small farmer

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

"Ah! Come on, I have a..."

"Hurry up and grab it!"

"Haha, I have one here too..."

There were a lot of fish in the paddy field. Seeing so many people, they immediately fled around. The fish moved quickly and fled far away with a whiff. In this kind of paddy field filled with water, their speed was extremely fast.

"Oh! It's so fast!" Everyone had no experience in catching fish for the first time. They didn't expect the fish in the water to escape so fast and disappeared into the muddy paddy field in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! Why is it so difficult to walk in the paddy field?" Seeing the fish that was about to catch flying away, the monkey shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, the paddy field is full of mud and water, so of course it's hard to get out." Zhang Feng smiled and then suggested: "Actually, we can build a dam around the field and surround the fish in the middle, so that the fish inside Can't you run away?"

This method of dam fishing is also very common, and it is generally only useful in places where the water is shallow and the water flow is not urgent. At this time, the water in the paddy field hardly flows, so this method is very good.

"That's right, stone, fat man... Let's all come together..." Hearing Zhang Feng's suggestion, the monkey suddenly realized that he had seen this fishing method on TV before, using soil to block the escape of fish Road, this is like catching a turtle in a urn, even a novice can easily catch fish, so the monkey is very happy, with a happy look on his face.

Then Zhang Feng led everyone to form a circle, and quickly surrounded a circular dam with soil. In the muddy water in the center of the dam, fish could be seen everywhere. Delicious on everyone's lunch table.

"Crazy brother, we are here!" At this moment, the ducklings also brought the fish basket.

"Okay, let's go down and treat you to crystal jelly."

"Yeah! Thank you madman!"

"Thank you madman!"

When they heard that there was delicious crystal jelly, the monkeys jumped up and down excitedly.

Now that the fish baskets were in place, Zhang Feng started to take everyone to scoop water together. The only way to get the water out of the dam and lower the water level in the dam would be more convenient for everyone to catch fish later.

"Haha... woo... woo..." Everyone splashed water excitedly.

"Oh! Where are you throwing stones! Look, I'm covered in mud and water!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"I think you did it on purpose..." Then the monkey immediately retaliated, and the stone, not to be outdone, fought back fiercely. The water splashing battle between the two became more and more fierce. Get involved in a water splash fight.

"Okay! Alright! You will let the fish go away later!" Seeing everyone enjoying the mud fight, Zhang Feng laughed and shouted loudly.

"Yeah, let's hurry up and catch the fish. How about comparing who caught more later?" Fatty saw the fish inside as if he saw delicious fish meat. It would be a pity if the fish took the opportunity to escape.

"Haha, why don't you just catch a fish, look at my fish-catching hand..." Shito stretched out his two claws playfully, and scratched at the air.

Everyone was laughing and playing, one by one excitedly touching the fish in the enclosed dam, hoping that they would be the first to catch it.

"Haha, everyone, look quickly, I found one!" The monkey's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and his luck was also good, and he soon got something.

"Hee hee, I also caught one!" The female man Liu Yiyi also learned a lot when she came to the countryside. She is good at catching fish. Seeing her happy face, I was very excited.

After that, everyone caught fish one after another. The students who touched fish for the first time were very excited. They did not expect that catching fish in the paddy field was not as difficult as imagined.

For about a quarter of an hour, no one caught all the fish in the dam, and everyone continued to look for fish in the paddy fields.

There are a lot of fish in the paddy field, and once they find the whereabouts of the fish, everyone will attack decisively. Whenever there is a harvest, there will be bursts of fierce cheers in the paddy field, obviously very excited.


I saw the embarrassment on Shitou's face. Just now, the two of them found a fish at the same time, so he made a joke with the little duck, took the first shot, and caught the fish in front of the little duck. scene.

"That's right! That's right! We saw it too!" The kids all pointed at Shi Lei and reported to Zhang Feng angrily.

"Haha... Stone didn't expect you to do such a thing??"

"That's right, Shitou, you really went back as you lived, and you actually robbed the children..."

Everyone teased Shi Shi one after another, thinking it was very funny, but Shi Lei was a complete tragedy, he was so embarrassed that he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

In the end, Shi Lei smiled helplessly, and quickly returned the hot potato in his hand to the little duck, and even apologized in a good voice, and signed an unequal agreement to compensate the little ones for each pack of spicy noodles, and the little guys smiled happily Yes, take the money and walk to the canteen at the entrance of the village.


"Ah! There is an eel here, it's so big..." After a few minutes, Zhang Xiaoyu exclaimed.

"Where's the rice field eel?" Xiaopang was the closest to her, and immediately ran over. When he saw a big and thick guy in the paddy field, he rolled up his sleeves and went off, "Wow! It's really big, let me..."

Xiao Pang grabbed the 'eel' in the water and picked it up. He was shocked and immediately threw away the things in his hands. "Oh! My god!"

"Ah...! Snake...!!!" Zhang Xiaoyu was so frightened that her face paled and she yelled in horror.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this water snake is not poisonous, don't worry." After Zhang Feng saw the situation, he sped up and rushed over, grabbed the water snake that Xia Fat threw away, and comforted the two.

"How is it, how is it, are you okay?" Everyone gathered around and asked with concern.

"Hoo hoo! I really scared the baby to death!!" Xiaopang took a deep breath and said in shock.Just now I thought it was an eel under the water, but it turned out to be a snake when I fished it out, so I was so frightened that I didn't dare to fish in the water without a buffer for three to five months.

Zhang Xiaoyu also gradually regained his composure, knowing that the snake was not poisonous, the fear in his heart gradually dissipated, seeing that the two of them were fine, Zhang Feng also heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's fine. This snake is not poisonous. Its meat is a good thing. It can be stewed with dragon and phoenix soup. The taste... tsk tsk!! It must be better than delicacies!" Water snakes are very common in Moon Lake. During floods, they can be seen almost everywhere in the paddy fields in the river ditches, so Zhang Feng has eaten snake meat many times, and he never forgets the taste.

"It's really that delicious?" Upon hearing the delicious food, Xiaopang immediately returned to his true nature as a foodie. The tension on his face disappeared instantly, and he asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Of course, let's go! Let's go back, and I will make a pot of dragon and phoenix soup for everyone later!" After this episode, everyone lost their interest in continuing to fish, so Zhang Feng took everyone with a fish basket Just go home.

When he got home, Zhang Feng killed a native chicken, and stewed the caught snake and the chicken on the stove, and then put some ginger and amomum in it, which tasted even more delicious.

At noon, this dragon and phoenix soup became everyone's favorite. It tasted really delicious. Everyone ate up a big pot of soup. wiped out,

Everyone had a great meal, and felt that it was really worth it to come here. Moon Lake not only has beautiful scenery, but also delicious food. Everyone is very happy. I believe this weekend will be very enjoyable.

PS: Thank you very much for your support, the normal update will resume in a few days, thanks to 'Wu Haibin 2015' for the reward of 2000 starting coins, and also thanks to the book friends 'This Life is Fragmented' and 'Sura Demon Lord' for their rewards, tenacity Cat thanks a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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