small farmer

Chapter 1038 Bamboo Rice

Chapter 1038 Bamboo Rice (12)

"Professor Zhou, what is the function of this Ganoderma lucidum?" Zhang Feng was curious about this.

"Hehe, everyone knows that Ganoderma lucidum is a precious medicinal material. It not only has the effects of invigorating qi and calming the nerves, relieving cough and asthma, and prolonging life, it can also be used for dizziness and insomnia, palpitations, shortness of breath, neurasthenia, fatigue and cough."

"Ganoderma lucidum also has anti-tumor effects, and one of the most important reasons why tumors develop is the low or disordered autoimmune function.

Studies have shown that red ganoderma is indeed the best regulator and activator of autoimmune function, which can significantly improve the body's immune function and enhance the patient's own anti-cancer ability.In addition, red ganoderma also has anti-aging effects, specifically because the polysaccharides and polypeptides contained in red ganoderma have obvious anti-aging effects. "

After listening to Professor Zhou's explanation, Zhang Feng couldn't help but suddenly realized that it is no wonder that Ganoderma lucidum is so precious. Cancer and aging are the biggest health problems facing human beings. As long as it has obvious effects on these two aspects, it is estimated that the price is higher.

After a break of about an hour, the specialists resumed their work.

Zhang Feng and Master Paoshan couldn't help, so they started looking for wild vegetables around the valley.

Don’t think it’s winter, the mountains are all yellow and there are no wild vegetables growing, but on the contrary, it’s easier to find wild vegetables in winter.

Everyone has heard the saying that there is a little green among thousands of flowers, and wild vegetables in winter are also so prominent in the lonely mountains. As long as you find green places, they are almost all edible wild vegetables.

Shepherd's purse, horseshoe purse, scissors... Among them, shepherd's purse has the most and the best growth rate.
"Xiaofeng, come here, there are a lot of water celery!!" At this moment, Pa Shanye shouted loudly to Zhang Feng by the puddle in the valley.

"Hey! I'm coming!!" Zhang Feng hurriedly took the plastic bag and ran towards Pao Shan Ye.

I found a piece of green wild celery from a distance, not only that, but there were also sporadically distributed pectinosa celery beside the puddle, Zhang Feng was overjoyed, he can make a cold pianurica tonight for everyone!I believe everyone will like it.

The two of Zhang Feng and three mountain patrol members acted together, and in less than an hour, they picked a bunch of wild vegetables.

On the other side, under the protection of the special police, the experts have basically completed today's work and are ready to rest and set up their tents.

"Xiaofeng, please help me send these orchids back!" Professor Zhou said with some embarrassment.

Since it was agreed before, Zhang Feng smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'll just ask Xiaoque to deliver it for me!!"

"Haha, that's good, it's really more convenient to have you here." Hearing Zhang Feng readily agreed, Professor Zhou couldn't help but smile.

Then Zhang Feng put all the bluegrass dug by the experts into the back basket, and then tied it with a rope, let the sparrowhawk grab the rope and fly high to the village with the back basket.

"Okay, Professor Zhou, just have someone prepare to receive it at the gate of the protection station!!" Zhang Feng said with a relaxed smile when he saw the Sparrowhawk flying away.

"Okay, I'll notify Station Master Zhang right away!" These orchids are all rare species, which are related to everyone's follow-up research, so they can't be sloppy at all.

At the same time, the other experts in the inspection team shook their heads in amazement, thinking that the sparrowhawk has really become a spirit!
It's as smart as a human being. If it weren't for Zhang Feng, these guys would probably want to catch Sparrowhawk and study it.

about half an hour
Sparrowhawk flew back again, and this time it not only brought a big fish weighing seven to eight catties, but also brought about ten catties of vegetables and a few catties of rice.

"Haha, there is actually a big fish. The food we went to the mountain this time is really good, right?" Professor Liu laughed happily when he saw the big fish brought by Sparrowhawk.

In the past, when they went to the mountains for inspection, how could they have such good treatment? If you are thirsty, you can drink some mountain spring water, and if you are hungry, you can eat a few dry steamed buns. If you can drink a cup of hot tea, thank God, it is very happy Now, unlike this time, not only did they not have to worry about eating and drinking, but they also had fish and meat. They didn’t have to worry about food and lodging. Zhang Feng and Pao Shanye took care of everything, so the experts were much more relaxed!
In the blink of an eye, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. With deep forests and dense trees, the weather was gloomy, and it would be dark in two hours at most. Therefore, everyone should hurry up and divide into three groups. One group was led by Zhang Feng and was in charge of To make dinner, a group led by Pao Shan Ye searched for firewood in the surrounding woods, and the rest began to build tents under the command of Professor Zhou to prepare a place for overnight stay.

"Xiaofeng cook more meals at night!!" Seeing that Zhang Feng had started to wash the rice, Professor Zhou reminded Zhang Feng in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'll let everyone have a hot meal!!" Zhang Feng smiled, although the pot is not too small for enough, but Zhang Feng still has a way.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Professor Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief. If it was still like noon, it would definitely not work to let a few people eat dry food, which would not be conducive to the unity and management of the inspection team.

Then Professor Zhou was very curious, how to cook without a pot? ?
"Xiao Feng, what are you going to do??"

"Look, what's that over there?" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, pointed to the plants growing on the hillside not far away, and asked Professor Zhou confidently.

"Bamboo?" Professor Zhou was a little puzzled at first, but soon realized: "I see, you are going to make rice in bamboo tubes, right?"

The cooking method of bamboo tube rice is quite characteristic of picnics, that is, cut off a section of bamboo tube, fill it with appropriate amount of wild rice and water, put it on the fire and roast it until cooked. When the surface of the bamboo tube is burnt, the rice is cooked.

Split the bamboo tube, the rice is wrapped in the bamboo membrane, it is soft and delicious, with the fragrance of fragrant bamboo and the fragrance of rice.When eating, break open the bamboo tube and take out the rice. This is the famous "Bamboo Tube Fragrant Rice".

There is no unparalleled road, and there is a clump of mangosteen not far from the valley, which can be used to cook dinner for everyone.

The dishes in the evening were still mixed, because this was in the mountains, even if Zhang Feng wanted to cook two dishes for everyone, there was no such condition, so he directly boiled fish and wild vegetables in a pot, and of course there was a pot of cold side ear root.

The firewood in the stove was crackling, and the flames kept burning, scorching the bamboo tubes on the stones, and at the same time, the bamboo tubes emitted the fragrance of rice and bamboo.

At 05:30 in the evening, the meals are finally ready.

There was a raging bonfire burning in the open space of Taniguchi. Everyone sat around the bonfire, each holding a big bowl, and eating the meals made by Zhang Feng with relish.

Although the conditions are very simple, everyone still eats delicious food. After working, they can eat a bowl of fragrant rice and drink a bowl of steaming fish soup. This is really a blessing for experts who often go to the mountains for investigation It was a rare happiness, so there were satisfied smiles on everyone's faces.

(End of this chapter)

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