small farmer

Chapter 128

Chapter 128
Chapter [-] Fishing
The starry sky at night is incomparably pure
There is no hustle and bustle of the city, no irritability of the city, and no great pressure in the city. Looking at the sky full of stars, the vast starry sky, and the bright moonlight, everyone feels that their hearts have become ethereal, as if they have completely integrated into this beautiful night sky. among.

Everyone relaxed and savored the beautiful night scenery. The twinkling stars and bright moonlight seemed to wash away the troubles in everyone's hearts. They watched the stars in the sky quietly and imagined the beautiful legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Looking at the starry sky and the bright and beautiful Tianhe that day, everyone couldn't help but imagine that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were meeting on the Tianhe, hugging each other tightly and weeping with joy.

The silver man travels all the way secretly, and when the golden wind and the jade dew meet, there are countless victories in the world.If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening.

The pure love between them is as pure as this beautiful starry sky, crystal clear, like a piece of pure crystal, admirable and enviable, everyone is wishing them in their hearts, hoping that the lovers will get married in the end, but why is this not a blessing For myself, everyone hopes to find their own star in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Seeing such a beautiful night sky, everyone seemed to be unaware of sleepiness. It was not until late at night that everyone reluctantly returned to the room to rest.

Since Zhang Feng's family can only accommodate ten people, the other two girls followed Liu Yiyi to her grandparents' house.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Feng also climbed upstairs, turned off the lights and closed his eyes to rest. At this time, the whole Zhangjiawan was silent, and soon everyone fell asleep.


The beauty of Zhangjiawan is irrespective of time and season
Waking up in the morning, mist covers the entire mountain village,

The high mountains in the distance are faintly visible, surrounded by cloud peaks, like the holy land of the fairy mountain above the nine heavens, and on the Moon Lake not far away, the water vapor is thick and the white mist is misty, and the white mist is like a Yiren. With the breeze, Dancing on the lake is like the palace of the fairy in the sky, the fairy music is fluttering, like a dream, it is extremely beautiful.

There is also the small mountain village in front of you, surrounded by smoke cages and fog, chickens crowing and dogs barking, as if this is the Peach Blossom Spring described by Tao Yuanming.

"Wow! What a beautiful cloud..." The students got up one after another, seeing the hazy scenery outside, everyone was pleasantly surprised and couldn't help exclaiming.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the beautiful scenery in front of them. The thick fog filled the entire mountain village, and the visibility was only five or six meters. Everyone seemed to be in a fairyland, which was very shocking.

"Ah! It's so beautiful, haha... It's really worth it this time!" Everyone was startled, excitedly holding their mobile phones, and snapped and recorded these shocking beauty.

"Haha, monkey, look at how beautiful this picture I took!"

"Yeah, it's really beautiful, but it's still not as good-looking as my 'Butterfly in the Mist'." Seeing the stone's distrustful eyes, the monkey took it over and said, "If you don't believe me, take a look..."

"Wow, it's so beautiful! No, I'm going to take a picture too." Shito hurried to the flower garden with his mobile phone. The monkey smiled and shook his head, and then continued to take pictures of the beautiful scenery in other places.

At this time, the sun also sneaked over the mountain, and the thick fog covered the brilliance of the rising sun. From a distance, the sun was like a big red fireball, hanging red in the sky.

Everyone exclaimed, today's rising sun is so beautiful. In the past, the sun was extremely dazzling when it came out of the mountain. However, today, because of the cover of thick fog, everyone can finally see the elegant demeanor of the rising sun.

It's a pity that as the red sun rises in the east, under the sun's rays, the thick fog that filled the entire mountain village quickly dissipated, and the originally hazy mountain village finally appeared clearly in front of everyone, and every plant, tree, mountain, and water could be seen clearly.

"Let's go to the lake for a stroll..." After meeting Liu Yiyi and two female classmates, everyone had breakfast together, and Zhang Feng took everyone to see the scenery of Moon Lake.

Moon Lake is very lively on weekends, and tourists from the city can be seen everywhere, because it is only four or five kilometers away from the county seat, and it only takes about ten minutes by car. Many people who work for a week come here for leisure and travel every weekend. It's like going to the park.

A group of people mixed among the tourists, walked along the sightseeing path by the lake, looked at the green willows beside the path, the sparkling lake surface, bathed in the cool breeze, and felt extremely comfortable.

"Madman, what are those children doing?" About half an hour later, everyone came to the entrance of the village along the Moon Lake. At this time, there were seven or eight children playing in the paddy field, so the monkey asked curiously.

"These leather monkeys are probably fishing in the paddy fields." Zhang Feng saw, who else could it be if they weren't ducklings and Da Mao? There was still a fish basket hanging on the little duck, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that these little monkeys must be fishing in it again.

"Touch the fish, is there a fish in here?" Shitou looked at Zhang Feng with a surprised expression.

"Why not? Every year when the water rises, the small fish and shrimps in the lake will be washed into it, and there are still a lot of eels and loaches in it."

"Madman, can we go down and catch it?" Seeing the children having so much fun, the monkey felt itchy in his heart, and asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Yes! Crazy, how about we go down and have a try?" Everyone was a little eager to try, thinking that such an activity should be very interesting.

"Hehe, this is just a piece of barren land in the village. If you want to go fishing, follow me!" At this time, Zhang Feng also became interested and prepared to go down and try his hand at it.

"Yeah!" Everyone was overjoyed, followed Zhang Feng to take off his shoes, picked up his pants, and went into the field with bare feet.

"Yiyi, shall we go down too?" Zhang Xiaoyu and the other girl hesitated looking at the wasteland of yellow mud.

"Why don't you go down, isn't it fun to fish in the field?" Liu Yiyi took off her shoes and followed everyone down the field. The two girls hesitated for a while before joining the fishing army.

"Ah! Crazy brother, sister Yiyi, are you here to catch fish too?" The duckling Da Mao ran over happily when they saw Zhang Feng and the others and said, "Look at these little fishes we caught just now. "

"Hey! You caught so many? It's amazing!" Zhang Feng praised with a smile when he saw the harvest of a few furry children, and the fish basket was almost full.

"Little friend, can you show your fish basket to your older brothers and sisters?" Other students also came over one after another, curious about what the children had gained.

When everyone saw the fish basket that was about to be full, they all exclaimed in disbelief. They did not expect these four or five-year-old children to be so good at handling fish, but everyone was very happy afterwards, which also shows that there are a lot of fish here. Everyone's gains will not be bad.

"Little duck, big hair, go to my house and bring me some fish baskets. I will treat you to crystal jelly in the afternoon."

"Really madman?"

"Of course! When have I ever lied to you, why don't we pull Lagou..."

"Hanging the hook, it cannot be changed for 100 years..." Several children happily ran to Zhang Feng's house, and everyone was very excited when they heard that there was crystal jelly in the afternoon.

"Hee hee, madman, you are so lazy, you tricked children into doing work for you." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"How can this be called cheating? Isn't this a reasonable use of resources?" Zhang Feng chuckled.

"Madman, I think you are hiring child labor!" Hou Zi also looked at Zhang Feng with contempt and teased.

"Fuck off, don't let them go, then go back and get me the fish basket!" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said to the monkey.

"Hey! Brother, can't I be wrong?" The monkey retreated immediately, and everyone began to look for the fish in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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