small farmer

Chapter 1037 Giant Lingzhi

Chapter 1037 Giant Lingzhi (22)

"It's time to eat! It's time to eat!! If you bring your own dry food, don't come here to cook!!"

Hearing Paoshan Master's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, this master has a lot of resentment!This time it should be for real!

And the dozen or so experts who brought their own dry food were suddenly stunned. They were about to line up for a meal, but they had to stop after walking a few steps.

"Is there not enough food for Pao Shan Ye?" As the team leader, Professor Zhou hurriedly asked Pao Shan Ye.

"Of course it's not enough. There's only one pot here. How can the rice be cooked for 38 people?" Paoshan Master answered truthfully.

Hearing Pao Shanye's words and looking at the iron pot for cooking on the ground, Professor Zhou couldn't help but frown.

"Then today's food is enough for everyone?"

"We don't lack food. The main thing we lack is the iron pot for cooking! Professor Zhou, take a look at this pot. It's actually very big, but it's still not enough to cook for so many people!!" Grandpa pointed to the large iron pot with a diameter of [-] to [-] centimeters on the ground and said to Professor Zhou.

"Okay then! You have to think about a way to make everyone eat rice at night!" Professor Zhou sighed softly, and there was no solution for a while.

Fortunately, the dishes at noon were quite rich, with vegetables and meat, and everyone was very satisfied with what they ate. Even those experts who ate compressed biscuits were given a bowl of vegetables, and they all ate with relish.

After eating, a few graduate students were responsible for washing the dishes, and others sat on the ground next to them to rest.

"Professor Wu, what kind of orchid is that over there? Why is it still blooming in winter?" Zhang Feng asked Professor Wu, pointing to the blooming orchid not far away.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng must have been misled by such words as Chunlan, Xiahe, and Qiuju?" Seeing Zhang Feng nodding, Professor Wu continued to explain: "Actually, there are many varieties of orchids, so their flowering time also varies. Each is different..."

"The spring orchids that are blooming over there usually only bloom in spring, but in the south, because of the mild climate, they also bloom in winter."

"So it is like this!!" Zhang Feng suddenly realized.

But at this moment

Suddenly, Pa Shan Ye's shout sounded in the woods: "Xiao Feng, come quickly!!"

Hearing the shout of the running mountain master, Zhang Feng became anxious immediately, and ran over there, asking loudly while running: "What's wrong with you, running mountain master?"

"There are good things here!!" Master Pao Shan looked at the baby in front of him with excitement.

Hearing the movement from Master Pao Shan, the experts also ran over immediately.

When everyone came close, they realized that it was really amazing. Master Paoshan really found a treasure - a giant Ganoderma lucidum.

I saw this Ganoderma lucidum standing in front of everyone. It was about 1.2 meters high and over a meter in diameter. In the eyes of everyone, it was simply the giant of Ganoderma lucidum, like a huge umbrella.

"This... is this Ganoderma lucidum??" Zhang Feng looked at the thing in front of him, dumbfounded. Why did this thing look a little unreal, and how did it feel like the little mushroom sculpture in the kindergarten.

"Red Zhi!! This is a red sesame!!" At this moment, Professor Zhou shouted out in surprise.

Chinese history records that there are hundreds of species of Ganoderma lucidum, and the ancients divided them into six categories according to their colors: purple, red, green, yellow, white, and black.Among them, Zizhi and Chizhi have the greatest medicinal value.

Red lucidum is a basidiomycetes polyporaceae Ganoderma lucidum, the fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum or purple lucidum, widely distributed in East Asia, the wild red lucidum is of the best quality, and it is one of the most effective species of Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum generally grows in mountain forests with high humidity and dim light. It mainly grows on rotten trees or their roots, rather than on the branches of pines and cypresses as introduced in some literary works.

Ganoderma lucidum is not a plant, it cannot carry out photosynthesis by itself, and can only absorb nutrients from other organic matter or decaying trees.Ganoderma lucidum is a firm, polyspored and slightly bitter fungus.When the Ganoderma reaches maturity, it will emit powdery spores to reproduce.

"This Ganoderma lucidum is estimated to be hundreds of years old?"

"Even if there are not 100 years, it is estimated that there will be 50 years!!"

Seeing such a huge Ganoderma lucidum for the first time, the experts were also shocked, and everyone gathered together to study and discuss.

It's a pity that the age of Ganoderma lucidum is hard to judge.
For example, the growth cycle of wild Ganoderma lucidum is only about one year, and the growth period of flat-covered Ganoderma lucidum is longer. Ganoderma lucidum often appears in virgin forests for decades or hundreds of years.There is no specific basis for distinguishing the age of Ganoderma lucidum. It mainly depends on size, weight, color and so on.

Therefore, it is impossible to judge the growth year of this Giant Mac. Even with scientific instruments, we can only get an approximate year.

"Master Paoshan, should you sell this Ganoderma lucidum to our reserve for 10 yuan?"

"Is this... is this suitable?" Master Paoshan asked a little nervously.

"Haha, don't worry, this is what you found, who does not belong to you?" Professor Zhou said with a smile.

Although this is within the scope of the protected area, mountain people are not prohibited from entering the mountain to collect mountain treasures and medicinal materials.

Hearing Professor Zhou's words, Master Paoshan heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face, 10 yuan! !Two years ago, this would have been equivalent to his entire savings, and even now, that is a huge income.

"Well, I'll sell this Ganoderma lucidum to our reserve!" Master Paoshan said with a smile.

"Okay!! I'll transfer the money to you when I get back!!" Professor Zhou was also very happy.
Although the protected area has been established, there are no decent exhibits yet. He is also very happy to receive such a large Ganoderma lucidum this time.

As for letting the ganoderma continue to grow here, although he also thought about it, it was already impossible, because Paoshan Lord accidentally damaged its roots just now, this ganoderma might not survive, so he had to take it back as a specimen.

Although everyone felt a little pity, there was nothing they could do.

Just like that, during the break at noon, everyone made another huge discovery, a Ganoderma lucidum with a diameter of more than one meter.

Then the experts dug out the ganoderma lucidum carefully, and several experts moved the ganoderma lucidum from the woods to the camping place as if holding a small umbrella.

"It's so big, it's like an umbrella!"

Click!Click!Everyone took out their mobile phones, took a picture of this giant Ganoderma lucidum, and forwarded it to Moments.

Soon this Ganoderma lucidum caused a sensation in everyone's circle of friends, and spread rapidly. In less than half an hour, news about this Ganoderma lucidum had already appeared on some efficient online media.

Netizens who read the news exclaimed, the ganoderma lucidum is so big, maybe it has become as fine as the ginseng doll?

Many netizens also speculated about its value, some said it was worth millions, and some even speculated that it could sell for tens of millions! !
Because Ganoderma lucidum is in everyone's impression, it is a fairy grass! !
(End of this chapter)

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