small farmer

Chapter 144 Preparation

Chapter 144 Preparation (Fourth update for subscription)
Although something unexpected happened,
But Zhang Feng is still full of confidence in winning those several acres of breeding area. As long as it is a fair competition, he is not worried at all.

It's impossible to say that Zhang Laosan wants to do something stupid. His reputation in the village is not very good. Besides, under the watchful eyes of the public, he can't play any tricks even if he wants to publicly bid.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Feng arrived at the village committee on time. This time he was determined to win. On the other hand, Zhang Laosan, who was sitting inside, frowned and worried. When he learned that he was going to compete with Zhang Feng, he immediately lost confidence , Now who doesn't know that Zhang Feng is the richest man in the village, he has earned millions in just these two months, now he is driving a car, and he has found a beautiful city wife.

It's just that he was a little lucky, because the village divided the water area into pieces, and he knew that he couldn't compete with Zhang Feng, but he just hoped that Zhang Feng didn't need so many and could leave one or two pieces for him.

"Xiaofeng is here! Come in and sit down, we'll start right away." Several members of the village committee are all relatives, and everyone greeted Zhang Feng with a smile as soon as they saw him.

"It's really troublesome for you," these people are all Zhang Feng's elders, and Zhang Feng greeted each of them with a cigarette while smiling.

"Hehe, no trouble. Now that you two have arrived, let's start auctioning off the right to use the waters at the entrance of the village. After discussion by the village committee, we have divided the breeding waters into eight pieces, each one acre. Now we will start auctioning the first piece , the reserve price is 1000 yuan, now you can bid..."

"One thousand and two..." Zhang Laosan raised his spirits and shouted.

"Two thousand..." Zhang Feng went straight up to two thousand, and Zhang Laosan's eyes widened immediately, he couldn't believe it, can two thousand per mu still make money?

The elders of the village committee also thought they heard it wrong, "Xiaofeng, did you call two thousand?"

"That's right, it's two thousand..." Zhang Feng is not short of this contracting fee at all. You must know that the eels he raises must be sold at a high price, and the profit must be very high. The contracting fee is several thousand yuan per mu of water. , he didn't care about it at all.

"Okay, Xiaofeng has bid [-], you want to raise the price, third child?"

"I won't add it anymore." Zhang Laosan shook his head depressedly. What's the use of renting for two thousand and one year?

"Well, the right to use the first piece of water belongs to Xiaofeng. We will now start auctioning the second piece, and the reserve price is also 1000 yuan..."

"Two thousand!" As soon as the uncle's voice fell, Zhang Feng immediately shouted loudly.

Zhang Laosan was shocked again. He didn't expect Zhang Feng to play cards so unreasonably, adding 1000 yuan in one go. Could it be that this is the legendary behavior of local tyrants.

The next two pieces were bought by Zhang Feng at a high price of [-]. When the fourth piece of water was auctioned, Zhang Laosan gritted his teeth unwillingly and added it to [-]. It was a pity that Zhang Feng bid [-] again. crushed him.

In the end, Zhang Laosan finally gave up and no longer competed with Zhang Feng. Since Zhang Laosan did not bid, the next few waters were sold at the reserve price. A total of eight waters Zhang Feng spent a total of 500 yuan. The right to use for the next year has been photographed, and there is also a priority right to renew the lease.

"Congratulations Xiaofeng, I wish you success in breeding!"

"Thank you! Thank you, uncles, for your kind words." Zhang Feng hurriedly cupped his hands in thanks.

As for Zhang Laosan, who fled immediately after the auction and left the village committee, it is estimated that he will have a psychological shadow when he meets Zhang Feng in the future.

After that, Zhang Feng immediately signed a contract with the village committee and paid the rent immediately. In the next year, the few acres of shallow water breeding area at the entrance of the village will be his own.

The village committee is also very happy to have received more than 1 yuan of funds. Of course, Zhang Feng is also very happy, and his plan can finally be implemented.

After bidding farewell to his uncle and the others, Zhang Feng returned home and immediately started looking for cage companies with a good reputation. After some screening, Zhang Feng found two companies, one of which was highly rated, and the other was a city center because it was in the city. A subsidiary of the aquatic product company, the technical support is released quickly.

Both seem to be good, each has its own advantages. In the end, Zhang Feng decided to ask both to see how far their quotations and technical support can reach, and finally make a decision.

So Zhang Feng called the contact numbers of the two companies respectively. After some understanding, Zhang Feng finally decided to find this company in the city because their technical support is better, and the other company is too far away, so After-sales service may not be guaranteed.

With such an obvious difference, Zhang Feng is of course willing to choose the company in the city, and they are going to go to Moon Lake for field inspection tomorrow morning, design suitable cages according to the breeding water area, and plan the installation location.

"Xiaofeng, if you don't understand, you can ask Uncle Dashan, he has raised fish for several years before." Just when Zhang Feng was a little puzzled by Zhang Er, his mother reminded him.

"Got it, mom!" Zhang Feng was overjoyed suddenly, wondering why he hadn't thought of it before.

Zhang Feng hurriedly walked to Uncle Dashan's house, found Uncle Dashan, Zhang Feng told his story, and hoped that he could take a look at the staff officer for him tomorrow, and don't let the other party fool him.

"Don't worry, those people will come tomorrow, just call me." Uncle Dashan just happened to be fine tomorrow, so he readily agreed.

"Thank you, Uncle Dashan!"

"Thank you, thank you. By the way, why do you want to rent the water at the entrance of the village to engage in aquaculture? The market for aquaculture is not very good now." Uncle Dashan asked with a frown.

"It's okay, Uncle Dashan, I'll give it a try."

"Forget it, let's not talk about you." Uncle Dashan saw that Zhang Feng had already rented the venue, and it was useless to try to persuade him. He just shook his head, hoping that he would not lose too much.

The next morning

At about nine o'clock, people from the city's fishery company came. Zhang Feng quickly called Uncle Dashan, and everyone went to the entrance of the village for field inspection.

Zhang Feng is a complete layman who doesn't understand anything. Fortunately, Uncle Da Shan was present, otherwise he would be foolish to help others count the money when someone bought him. Afterwards, Zhang Feng had to sigh with emotion. With such a miracle drug as Rihua Auxin, Zhang Feng would not set foot in such an unfamiliar industry.

Finally, with the help of Uncle Dashan, Zhang Feng signed a contract with this company in the city, and Zhang Feng handed over the water area reconstruction project to them. The construction period was one week, and the total cost was 5000 yuan.

"Xiaofeng, I have some books on aquaculture technology. You can take them back and read later." Seeing that Zhang Feng knew nothing about aquaculture, he dared to engage in such a large-scale operation, so he shook his head, thinking that this kid Too unreliable.

"Thank you, Uncle Dashan!" After what happened just now, Zhang Feng realized that he had imagined aquaculture too simply, thinking that he could grow eels well with the Rihua auxin.

After that, Zhang Feng took the book that Uncle Dashan lent him and read it. The more he read it, the more frightened he became. Unexpectedly, aquaculture was more difficult than he imagined.

Not only the environmental factors in the water must be considered, but also all kinds of strange diseases are things that farmers need to pay attention to. If they are not careful, they will lose everything. Therefore, aquaculture is an industry with high technical requirements.

Aware of the difficulties he was about to face, Zhang Feng started cramming and spent the next few days learning about aquaculture, hoping to successfully fulfill the requirements of his cheap father-in-law, and finally embrace the beauty.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Sanyang Kaitai' for the reward, thank you for your support, the new book is on the shelves, I hope everyone can support the original copy and subscribe, thank you Renmao very much.

(End of this chapter)

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