small farmer

Chapter 1006 Exchange Instrument

Chapter 1006 Exchange Instrument (12)

"smell good……"

"Is the lunatic familiar?"

Mao Ya swallowed, and asked Zhang Feng eagerly.

Seeing her greedy look, Zhang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "It hasn't been baked yet, don't worry, it will be baked later, everyone will have a share."

"Hee hee..." Hearing his words, the little ones laughed happily. The two little ones were extremely happy to be able to eat such delicious roasted sweet potatoes.

After baking for about half an hour, the shoes of the two little guys were finally dried, and they put on the warm shoes again. The two little guys had smiles on their faces, and they were so happy.

After roasting the sweet potatoes, Zhang Feng put a few dried chilis on the side of the fire and roasted them. When the chilis were scorched, he immediately took them out with tongs, patted off the ashes on them, kneaded them with his hands, and put them in the dishes Here, it can be made into delicious paste chili for dinner.

However, after rubbing the pepper paste, you must wash your hands repeatedly, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious.

I remember that when Zhang Feng was seven or eight years old, he forgot to wash his hands after rubbing chili peppers. His eyes were almost blinded by the pepper. It took an hour or two for his eyes to open, and it took about a week for his eyes to fully recover. .

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake for ten years, he is afraid of well ropes. After receiving that lesson, Zhang Feng would remember to wash his hands every time he finished handling chili peppers, and gradually formed a habit.

"Mao Ya...Mao Ya...let's go home for dinner!"

At this moment, Da Mao's voice sounded in the village, calling loudly for his sister to go home for dinner.

"Hey! I'm right back!" Hearing her brother's voice, Mao Ya ran out in a hurry holding half of the unfinished sweet potato.

As for Er Dan, he also hesitated for a while, followed behind Mao Ya, and ran home with a huff.


It has been more than ten days since the last laboratory application was successful.

The preliminary transformation of the laboratory has been completed, and today is also the day when the researchers arrive. Zhang Feng rushed to the laboratory early in the morning to check and accept the laboratory, and then drove to the bus station, waiting for the arrival of the three researchers.

at noon

A high-class bus drove into the station from outside the station and stopped steadily.

Soon, the passengers filed down, and the three researchers with hairlines as high as the sky also walked down.

"Yeah, boss!"

"Hello boss! Hello boss!"

Since he was a researcher exchanged by Zhang Feng from the system, the three recognized him at a glance and greeted him with a smile.

"Everyone has worked hard, let me take you to dinner first!"

"Thank you, thank you boss!"

As he said that, Zhang Feng drove the car and took the three bullies with him to the Niu Zhong Niu Demon King. There happened to be a branch near the station.

It was time to eat, and there were people coming and going in the Bull Demon King's restaurant, and the business was very hot.

"Welcome, how many of you!"

"Four, do you still have a box?"

"Yes, four please follow me..."

The luck of the few people was good, and they met the last box.

"This is the best restaurant in Qingshan. The food tastes very good. You can order whatever you like."

"I haven't been back to China for seven or eight years, now I have to taste our authentic Chinese cuisine!"

The backgrounds of the three researchers are all biomedical experts studying and working abroad. They are all in their early thirties, and they are in the period of research.

All three are very happy to be able to return to work in China, especially being summoned back by the boss, they are even happier.

Because in their instilled memories, Zhang Feng is the best boss in the world. Working for him not only provides good benefits and benefits, but most importantly, he can learn more advanced knowledge and produce results more easily.

"Boss, what is our first goal?" Before the food was served, one of them asked Zhang Feng.

"Well, our first goal is to conquer leukemia!"

"Okay, the boss is really awesome!" When the three of them heard that this was the research project, they were immediately full of fighting spirit.

Although this topic is difficult to study and quite difficult, it is more challenging and can better reflect their level. For masters, it is more meaningful to sit up on challenging things.

Seeing the performance of the three, Zhang Feng nodded happily. He felt that the three were really good, at least in terms of mental outlook, they were very good.

"Come, come, let's eat first, and then we'll talk slowly after we finish!" Seeing that the dishes had been served, Zhang Feng hurriedly called the three of them over.

"thank you boss!"

"Everyone, don't hesitate to eat!"

"Hmm..." The three of them were not pretentious, and they were as forthright as ordinary men in science and engineering. They picked up their chopsticks and began to eat with big mouthfuls.

"Delicious, the food here is much better than that in Chinatown!"

"Of course, this is Huaxia. Can the Chinese restaurants in Chinatown compare with this place!"

The three of them ate with relish, their mouths were almost full, and they felt that the food was really delicious, it was simply the best meal they had ever eaten when they grew up.

After eating, Zhang Feng took everyone to the laboratory and arrived at the destination in about 5 minutes.

"Okay, get out of the car, this is our laboratory!"

"Wow, it's so big!" Seeing the spacious laboratory, the three of them were also very pleasantly surprised.

"Come on, the house over there is your dormitory and laboratory, and everyone will work here from now on!" Zhang Feng said, leading everyone like a laboratory.

"This is your dormitory. Each person has a room. You can choose it yourself."

All kinds of furniture in the room are ready, and three people can move in with their bags.

"Boss, let's go to the laboratory and have a look?" The three of them were so procrastinating, full of enthusiasm for their work, that they were about to go to the laboratory as soon as they put down their luggage.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile. The laboratory is still blank at this time, and the three of them have to choose the experimental equipment by themselves.
When the three came to the laboratory, they didn't have any complaints about the space of the laboratory. They kept asking the boss to buy experimental equipment quickly so that they could enter the research as soon as possible.

Zhang Feng was also kind, and immediately asked the three of them to make a list of equipment.

The three of them were very familiar with the various instruments in the laboratory, and in less than an hour, they listed the experimental instruments they needed one by one.

Good guy!
Zhang Feng couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the long list of instrument names.

What surprised him even more was the required points, which were simply astronomical figures. These instruments alone required more than 1000 million points, which made Zhang Feng tremble with distress.

Converting so many points into RMB, that's more than a dozen!
No wonder everyone says that scientific research is burning money, and high technology is piled up with banknotes.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Zhang Feng frowning, the researcher asked concerned.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay, I'll exchange it for you!"

Zhang Feng smiled awkwardly, and did not shy away from the three of them, and directly exchanged the experimental equipment from the system.

(End of this chapter)

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