small farmer

Chapter 1004 Doubtful Ahong

Chapter 1004 Doubtful Ahong (12)

Yiyi just pick up a pen and do it
The head and body are in the golden ratio. After dividing the area, start to draw it in detail, big eyes, round face, and a small red padded jacket, just like a fairy doll that fell from the sky.

"How does it look good?" Yiyi turned her head and asked Zhang Feng with a smile after finishing the painting.

"It's beautiful, the chubby little doll is super cute and very festive!" Zhang Feng nodded, and also liked the egg doll painted by Yiyi very much.

"Hee hee, it's good to look good, but it's a pity that there is only one such stone, if only two of them can be painted as a pair!" Yiyi smiled, and then felt a little regretful.

"It's okay, there are many stones on the river beach, maybe we can still find them!" Zhang Feng said comfortingly with a slight smile.

"Yeah, let's go after you finish washing your clothes, shall we?" Yiyi asked coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll accompany you after washing the clothes!" Zhang Feng agreed with a smile, scratching Yiyi's nose. "

Hearing that he agreed, Yiyi laughed happily.


After drying the clothes, Zhang Feng held Yiyi with one hand and the bamboo basket with the other, as if walking outside the house.

"Mom, Yiyi and I will go for a walk on the river beach!"

"You go, I'm at home!" Wang Guilan smiled, then waved Dahei to the gate to watch.

The poor big black eyes looked at the two people who were leaving, and their eyes were full of envy.

"Grandpa and grandma aren't at home??" Walking to the door of Yiyi's house, Zhang Feng looked into the yard and found that the door was locked and no one was there.

"They should go for a walk by the river!" Yiyi explained with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded, took Yiyi's hand and continued to walk outside the village.

As soon as he walked to the door of Uncle Er Niu's house, Uncle Er Niu asked with a smile after seeing it.

"Crazy, you two are going to spread dog food again?"

"Yes, what if the dog food is not distributed on time and the single dogs starve to death?"

"You bastard, if you say this, you will be beaten to death!" Uncle Er Niu smiled wryly and shook his head.

Xiu Enai dies quickly, and there is a price to pay for fighting single dogs, and she might be blacked out at any time.

I remember there was such a news on the Internet, it was about a foreign couple sitting on the edge of a park fountain and kissing (is there a river crab in these two words?), suddenly a single dog rushed over and pushed the loving couple to the ground. In the fountain, the two of them became drowned in the next second.

When the couple got up in a daze, the single dog had already fled, and the two couples who were throwing dog food could only admit that they were unlucky.

This is a living chestnut, so showing affection in public is also dangerous!

I met many villagers along the way, and when I saw them carrying bamboo baskets, I thought they were picking wild vegetables!When they learned that they went to the river to pick up stones, everyone was shocked.

"Brother Feng, did you pick up stones and cook them?" Ahong asked with a smirk.

"Go away, did you kid grow up eating rocks?"

Zhang Feng said angrily, and Yiyi couldn't help laughing, thinking that Ahong was really funny.

"Hey, why are you picking up rocks? You're carrying a vegetable basket. Don't I think you're picking up rocks to cook?" Ah Hong continued to ask with a cheeky smile.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes at this guy, shook his head and explained: "We pick up stones for painting, okay? Have you heard of cobblestone painting?"

"Pebble painting?? Use pebbles to make pictures on the ground?" Ahong guessed with bright eyes, because there seem to be such things in many parks.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and showed him the pictures saved on his mobile phone. Ah Hong was immediately surprised. He didn't expect such a thing to exist in the world.

"I'm going, it's really knowledgeable. I didn't expect to play pebbles like this?" Seeing all kinds of beautiful pebbles painted by Zhang Feng, Ahong couldn't help but be amazed.

Suddenly A Hong's eyes lit up, and he licked his face and asked Zhang Feng: "Brother Feng, you probably won't be able to use up so many paintings, why don't you put them in my shop for consignment?"

"Forget it, I'll just paint for fun, but I don't have the kung fu to paint so much for you!" Zhang Feng refused him without thinking.

"Farewell Brother Feng, it's enough for you to draw a picture at ordinary times, and I don't ask you to draw every day..." Seeing Zhang Feng leaving, A Hong hurriedly chased after him, and one of the pictures that fell on him look.

"I said why do you look like a paparazzi? It's not over!" Zhang Feng scolded with a bit of a smile.

"Hey, brother Feng, I'm here to support my family..."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You kid earns tens of thousands a month, and you can't finish eating even if you eat a lot of fish and meat?"

"Ahem, Brother Feng, please help me. My bamboo weaving is too time-consuming, and it's just like that after a month of exhausting work. There is no way to expand the scale, so I have to find other ways!" A Hong scratched his head. Hastily explained.

"Madman, didn't you just accept two apprentices?" At this moment, Yiyi pulled Zhang Feng's sleeve and reminded with a smile.

Hearing Yiyi's words, Zhang Feng instantly understood what she meant.

"Brother Feng, you have taken in two apprentices??" A Hong's spirit was shaken, he was overwhelmed with surprise, and quickly said, "If you don't have time, you might as well ask your apprentices to cooperate with me!"

"Okay, but my two apprentices haven't started learning yet, so I guess we'll have to wait until the holidays!" Zhang Feng laughed inexplicably.

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Feng. By the way, who is your apprentice, Brother Feng?" A Hong asked curiously after thanking him.

"You must know my two apprentices, they are Da Ya and Er Ya!"

"What? Da Ya Er Ya?" Hearing Zhang Feng's answer, Ah Hong couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, thinking, Brother Feng, are you kidding me?What can two little girls do?

Originally, Ah Hong thought that the two apprentices Feng had taken were Zhang Yue and Zhang Lin, but they were Da Ya and Er Ya, who were still in elementary school!It should be okay to ask them to draw a simple house with flowers and plants. Can they draw such a difficult picture of cobblestone?Ah Hong is deeply suspicious of this.

"Yes, don't you see that the flower bags made by Da Ya are also very popular with tourists? The cobblestone paintings they draw will definitely be good!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Ah Hong was stunned for a long time, and the two of them walked a long way before regaining consciousness. Finally, looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, he shook his head and sighed, and walked home helplessly.

As for finding a big girl and a second girl to cooperate with, this still needs to be carefully thought out!After all, cooperating with two primary school students, no matter what, I feel a little weird!

"Hee hee, madman, do you think my suggestion is good?" Seeing that the madman dismissed Ah Hong easily, Yiyi said triumphantly.

"That's right, our Yiyi is simply a female Zhuge!" Zhang Feng stroked Yiyi's hair with a smile, and then kissed her lightly on the face.

Seeing that there were still people on the road, Yiyi couldn't help showing a charming shyness on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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