small farmer

Chapter 1007 Auxiliary Robot

Chapter 1007 Auxiliary Robot (22)

See the experimental equipment that suddenly appeared

The three of them were not surprised, because they were all produced by the system, they all knew the existence of the system, and they would not leak the secrets, because the system had already left behind when they were exchanged.

"Boss, we are starting to install laboratory equipment!"

"Okay, you can figure it out yourself!" Seeing the densely packed instruments in the room, Zhang Feng couldn't get his hands on them. Many of these instruments are sophisticated experimental equipment, and professional personnel are required to install them.

But this is not a problem for the three of them. One of them opened a huge box, and soon three simulated robots appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

Fuck!It's so realistic, if Zhang Feng didn't know that this is the auxiliary robot he exchanged, he might have thought that there were three strangers in his laboratory.

The three auxiliary robots are no different from ordinary people, with the same eyes and the same nose, the skin is also pressed down, and it is also very elastic, and the inside is made of very advanced resin materials, so the simulation level of this robot is very high, almost reaching hundred percent.

I saw that the researchers pressed the crotch of the robot, and the three auxiliary robots suddenly came to life and stood up suddenly.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng was almost taken aback, thinking that the corpse was a scam.

"No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], quickly install these instruments!"

Following the researcher's order, the three auxiliary robots answered yes, and then began to get busy in the experiment.

What surprised Zhang Feng the most was that the three auxiliary robots could cooperate with each other to complete the installation of some larger instruments.

"Boss, do you want to name the three of them?" Zhao Ke asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhao Ke is the name of one of the researchers, others thought it was Qian Yan, and the last one was named Sun Xuesi.

"Okay, aren't they auxiliary robots? Let's just call them Fu Yi, Fu Er, and Fu San!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's name, the three of them looked at each other, wondering if the name was chosen too casually?
"What's the matter, isn't that a good name? Why don't you come up?" Seeing the silence of the three, Zhang Feng rubbed his nose and asked a little embarrassedly.

"Ahem, boss, you are doing very well, very well!"

The three of them cleared their throats and said against their will, but their naming standards were not much higher.

Besides, this name is not used by them, as long as it is not too weird, it will be used.

The poor three robots didn't know that they were given such a nasty name by the boss. If they had their own thoughts, they would probably violently beat up Zhang Feng in an instant to seek justice for themselves.

Robot: MMP not only has one sentence to speak properly
Master, the name you chose is so 'happiness', I wait for the robot to not even support Thanos, so I will obey you!

I don't know if the robots will complain, but there is no doubt about their flexibility and power. With their efforts, the installation of each experimental instrument is completed quickly, and the efficiency is faster than Zhang Feng imagined.

"Zhao Ke, what do you think about the management of the laboratory?"

"Boss..." Then Zhao Ke spoke out all his thoughts.

Because of the system support, Zhao Ke plans to turn the laboratory into an intelligent management mode. As long as he exchanges for a junior intelligent housekeeper, the management and safety of the laboratory will no longer be a problem.

"Okay, I'll exchange it for you!"

Zhang Feng also agrees with the three people's suggestions. As long as there is an intelligent management system, no other management personnel are needed at all. The three people can be fully competent. Moreover, there are three auxiliary robots, so it will not be a problem to protect the safety of the laboratory.

Because the auxiliary robots can not only do some groceries, but also are very powerful. Generally, three or five big guys can't beat them at all.

Moreover, Zhang Feng also planned to get them two dogs. The dogs that had taken the Qiling Pill were smarter than professional police dogs and could fully complete daily patrol and security work.

Zhang Feng cannot overemphasize the safety of the laboratory.

Think about what will be studied in the laboratory. If the research is successful, it will definitely attract a lot of coveted eyes.

Therefore, high-definition smart monitors must be installed around the laboratory. Whenever strangers appear, they will focus on them. When appropriate, the smart housekeeper will immediately remind the people in the laboratory, and even directly report to the boss Zhang Feng.

been busy all day in the lab
At eight o'clock in the evening, after having a meal with everyone, Zhang Feng drove to the village.

As for the researchers, they have already settled down in the laboratory. As for the missing substances, they can handle them by themselves.


When Zhang Feng returned to the entrance of the village

He found that someone was actually blocking the road. At first he thought he had encountered robbers, but when he got closer, he realized that they were members of the construction team working in the village.

"Hey, you guys haven't got off work yet?"

"Not yet, Boss Zhang is really sorry, I may ask you to wait first, the cannon will be fired soon!" The two said to Zhang Feng with apologetic smiles.

"It's okay, let's smoke a cigarette!" Zhang Feng opened the car door and handed a cigarette to the two with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you!" Both of them were flattered when they received the cigarettes from Zhang Feng.
Who is the person in front of him? He is the richest man in Qingshan, a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions, and he is also the benefactor of hundreds of thousands of farmers nearby. He is the one who led everyone out of poverty and made the farmers in Qingshan live a better life.

"Fire the cannon! Let the cannon go! Please be careful and dodge..."

"Fire the cannon! Let the cannon go! Please be careful and dodge..."

Soon, there were foremen with loudspeakers in the vicinity for a few hundred meters to remind them loudly. Not only were people blocking the entrance of the village, but there were also workers in the village looking after them, so that villagers and tourists should not be allowed to enter the dangerous area.

About five minutes later, there was a bang, as if the earth had been opened up, and the ground shook for a while. Fortunately, the shaking was very slight. After all, the blasting technology now is much more advanced than before.

Zhang Feng remembers that when he was a child, there was a large sand field on the way to school. Almost every day, cannons were fired to blow up rocks. Every time the cannons were fired, the whole city could hear them. When the cannons rang, the gravels poured down. ,

The scene was quite spectacular, and of course it was very dangerous. When the friends were walking on the road, they could often see stones flying on the road. The nearby houses were often spared, and the roofs were often punched with holes.

"Mr. Zhang, you can go there!" The two construction workers said to Zhang Feng in embarrassment.

Zhang Feng nodded and drove to the parking lot.

When he got home, the room was pitch black, only a pair of green eyes were staring at him, he took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't Dahei,

Seeing that the master had come home, Dahei stood up suddenly, and ran over excitedly, shaking his head, so unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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