small farmer

Chapter 120 Rent

Chapter 120 Rent
Chapter [-] Renting a House
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"Xiaofeng, is there any vacant house in the village? Your Grandma Liu and I plan to rent a small courtyard and live here permanently." After breakfast the next day, the old man asked Zhang Feng.

"A spare courtyard?" Zhang Feng thought for a while, then suddenly thought of Yingzi's old house, "There is such a small courtyard, but..."

"Just what?" the old man asked anxiously.

"It's just that the house has not been lived in for more than ten years, so it is a bit dilapidated." Zhang Feng said after a moment of pondering.

"Hehe, it's okay, it doesn't matter if it's dilapidated, we can find someone to repair it, as long as the owner is willing." The old man said with a relieved smile.

Hearing the old man's words, Zhang Feng felt that this method was very good, and both parties were beneficial, and renting out the house could bring some income to the auntie and the others.

The eldest aunt is also a hard-working person. Naturally, after the death of her uncle, she and Yingzi sister, mother and daughter depended on each other, and lived a very difficult life. As long as they rent out the old house, they can earn thousands more a year. I believe they will also would be very willing.

"That's okay, I'll take you to see it first." Then Zhang Feng took the old man to Yingzi's sister's house. The distance between the two families was only tens of meters, and they arrived soon.

"Is the eldest aunt at home?"

"Oh, it's Xiaofeng! Come in and sit down." The aunt hurried out when she heard the voice, and said with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng.

"Hey! This is Grandpa Liu, isn't it? Come in and sit down..." After seeing the old man behind Zhang Feng, the aunt hurriedly shouted: "Yingzi, hurry up and make a pot of tea..."

"Got it, mom!" Sister Yingzi hurried into the kitchen to boil water and make tea.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to bother you. We're not thirsty, so don't bother..." The old man quickly waved his hand, knowing that Longcun generally doesn't drink tea.

"I don't need to make tea for my auntie, that's it..."

Then Zhang Feng smiled and talked about the old man's plan to rent a house. When the aunt heard that the old man was willing to rent his old house at a price of 5000 yuan a year, she immediately agreed happily.

At first, my aunt was worried that her old house was too dilapidated, but she was even happier when she heard that the old man was willing to pay for the renovation. She didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so she immediately reached an agreement with the old man and decided to rent the house. To the two old men.

The old man is not short of money, and he is very happy to be able to rent a house here, so the rent is for five years, and he has the priority to renew the lease in the future.
After renting a house, the old man was very happy, and immediately asked Liu Yiyi to bring the money, and immediately paid 5000 yuan for the first year's rent.


"Xiaofeng, are there craftsmen who renovate houses in the village?" The old man asked impatiently as soon as he got home.

"Yes, my house was renovated by Uncle Dashan and the others. If you need it, I will help you find them." Zhang Feng said with a smile,

"Then I will trouble you, Xiaofeng..."

"No trouble..." Zhang Feng bowed his hand, and immediately called Uncle Dashan. When Uncle Dashan heard that Zhang Feng had a project to introduce to him, he was very happy and rushed over immediately.

"Uncle Dashan is here. This is Grandpa Liu, who is going to renovate Sister Yingzi's old house." Zhang Feng introduced immediately.

"Hi, Mr. Liu, are you always planning to live here?" Uncle Dashan hurriedly greeted.

"Hehe, yes, the beautiful scenery here is really a good place to retire!" The old man said with a smile.

"You have a good old eye. It's the right place to come here to retire. Not only the scenery is good, but the environment is also good..."

After chatting for a few more words, we went to Sister Yingzi's old house to see how the old house will be renovated. Certain renovations must be carried out, such as the water and electricity lines at home, and a modern bathroom and toilet. Almost all of them remain unchanged, and of course the collapsed courtyard walls in the courtyard have to be repaired again.

About half an hour later, the two parties finally reached an agreement. The old man handed over the renovation project of the house to Uncle Dashan. The labor and materials cost a total of 5000 yuan, and the construction period was ten days.

The problem of the house was solved, and the old man was very happy. The smile on his face never stopped on the way back, because the old man has fallen in love with the mountains and rivers here, and found the "hometown" that he never forgets here.


After lunch, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi went for a walk by the lake, and before they knew it, they arrived in the field outside the village. The endless field was like a huge green carpet. Blooming wild flowers, colorful flowers, like beautiful lace, inlaid on the huge carpet, extraordinarily beautiful.

"Oh! Big hair, you see I caught a grasshopper!"

"Let's take a look..." A few fur kids hurried over to watch the excitement.

"The roasted grasshopper is delicious. Let's catch the grasshopper together. How about going to the river to roast it later?" Seeing the grasshopper caught by the little stone, the greedy little duck immediately suggested.

"Good! Good!" the hairy children applauded loudly, looking for grasshoppers by the paddy field.

It's a pity that the paddy fields are now full of water, and the grasshoppers are also very alert, so these monkeys have repeatedly missed, and the number of times they have successfully caught the grasshoppers can be counted on one's fingers.

"Ouch!" Da Mao slipped his foot and suddenly rolled into the paddy field. His body was covered in mud and water, and he turned into a mud monkey in an instant.

"Big hair?"

"Da Mao fell down!" The monkeys next to him hurriedly pulled Da Mao up.

"" Da Mao is just a five-year-old child. After being pulled up, he cried aggrievedly. He must be thinking about what to do when he goes home. If his clothes are dirty by his parents, he will definitely be taught a lesson. a meal.

"You skinny monkeys, why don't you hurry up and take Da Mao to the river to wash, and then hurry home to get a change of clothes." Seeing Da Mao fall, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi hurried over and said.

"Ah, madman brother, you are here..."

"Okay, Da Mao hasten to wash off the mud on his body, and then go home and change his clothes." Zhang Feng shook his head, there was nothing he could do with the monkey, it was too naughty.

"Understood the madman"

"Big Mao, let's go..."

"Crazy brother, beautiful sister, let's go..."

"Hurry up!" Zhang Feng shook his head and said.

"Goodbye." Liu Yiyi also smiled and waved her hand to say goodbye to the children.

"Hehe, lunatic, these kids are really interesting!" Liu Yiyi said with a smile after the group of monkeys left.

"It's interesting, but it's too naughty. He runs all over the mountains and plains every day, and his temper is too wild to be disciplined." Zhang Feng shook his head and said with a wry smile.

The two of them were walking in the field, with a gust of wind blowing by, feeling very cool. Seeing the field turned into wild flowers and weeds, Liu Yiyi picked a dandelion, blew gently with her small mouth, and the dandelion seeds immediately fell into the air, and then The wind is flying, slowly drifting into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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