small farmer

Chapter 1051 Cheeky little guys

Chapter 1051 Cheeky little guys (22)

"Let's go too!" Seeing the crowd disperse, the old man suggested with a smile.

"These people are really hateful!!" The little girl pouted, still brooding over what happened just now.

"Hehe, the reality is like this. Although these people's actions are somewhat inappropriate, the performances of the acrobatic troupe are indeed dangerous, such as the fire-breathing performance just now. If there is a mistake, it will be dangerous;!" the old man laughed. explained with a smile.

Everyone understands this truth, but they still feel aggrieved by the acrobatic troupe and feel sympathy for them.

"Hey! There's rice cakes over there, let's go buy some!!"

Seeing the yellow Baoguba not far away, the old man stopped immediately.

In three or two steps, I came to the stall selling the rice cakes. The old man touched it, looked at it, and finally nodded. He felt that the quality of the rice cakes was not bad.

"Boss, how do you sell this bag of rice cake?"

"Two yuan and five catties, how much do you want, sir?"

"Give me five or six catties!" The old man replied with a smile.

"Okay, old man, wait a moment!!" The boss hurriedly picked up three big grain cakes, put them into plastic bags, and put them on the weighing pan to weigh them.

"A total of eight catties, sir, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, that's it!" The old man didn't see much, nodded and agreed.

In fact, this is the little trick of the boss in doing business. Generally speaking, people in small businesses do this. If you want a catty, he will give you more, so that he can sell more and earn more money.

Of course, as long as it is not too much, people who buy things are too fussy. After all, everyone will use the goods they buy, right?

I bought eight catties of rice cake for 20 yuan, and the old man was very happy.

In his words, this is what they tasted like when they were young. At that time, the family was poor, and all the glutinous rice was sold, so they were reluctant to make glutinous rice cakes. Every year during the Chinese New Year, the family used glutinous corn to make for the children. Baoguba, although the taste of Baoguba is slightly inferior, it is still delicious to the children at that time, whether it is roasted or fried, it is so attractive.

After buying Baoguba, everyone continued to go to the market.

As the New Year is approaching, both sides of the street are densely packed with stalls selling New Year's goods.

Huh!Suddenly Zhang Feng also saw something good.

Someone is actually selling bracken! !This is very rare, because bracken is generally only available in spring.

"Sister, how did you keep this bracken until now?" Zhang Feng walked over and asked curiously.

"Hehe, my bracken is soaked in sour soup. If it is preserved well, it can be stored for a year or two!" The rural lady who was carrying the bracken smiled and explained, and then asked: "Brother, do you want to buy some? "

"Okay, big sister, how do you sell this bracken?" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile.

"Not expensive, not expensive, five yuan a catty!!"

"Okay, just sell it all to me!" Zhang Feng saw that the bracken in the bamboo basket was only about three catties, and decided to wrap it all up!
Hearing that Zhang Feng wanted it all, the eldest sister was overjoyed immediately, and quickly took out the steelyard from the back basket and weighed it.

It happened that three catties was more than one or two, and the eldest sister generously erased the one or two, and only counted three catties for Zhang Feng, a total of 15 yuan.

After meeting everyone with the bracken he just bought, Zhang Feng's face was full of joy.

"Hehe, what treasure did Xiaofeng buy?" the old man asked with a smile.

"Bracken, a bracken made by a big sister, old man, look at this bracken, it's still alive!!" Zhang Feng showed the bracken to the old man as if offering a treasure.

"Yo yo, it's really good..." The old man is also a person who likes good ingredients, and he is very happy to see that there are bracken in this season.

Seeing that the two bought bracken like a treasure, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and laughing.

The New Year's Fair is lively. Although everyone has nothing to buy, they find it very interesting. The most important thing is to feel the strong atmosphere of the New Year and the Spring Festival.

Seeing the crowds of people on the street, everyone seems to have traveled through time and space and returned to 20 years ago. At that time, every Chinese New Year was so lively, but with the development and expansion of the city, the old man has not been able to see such a scene for a long time. Lively scenes, so it's like returning to my hometown, when I was young, and I am full of kindness to it.

To be a stranger in a foreign country alone, think of love every time during the festive season.

Thinking of his dead parents, brothers and sisters, the old man's expression became gloomy.

"Grandpa, are the aunts and sisters coming back to celebrate the New Year this year?" Seemingly feeling a little lost in Grandpa's mood, Yiyi quickly asked with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, our family will be reunited again in a few years!!" The old man suddenly burst out laughing.

It is the happiest thing for the elderly to have a family get together during the Spring Festival. They are already very satisfied when they see their children and grandchildren in the house and see their children's careers going well.


After walking around for a whole morning, it was twelve o'clock at noon before everyone headed back home.

When everyone returned to the village, before getting out of the car, the little kids surrounded them with smiles.

"Hee hee, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu (Crazy brother Yiyi and sister) are you going to the market?"

"Hehe, yes, how do you know?" Grandma Liu fondled Mao Ya's face.

"Hee hee, it's what my aunt said. Today we went to play at brother lunatic's house, but we couldn't find him!" The little girl said with a smile, tilting her head.

Seeing these little kids, everyone was very happy. Grandma Liu hurriedly took out the candies she bought, and gave each of them a handful, which made the little ones very happy! !
"Sister Xiaoyue, have you sold us gifts?" The cheeky duckling asked Xiaoyue with a smile.

"Of course I bought it, and someone will bring it to you in the evening. I bought gifts for you all, not only a small pistol, a golden cudgel, but also Zhu Bajie and a car!"

"Really!" The little ones were pleasantly surprised while eating the candies.

Hearing Baby Sister's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, wondering if you sold those toys?I bought all of them?

Seeing himself glaring at him, the little girl raised her head with a look of pride.

Zhang Feng sighed and shook his head helplessly. Meeting such a younger sister is really helpless!

"Brother Crazy, how much New Year's money do you want to give us this year?" Still a cheeky little duck, the little guy asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Who said I will give you lucky money this year?" Zhang Feng pretended to be surprised.

"Ah, crazy brother, didn't you give it all last year?"

"That's right, why didn't you give it this year?"

When the little guy heard this, he immediately became unhappy and pestered Zhang Feng one after another, grabbing his clothes and refusing to let go.

Seeing this group of little rascals, Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. In the end, he had no choice but to promise to give each of them a 'big' red envelope after the Chinese New Year, and the little guys gave up and let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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