small farmer

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chapter [-] Catching Stone Frogs

At night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, the breeze blows, and the golden cicadas sing,
The sky is dotted with stars and the moon hangs high. Everyone wears stars and wears the moon, walks through the bustling fields, smells the faint fragrance of rice, listens to the chorus of frogs, and walks carefully along the mountain road.

After dinner, Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi took Liu Yiyi and his younger sister Zhang Lin to the mountain as soon as it got dark.Everyone held a flashlight and a small bucket, and walked along the stream outside the village, looking for something while walking.

"Crazy, are there really stone frogs by the creek?" Liu Yiyi asked suspiciously after searching for hundreds of meters along the creek without even seeing the stone frog.

"Hehe, of course, there are a lot of stone frogs here, don't worry, you will definitely see them later." Zhang Feng chuckled, he is no stranger to catching stone frogs. Uncle Er Niu and the others went up the mountain together to catch stone frogs along this stream, and they harvested a lot each time, so Zhang Feng was very confident.

"Okay then!" Seeing Zhang Feng's confidence, Liu Yiyi didn't say anything, and carefully searched for the stone frog by the stream with a flashlight.

"Googoo...googoo..." Hearing this voice, Zhang Feng was overjoyed, and hurriedly searched for it.

Sure enough, Zhang Feng quickly found the stone frog. Under the strong beam of light, the stone frog squatted motionless on the big rock. Zhang Feng immediately shot it, grabbed it, and locked it in. in the bucket.

Stone frogs generally live by clear streams. They usually live in rock caves and are most active at night. When night falls, they come out to hunt.

And the stone frog has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, it will be dazed when it sees the lightning, and it doesn't know how to escape. At this time, as long as you reach out to catch it, you are guaranteed to catch it right.

"Crazy, did you catch the stone frog?" Liu Yiyi saw Zhang Feng's movements and ran over curiously to ask.

"That's right, look, this is the stone frog..." Zhang Feng then told her the technique of catching the stone frog again.

"Cuckoo... Cuckoo..." Suddenly, another stone frog's voice came from not far away.

"Listen, this is the cry of the stone frog, let's go and have a look..." Zhang Feng was also very happy, and found another stone frog, and immediately followed the sound with Liu Yiyi to find it.

After walking about ten steps, the two found the stone frog. They saw a big stone frog squatting by the stream. Zhang Feng immediately shone a flashlight on it, and struck decisively with the other hand. Caught this stone frog.

"Look, isn't it very simple..." Zhang Feng put the stone frog into the bucket, then turned his head and said to Liu Yiyi with a smile.

"I didn't expect the stone frog to be so stupid, let me try it next time." Seeing how easy it is for Zhang Feng to catch it, Liu Yiyi also had some confidence, and eagerly said to Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, fine, no problem, I'll let you catch it next time." Zhang Feng smiled, and continued to take Liu Yiyi up the creek.


"Ah! Yes, yes, look at me this time!" Upon hearing the familiar cry of the stone frog, Liu Yiyi immediately rolled up her sleeves, revealing her true colors as a woman, and immediately held a flashlight and called to the stone frog place to run.

"This girl..." Zhang Feng chuckled and followed quickly.

"Oh! This stone frog is so slippery..." Liu Yiyi grabbed it, but she couldn't hold it firmly, and the stone frog almost jumped out of her hand and escaped.

"Hmph! I'll see how you can run away now!" Liu Yiyi fiercely put the stone frog into the bucket, and quickly closed the lid.

Seeing this girl's appearance, Zhang Feng couldn't help but want to laugh, and then reminded: "The stone frog has a kind of mucus on its body, so you must hold it steady when you grasp it."

"Hmph! Hindsight! Why didn't you tell me earlier." Liu Yiyi said with a curled lip.

"Didn't I not expect that?" Zhang Feng smiled helplessly.


Stone frogs are social animals. They usually live by the creeks and rivers in the mountains. Summer is when they are active. They start to lay eggs in June and July every year. Once the fertilized eggs hatch, they become very familiar to us. Tadpole.

Now that everyone’s living conditions have improved, the damage to the mountains has also been reduced a lot, so the environment in the mountains has recovered quickly, and the wild animals living here live and reproduce freely. In just a short period of ten years, not only pheasants and hares can be seen everywhere, Even the wild delicacy of stone frog has become more and more.

So Zhang Feng and the others only took half an hour to catch half a bucket of stone frogs. Zhang Feng weighed it and estimated it weighed three or four catties. , so Zhang Feng released some of the smaller stone frogs, and in the end only about two catties were left, which was enough for everyone to have a full meal.

After returning home, Zhang Feng hurriedly put the stone frog into the pool at the door. Speaking of this pool, it has a history. It is said that it was chiseled with big stones before the liberation. It has been used until now, and it is usually used to store rainwater.

Now it finally came in handy, Zhang Feng put the stone frog into the pool, and then poured water to keep the stone frog in the water.

Since the pool is more than one meter deep, Zhang Feng is not worried that the stone frog will jump out. As long as it is in the water, there will be no problem for the stone frog to survive until tomorrow.

Of course, Zhang Feng can also store the stone frog in the refrigerator, but then the stone frog will not be fresh, and the taste of the dead stone frog will be much worse.

After dealing with the stone frogs, it was getting late. After queuing up to take a bath, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.


In an instant

The senior high school entrance examination is coming, and in one week's time, my younger sister Zhang Yue will take the first important exam in her life.

The little girl got good grades, Zhang Feng wanted her to take the key high school in the city, but she felt that the key high school was too tiring and scary, Alexander, so she decided to stay in the county No. [-] middle school to take the key class.

Zhang Feng is also quite supportive of the little girl's decision. The competition in key high schools is fierce. Everyone is on the three-point line every day. In addition to studying, it is too hard.
Zhang Feng thinks that the county's No. [-] middle school is also good, and there are quite a few students admitted to key universities every year. With the results of the younger sister, as long as there are no accidents, although it is not guaranteed to be admitted to the key universities in three years, there is still great hope.

After lunch the next day,
Zhang Feng prepared the things that my little sister likes to eat, including crispy fish, chili sauce, crispy beans, and some vegetables at home, and packed them into two big bags.

Zhang Feng put his things into the car, started the three wheels and galloped towards the county town.

"Brother! You're here..." As soon as Zhang Feng's car stopped at the gate of No. [-] Middle School, the little girl ran over happily.

"Is your review okay recently?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"It's okay, the recent mock exams are all in the top ten of the grade, so there must be no problem in the key classes of No. [-] Middle School." The little girl waved her hand and said nonchalantly.

"Hehe, don't talk too much, mom won't punish you if you fail the exam." Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, this girl has never taken the high school entrance examination to heart.

Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that his younger sister's grades would be fine in key high schools, so he smiled and didn't say anything else;
"Hee hee, how is it possible." Zhang Yue smiled, and asked excitedly when she saw the things in the car: "Brother, these are all delicious food prepared for me!"

"Well, hurry back and review."

"Understood brother!" Zhang Yue happily carried her things and walked towards the school.

Seeing his younger sister entering the school, Zhang Feng rode his bicycle along the wide and straight road towards home.

(End of this chapter)

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