small farmer

Chapter 164 Xiantao

Chapter 164 Xiantao (for subscription)

Chapter 150 Four Immortal Peach

The next day

bathed in morning light,

Zhang Feng carried the vegetable basket, called Dahei Xiaohei and walked towards the corn field.

There are a lot of pumpkins and cowpeas planted in Zhang Feng's corn field, and it is the ripe season now, so Zhang Feng is going to pick some to cook, and he can sell the unfinished ones at the door of his house.

"Where is Xiaofeng going uphill?" The second uncle rode a small tricycle past the door and asked when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Yes, second uncle, where are you going?" Zhang Feng met the second uncle as soon as he walked out of the house.

"Go to the melon patch!"

"Second uncle, watermelons are selling very well recently!"

"Hehe, it's okay! Xiaofeng won't talk, I'll go first!" Then the second uncle drove towards the melon field on the river beach in three wheels.

Zhang Feng drove his own three-wheeled car along the newly built road, and drove towards the back mountain with Big Black and Little Black.

The two puppies squatted in the back of the car. Whenever they saw people and small animals on the side of the road, they barked excitedly, just like riding a supercar on the road. The two puppies were very excited .

"These two little guys are not restless in the car, next time I might as well make a seat belt!" Zhang Feng thought to himself with a smile.

Soon Zhang Feng arrived at the cornfield with the two puppies.

"Get out of the car!" As soon as Zhang Feng stopped the car, the two puppies quickly jumped out of the car.

"You guys are playing around here, don't run around!" "Wow... woof..." The two puppies barked at Zhang Feng, and ran into the cornfield with their legs free.

"These two playful little bastards!" Zhang Feng shook his head, picked up the basket and went into the corn field to look for ripe cowpea pumpkins.

Because cowpeas and pumpkins are interplanted in corn fields, there are not many of them, and they have not been specially tended, so they do not grow very well.

However, this kind of cowpea pumpkin has a purer and sweeter taste, unlike the ones grown in vegetable greenhouses, which are bland and tasteless, stiff and not soft at all.

In summer, due to the hot weather, almost every household will cook a pot of cowpea pumpkin, which is sweet and delicious, and it is really the favorite of the locals.

The slender cowpeas are hung on the corn stalks one by one. As long as you are careful, you can always find them. After about a quarter of an hour, the basket in Zhang Feng's hand was already full, so Zhang Feng sent these pumpkins and cowpeas back to the car. , And got into the corn forest to continue searching.

Vegetables like cowpea will grow old in just one or two days, so they should be picked as soon as they are ripe so that they will not be wasted.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng had filled the vegetable basket several times, and finally ransacked all the cowpea pumpkins in the two acres of land.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Just as Zhang Feng was about to call the two puppies home, Xiao Hei suddenly ran over barking.

"What's the matter, Xiao Hei, where are you taking me?" As soon as Xiao Hei ran over, he pulled Zhang Feng's trouser legs, as if he wanted Zhang Feng to follow him.

"Woof..." Xiao Hei looked at the cornfield not far away, then turned around and called to Zhang Feng, motioning Zhang Feng to follow him.

Zhang Feng immediately understood the meaning of the little thing. The two smart puppies must have found something. It's really refined.

So Zhang Feng followed Xiao Hei closely and walked towards the middle of the corn field.

As he was walking, Zhang Feng suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance, and Zhang Feng's face became happy. Zhang Feng has seen this kind of thing too many times this summer, so he is already familiar with its smell. It is delicious. The king of mountain delicacy - chicken fir.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps forward, seven or eight off-white chicken firs appeared in front of his eyes. Zhang Feng was overjoyed and said happily to Dahei and Xiaohei: "Haha, Dahei and Xiaohei, you are really good? Go back I reward you with five crispy fish!"

"Wow... woof..." The two smart puppies shook their heads excitedly when they heard the crispy fish, and rushed towards Zhang Feng excitedly, wanting to give him a hug.

"Okay, okay, you two little things, see how I made my pants like this?" The paws of the two puppies were covered with mud, and yellow plum blossoms suddenly appeared on Zhang Feng's pants.

Zhang Feng dug out the chicken fir one by one with joy on his face, and then carefully covered the soil again, so as not to damage the growth environment of the chicken fir, and he had to surround three gaps and one net to do everything, so that Man and nature can be more harmonious.

"Okay, let's go out!" Zhang Feng happily put the chicken fir into the vegetable basket, then called the two puppies and walked to the parking place.

"You guys wait here, I'll come back after breaking a few bags of corn!" Zhang Feng signaled the two puppies to stay where they were, and walked to the field where the waxy corn was planted.

"Huh! Who ate this fairy peach!" As he walked, Zhang Feng found several pale yellow fairy peach skins on the mountain path.

Xiantao is actually the fruit of the cactus. The local people call it Xiantao. The taste of Xiantao is sweet and delicious. It is one of the most delicious wild fruits on the mountain. Zhang Feng saw it on TV. In some places, people plant it specially This thing is like planting dragon fruit, and its price is not cheap, one yuan, and according to this calculation, it costs seven or eight yuan per catty.

After Zhang Feng broke the corn, he saw that the rocks in the middle of the corn field were covered with cacti. Some of the celestial peaches on it were ripe, and some were blooming with faint yellow flowers, which were very beautiful.

Looking at the dense peaches on the cactus, there are also sharp thorns, which are very sharp. Be careful when picking them. The thorns of the cactus are transparent. Once they get into the flesh, it is not easy to find out.

Although there are many fairy peaches on it, there are not many ripe ones. It is estimated that they have been searched by the leather monkeys in the village, so Zhang Feng only found a dozen or so yellow and ripe fruits.

"Go back and let everyone taste it!" Zhang Feng then found a few more mountain buns, picked twenty or thirty, and walked happily to the parking place with peaches and corn.

"Wow woof... woof woof" When the two puppies saw Zhang Feng, they immediately jumped on him enthusiastically.

"Okay! Alright! You two are really cheeky!! Get in the car quickly, let's go home!" Zhang Feng chased the two little guys away after a few times.

As soon as the two puppies heard that they were going home, they immediately picked up the car and sat down obediently. When they saw the two puppies, they acted like children. Zhang Feng smiled and started the three-wheeled car and drove home.

In less than 2 minutes, Zhang Feng arrived at the door of the house, stopped the car and moved the cowpea pumpkin to his mother's stall, and Zhang Feng returned home with other things.

"Ah! Bro, did you find the chicken fir?" the little girl exclaimed happily.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to Big Black and Little Black..." Then Zhang Feng told the story of the two puppies finding Ji Cong. The family members were all amazed, and the little girl rewarded them immediately with joy. Crispy fish.

Immediately, the two little guys shook their heads and tails happily, eating with gusto.

 Thanks to the book friend 'Blood Hummer' for the reward, I hope everyone can subscribe and support.

(End of this chapter)

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