small farmer

Chapter 145 Patrol

Chapter 145 Patrol (for Subscription)
Chapter 130 Patrol

In the next few days, Zhang Feng was extremely busy.
During the day, I have to go to the farm to watch the technicians install the breeding nets, and at night, I have to learn various farming knowledge.

At first, Zhang Feng thought that the eel seedlings in his backyard were enough, but he finally realized that he was thinking too much. There are hundreds of net cages in the water area of ​​seven or eight acres, how could the eel seedlings in his backyard be enough.

So Zhang Feng, under the leadership of Uncle Dashan, visited and inspected several ricefield eel farms in the city, and finally decided on one that felt good and ordered a large number of seedlings, which solved the problem of ricefield eel seedlings.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed, and Zhang Feng's farm was finally completed;
Early in the morning, the eel seedlings purchased by Zhang Feng finally arrived, so with the help of several workers, he put all the eel seedlings into the cages.

It is unrealistic for such a large farm to be managed by Zhang Feng alone, so Zhang Feng planned to find four or five people to help. Suddenly Zhang Feng felt that Old Yushu was very suitable. He has been a fish all his life, and he thought it would not be a big problem to raise eels, so Zhang Feng immediately walked to the old fish uncle's house.

"Uncle Yu, is Uncle Yu at home?"

"Here, Xiaofeng, come in and sit down." Waiting for Zhang Feng to be ready, the old fish uncle asked: "I don't know what's the matter with you, Xiaofeng?"

"That's it, didn't I rent the farm at the entrance of the village? I'm going to find a few people to help raise eels for a long time, 3000 yuan per month, and a meal allowance of 500 yuan..." Then Zhang Feng explained his purpose For a moment, I want to see the image of old fish uncle working in the fishing ground.

"Haha, you found me, old uncle Yu, you really found the right person..." Uncle Yu was also very happy. With such a stable job, he would be a fool if he quit.
Don't look at him as a very handsome big fish every day, but he has unknown hardships. He goes through the wind and rain every day, and his income is not guaranteed. When he is good, he can earn two to three thousand a month. Seven or eight hundred, just enough to feed a family.

If you go to Zhang Feng's farm to work, you can earn more than 3000 yuan a month. The most important thing is to have a stable income, which is much more cost-effective than fishing.

"That's really great. Besides you, Uncle Yu, I still need to recruit a few people. I wonder if you can recommend some for me?" Zhang Feng was also very happy. Uncle Yu was helping to look after the farm. Zhang Feng was also more at ease.

"Well, I think Zhuzi is good, he is honest and never cheats, and Zhang Laojiu is also good..."

"Well, Brother Zhuzi is really good, but isn't Uncle Jiu going to work?"

"Part-time job?" The old man shook his head. "He's over 50 years old, and part-time job is just sweeping the streets for others. It's only one or two thousand a month. If you want to find him, he will be very happy."

Then Zhang Feng found Uncle Dalin, and knowing Zhang Feng’s intentions, he happily agreed. You must know that the wages of working locally are very cheap, usually only one or two thousand. Like Zhang Feng, he can give 3000 yuan and 500 yuan. The meal allowance is really good.

In the afternoon, several people went to the rice field eel farm to start work. There are two small tile-roofed houses beside the farm. One can be used to store feed, and the other can also be used to store tools and let everyone rest.

"Everyone, let's see what tools our farm is short of. I will buy them quickly." Sitting in the small house, Zhang Feng asked everyone.

"Xiaofeng, I think we need to sell two more ships..."

"Yeah, when we were feeding, only one boat was too inefficient."

"and also……"

Everyone talked freely, so under everyone's suggestions, Zhang Feng added a lot of tools, the most important being two boats and a few trolleys for transporting feed.

In the next few days, Zhang Feng managed the farm together with everyone. After everyone had mastered the breeding skills and got on the right track, Zhang Feng let go and asked Old Yushu to help manage the farm. He also raised his salary to 4000 yuan.

The farm is well-organized by the old Yushu. Zhang Feng only goes to visit it once or twice a day, and his life has returned to the original leisurely, drinking tea every day, watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, and looking at the sky.Lying in the yard, reading your favorite novel, looking at the deep and beautiful sky.

When I get tired from sitting, I go for a walk by the lake, look at the sparkling Moon Lake, the lakeside of Yangliu Yiyi, climb mountains, walk the dog, and tease the little eight at home. Everyday life is so leisurely.

Zhang Feng lay in the yard for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he found that his slippers were gone again. No need to guess, he knew it must be those two little bastards at home again. They loved to play with Zhang Feng's slippers, and Zhang Feng woke up several times. When they arrived, they all looked for shoes with bare feet.

"Dahei Xiaohei! Get the hell out of here!"

"Wow..." Dahei Xiaohei immediately ran out of the house, looked up at the master curiously, and seemed to ask the master why did you ask us?
"You two little bastards, where did you take my slippers? Hurry up and get them back for me." Zhang Feng pointed to his bare feet with a straight face, and then said to the two puppies.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei immediately yelled at Xiaohei, as if saying that it was you who dragged away the master's shoes, so hurry up and get them back.

"Wow, woof..." Xiao Hei turned back in dissatisfaction, as if to say that you didn't play just now, so you can blame me for whatever you blame.

"Hehe, you've learned to throw the blame away. No matter who made it, hurry up and get it back for me." Zhang Feng looked at the two puppies pushing each other, and was immediately annoyed and funny.

"Woooo..." Criticized by the master, the two puppies looked at each other and then ran into the house. They quickly took out Zhang Feng's slippers and put them obediently at Zhang Feng's feet.

Zhang Feng shook his head. These two little guys are as naughty as ducklings. They like to steal their shoes every day, and they won't change after repeated admonition. Every time Zhang Feng is going to punish them for not giving them food, they will hold a meeting and act cute in front of their families. Or pretend to be pitiful, and when everyone sees how cute the two little things are, they feel sympathetic and rush to prepare delicious food for them.


"Is Xiaofeng at home?"

"Who is it?" Zhang Feng was lying in the yard and was about to fall asleep when he was woken up and asked a little uncomfortable.

"You have a very leisurely life, kid! You're lying in the yard again!" Uncle Er Niu walked into the yard and said teasingly.

"Uncle Er Niu is you, who did I think it was?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"It's like this. Recently, wild boars often go down the mountain, causing harm to many fields. The village is planning to find someone to patrol the mountain pass at night. The village chief asked me to inform you that our group is on duty tonight."

"What? Why don't I know?" Zhang Feng thought to himself, isn't this a Latin guy?

"You kid has been lying in the yard all day, what do you know if you don't step out of the gate?" Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Feng a look.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled sheepishly. "By the way, Uncle Er Niu, what time does it start tonight?"

"Gather at the mountain pass at 06:30 in the evening. By the way, bring your harpoon with you. If you encounter wild boars, you can protect yourself."

"Understood, it would be bad if we met a wild boar, we will eat wild boar again."

"Don't be too arrogant, kid. The wild boar has rough skin and thick flesh. It's not so easy to deal with." Uncle Er Niu shook his head and reminded.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Zhang Feng smiled. Of course he knows that wild boars are powerful. He was just joking just now. If he really wants to meet a wild boar, what Prime Minister Zhang Feng thinks of is how to protect himself, instead of just rushing up foolishly. .


had dinner,

the sun has gone down
Bathed in the golden sunlight, Zhang Feng walked slowly on the country road with a harpoon on his shoulder, admiring the beautiful clouds in the sky, the blood-red sunset, and the colorful wild flowers beside the mountain road.

When Zhang Feng came to the mountain pass, everyone had already arrived, "Xiaofeng, why did you come here first?"

"Didn't it say 06:30?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"You kid won't come earlier, get ready..."

"It's just that everyone has arrived, so I'm missing you, hurry up and help set up the trap..." Paoshanye Erniushu and the others criticized one after another.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Zhang Feng was embarrassed to watch, so he quickly joined in and set up barbed wire traps with everyone.

Because this is the only way out of the mountain, in addition to wild boars coming in and out, the villagers have to walk, so they can't dig pits to make traps, they can only make this kind of temporary wire cover.

This kind of cover has very obvious advantages. It can not only prevent wild boars from raiding at night, but also can be quickly disassembled during the day. It will not block everyone's way into the mountain, so it is very convenient.

When everyone set up the trap, the sun had completely set below the mountain, and the sky was getting darker, so everyone hurried to gather firewood in the limelight, and they will stay here all night tonight, and they must light a bonfire.

This can not only drive away wild animals, but also resist the cold in the middle of the night. The weather in mountainous areas is like this. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. The highest temperature during the day can reach more than 30 degrees, but it can drop to more than ten degrees in an instant in the early morning, so there are no piles at night. Not a bonfire.

When everyone lit the bonfire, the sky was completely dark, and the raging fire illuminated the entire mountain pass. Everyone sat around the fire, smoking cigarettes and telling the story of Moon Lake Village and wild boars.

"I remember one year, the weather was surprisingly cold, it rained almost every day, and there were long ice cones hanging outside every house."

"The wild boars in the mountains may lack food. Dozens of wild boars went down the mountain in groups to look for food. At that time, everyone was almost scared to death..."

"What happened in the end?" Young people like Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi had never experienced such a thing, so they asked curiously.

"Fortunately, it was in a special era. There was a militia team in the village. I was the leader of the militia team at the time, so I led the soldiers and rushed out with guns. Finally, I succeeded in driving away the wild boars that entered the village, and finally chased them all. In five or six miles, more than 20 wild boars were killed..." Master Pao Shan recalled to everyone.

 Thank you book friends for your "follow your heart" rewards, I hope everyone can support and subscribe, thank you everyone.Today's two updates and the second update will be around 20:[-] in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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