.

Beautiful ladybugs, golden chafers, and lifelike unicorns...

In addition to these small insects, there are also various artworks such as pandas, puppies, tigers, lions, etc. on the desk.

"Yeah, the painting is not bad, let me show you my skills!" Yiyi raised her head and smiled confidently.

"Okay, look, these are unused stones from yesterday, you choose yourself!"

Yiyi nodded, and picked from the bamboo basket.

"Hey, this is not bad, crazy man, how about I paint it as an Easter egg?" Finally, Yiyi chose an oval stone the size of a duck egg, and asked him with a smile.

"The design is good, the painted eggs must be very beautiful!" Zhang Feng praised with a smile.

"Of course, hee hee!" Yiyi was very happy, and after thinking for a while, she took out her brush and paint and started to paint.

(End of this chapter)

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