small farmer

Chapter 1052 Farewell

Chapter 1052 Farewell
The 23rd year of the twelfth lunar month has just passed,
Yiyi's family is about to leave Moon Lake and return to the city for the Spring Festival.

Because Yiyi's two aunts are going home to celebrate the New Year together this year, the grandparents are very happy, they will be going home soon, and they are starting to make preparations to let everyone have a good New Year.

Early the next morning, everyone arrived at the parking lot at the entrance of the village.

"Okay, Xiaofeng, don't load it anymore, our car can hardly fit it!!"

The old man said with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng carrying big and small bags in the car to earn money for the New Year.

"It's okay, I can definitely fit it!" Zhang Feng said, and finally stuffed all the local products into the trunk.

Seeing Zhang Feng's simple and rude movements, he was not afraid of ruining the New Year's goods, the old man smiled and shook his head, and Yiyi also covered her mouth and snickered.

"Yiyi, I will go to your house to find you after the new year." Zhang Feng walked to Yiyi and said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you at home!" Hearing his words, Yiyi felt as sweet as eating honey.

Afterwards, the two whispered love words and signed a contract, stipulating that Zhang Feng must call Yiyi three times a day, or chat on WeChat.

Seeing the appearance of the two young people, the old man, grandma Liu, and mother Zhang all laughed. They all hoped that the two could get married quickly, preferably with a grandson in the next year.

Yiyi saw that the two of them chatted for more than ten minutes unknowingly, grandparents should wait anxiously.

"Okay, madman, we should go, remember to call me every day!"

"Well, drive slowly, I will go to your house to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year." Although Zhang Feng felt a little bit reluctant, he still smiled.

"Goodbye" Yiyi hugged Zhang Feng, then turned around and said goodbye to Zhang's mother and two younger sisters.

"Goodbye sister Yiyi!"

"See you."

Saying goodbye to everyone, Yiyi drove her red BMW, along with her grandparents, along the flat road at the entrance of the village, and drove all the way to the city.

After Yiyi left for a long time, the little ones who got the news arrived late.

"Oh, sister Yiyi is gone!"

"Hee hee, are you here to see off sister Yiyi too?" Xiaoyue asked with a smile when she saw a few cute little guys.

Hearing Xiaoyue's words, the little guys nodded repeatedly: "Yes, sister Xiaoyue, has sister Yiyi left?"

"I've already left, so I'm waiting for you!" Xiaoyue smiled and shook her head.

"Oh, it's all the duckling's fault. If we hadn't waited for him to go to the toilet, we would have caught up!" Xiaoshi pouted and said in a reproachful tone.

"That's right, lazy cows, lazy horses, pee a lot!!"

Da Mao also made trouble, thinking that it was the ducklings who delayed everyone's seeing off sister Yiyi and grandpa and grandma Liu.

"You know it's my fault, didn't I ask you to come first?" Hearing the complaints from the friends, the little duck suddenly muttered.

Seeing that the little guys were about to quarrel, Xiaoyue smiled slightly and said, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, little duck and big hair, have you finished your winter vacation homework?"

"Not yet...not yet!" Several kids who had gone to school looked at each other, and then said a little embarrassedly.

Then Xiaoyue continued to ask and found out that these monkeys were playful guys, and they hadn't finished half of the two winter vacation homework.

It's all right now, the little guys were immediately caught by Xiaoyue and started doing homework together.

Knowing Xiaoyue's move, the villagers were very happy. They praised Xiaoyue as a sensible girl, and helped everyone do a great job. Now the monkeys in each family can no longer run wild, and finally have control .

The villagers were relieved, but Zhang Feng's house had completely become a nursery school and kindergarten. The main room was almost filled with more than a dozen kids, big and small, and two tables more than two meters long could barely fit.

Thanks to Xiaoyue, the learning leader, the little ones also started to be serious, lying on the table one by one, doing their homework seriously, and some people raised their hands from time to time, just like in school, asking Teacher Xiaoyue for advice No topic.

Sitting in the yard, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing while watching Xiaoyue teaching the little kids to do their homework.

"Yo, bro, when did your house become a school?" At this moment, Zhang Yi walked in,

When he saw the scene in the main room, he couldn't help being surprised. A dozen kids were sitting in the room obediently doing their homework. Isn't this just like school?
"It's not that girl Xiaoyue!" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, if you want me to say, Xiaoyue might as well be a teacher in the future!" Seeing that Xiaoyue likes children so much, Zhang Yi also said with a smile.

"Follow her, she can do whatever she wants in the future!" Zhang Feng is very open-minded, as long as he doesn't go astray, he will fully support his sisters in whatever they want.

"Hey, it's better to study. Thinking about it now, I regret it. You said that I was so ignorant before. If only I could be like you and get into a university!!" Seeing Xiaoyue and the little guys Chattering about topics in the room, the picture is full of warmth and happiness.

"Hehe, you have the nerve to say that you used to be clever when you were in school. Like Uncle Er Niu, you just want to sleep as soon as you start class, so it's no wonder you can learn well!" Zhang Feng laughed when he thought of the fact that his cousin went to school together. and shook his head.

Although Zhang Feng was also very naughty before, he was very serious in class and devoted almost 100% of his time, so he didn't spend much time after class, but he scored [-] or [-]% in each exam.

"Hey, weren't you ignorant at that time?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi scratched his head in embarrassment.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Zhang Feng asked with a slight smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My family is preparing to stuff sausages, but there is not enough small intestine. I'll come over and ask if you have any left." Hearing what he said, Zhang Yi suddenly asked, then hurriedly asked.

"Yes, there are many more! They are all in the refrigerator, you can take them yourself!"

"Hehe, thank you, brother!" Zhang Yi was overjoyed when he heard that, and ran into the house with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly. There is still a lot of sausage left at home from the last time, and it is estimated that it can still be filled with twenty or thirty catties.

After the cousin left with the intestines, Zhang Feng and his younger sister Zhang Lin followed up to help.

The second uncle’s family will no longer kill the new year’s pigs this year, so yesterday I sold a piece (half) of pork at the butcher uncle’s stand. The remaining ribs were divided into half and sent to Zhang Feng's home.

Seeing a piece of quick pork belly cut into small pieces quickly under Zhang Feng's knife, the second uncle couldn't help shaking his head in amazement: "Xiaofeng's knife skills are really amazing!!"

"Hehe, it's okay, just practice regularly!" Zhang Feng said modestly after hearing this.

Hearing his words, everyone shook their heads in disbelief. Such a good knife skill cannot be acquired by practice, but requires a certain amount of talent.

(End of this chapter)

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