small farmer

Chapter 1053 The experiment was successful

Chapter 1053 The experiment was successful
With the help of Zhang Feng's brother and sister

The tens of catties of pork belly of the second uncle's family soon turned into sausages and hung outside the house.

Seeing that the family completed the task without much effort this year, the second aunt was so happy that she refused to let them go, leaving Zhang Feng and his brother and sister to have lunch at home.

Just when everyone is busy with Chinese New Year.

Zhao Ke, who was temporarily forgotten by Zhang Feng, had already completed the preparation of the drug in the laboratory.

The three men in science and engineering are powerful and efficient, and they completed it immediately, just like the boss announcing the good news, and it was two or three o'clock in the middle of the night without even checking the time.

"Haha!! The boss succeeded! We succeeded!!"

Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone from the side of the bed with sleepy eyes. As soon as he turned it on, he heard the excited voices of the three guys. The next moment his eyes lit up, and he finally realized: "Our drug has been successfully developed?"

"That's right, the boss is lucky. We succeeded. After using our medicine, the experimental mice have recovered and fully recovered!!" Zhao Ke reported excitedly to the boss.

"Okay, okay!!! Get some rest, I'll be in the lab early tomorrow morning!!"

Zhang Feng was also very excited. If it wasn't for the middle of the night, he would have gotten up and rushed to the laboratory.

But think about the three research studies that have not rested yet, so they stopped immediately and let the three of them rest quickly. Although scientific research is important, it is also important to ensure their own health.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng tossed and turned on the bed, so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, and only fell asleep in a daze at dawn.

The alarm clock rang at 06:30 in the morning, and Zhang Feng got up immediately. Today he has to go to the laboratory to learn about the situation of anti-blood drugs!

"Where are you going, son?" Wang Guilan asked curiously when she saw her son fully dressed and about to go out with the car keys.

"Mom, I'm going to the company. You don't have to wait for me to eat at noon. I don't know when I will be back!" Zhang Feng turned his head and smiled slightly.

"Well, go early and come back early!" When Wang Guilan heard that it was his son's company, she couldn't get involved, so she didn't say anything, just told him like this.

Zhang Feng nodded, came to the parking lot, and drove towards the company in the south of the city.

"Yangzi get in the car!" At the door of the company, Xu Yang was already waiting here, Zhang Feng opened the car door and waved to him.

Seeing Zhang Feng coming, Xu Yang got into the car in quick steps, and then asked curiously, "Where are we going? You didn't say clearly on the phone!"

"Haha, the first project in the lab has been successful, so why don't you go and see it?" Zhang Feng was very happy, and said with a smile.

"What?? Success? Crazy, you mean our research on anti-blood drugs was successful??" Xu Yang opened his mouth wide in horror, and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, the white mouse experiment has been successful, and the next step is the clinical trial. By the way, do you have any plans for the hospital I asked you to buy?" Zhang Feng said while driving.

"Tsk tsk! Isn't this speed too fast?" Xu Yang shook his head in disbelief, thinking that luckily his movements are not slow, otherwise it would really drag everyone back.

"The plan to acquire the hospital is coming soon. It is now at the last moment, and it is estimated that it will be completed in three or two days. By the way, we are acquiring the Provincial Cancer Hospital. I hope the laboratory can develop more and better anti-cancer drugs! !"

"Don't worry, the next step will be launched soon. I believe that other anti-cancer drugs will be developed within a year at most!" Zhang Feng is very confident in the few researchers produced by the system.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xu Yang was also very excited. If the company's anti-blood drug can really pass the clinical trial, Yang Yang's technology will be really awesome that day! !

This is an anti-blood drug, a frontier topic that the whole world is tackling, and major pharmaceutical giants have invested huge sums of money in research, but so far no institution or company has developed a drug with a 50.00% cure rate. 30.00%, [-]% none.

We all know that the current cure rate of leukemia is estimated to be only [-]% or [-]%. Only early stage patients have the chance of being cured. As for advanced stage patients, at most they can only be controlled by drugs.

In less than 5 minutes, Zhang Feng and the two came to the laboratory.

When the guard Fusan saw the boss coming, he quickly opened the big iron gate and put the boss' car inside.

"Where are Zhao Ke and the others?" Zhang Feng asked Fu San as soon as he got out of the car.

"They're still in the lab!"

Sure enough, Zhang Feng looked towards the laboratory, and the lights there were still on. He really deserves to be a scientific madman. For the sake of research, it is commonplace to explode liver.

"The boss is here! Hello boss!"

Seeing Zhang Feng and Xu Yang coming in, the researcher with red eyes hurriedly greeted him.

"You haven't rested yet?"

"It's okay, boss, we are still doing some finishing work to make the best preparations for the clinical trial!" Sun Xuesi waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Zhang Feng and Xu Yang looked at each other and smiled wryly, finally seeing the working mode of science geeks.

So, under the introduction of the researcher, the two got a preliminary understanding of the research situation of 'Anti-Xue Ling', especially the results of the experiment on mice.

Although there are a lot of professional terms in it, Zhang Feng and the two don't understand it very well, but as long as they know that the experiment is successful, both of them are full of excitement during the process of listening to the report. Excited by the results.

"Boss, when will our clinical trial start?" After the introduction, the researcher immediately asked Zhang Feng.

"Soon, I think it will start after the Chinese New Year." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, then pointed to Xu Yang and said to everyone: "Everyone knows Manager Xu, he is buying a hospital for everyone, as long as the acquisition is completed, our clinical trial We can start right away."

"How long will it take?" the researcher asked quickly.

"At most half a month, that's fine. You can also take annual leave and have a good year." Zhang Feng smiled slightly. He didn't expect these three people to be really dedicated to their work.
But as a conscientious boss, he can't squeeze his employees during the Chinese New Year!Taking this opportunity, just give the researchers a few days off, let them have a good rest for a few days.

After leaving the laboratory, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang returned to the company.

"Yangzi, you have to hurry up about the hospital!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it in two days at most! Guarantee nothing will be missed."

Knowing that his company's laboratory has developed such a good drug, Zhang Feng didn't need to urge him at all. Xu Yang himself was full of motivation and sense of urgency.

After Zhang Feng left the company, Xu Yang won the Provincial Cancer Hospital the next day, laying the hardware foundation for the clinical trial of 'Anti-Blood No. [-]'.

 It's almost over, and it will be finished in two days if there is no accident, thank you for your support all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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