small farmer

Chapter 165 The Naughty Duckling

Chapter 165 The Naughty Duckling (33)

Chapter 150 The Naughty Duckling

"I picked a few fairy peaches, how do you taste them?"

"I want to eat, I want to eat!" The little greedy cat Zhang Yue is the most greedy, as soon as she heard that there were fairy peaches, she immediately ran over.

"It's been a long time since I ate fairy peaches!"

The eldest sister and Zhang Lin also took one each, looking at the familiar Xiantao, the eldest sister said with emotion.

"Little sister, take two for mom." Zhang Feng ordered, "By the way, bring a few for grandpa and grandma Liu too!" Zhang Feng added.

"Good!" The little girl walked towards the door while eating the fairy peach.

Zhang Feng also ate one, the taste is still the same, sweet and delicious, the natural wild fruit taste is authentic, without artificial intervention, the sweet and sour taste is even better.

After eating the fairy peaches, Zhang Feng took the chicken fir to the water pipe to wash. Generally, mushrooms cannot be stored for too long, so they should be disposed of while they are fresh.

After cleaning, Zhang Feng tore the chicken fir into small pieces, and finally fried it with chili into delicious chicken fir oil. Zhang Feng made a lot last time, but he had to put some noodles every day at home, and he also gave away I gave some to my classmates, so the chicken fir oil at home has bottomed out, and I can just replenish it this time.

"Crazy brother! Crazy brother, we are here!" Zhang Feng just filled up the chicken fir oil, and the little duck and the little monkeys ran in.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng hurried to the yard and asked.

"Crazy brother, this is the little fish we caught today!" The duckling raised the bucket in his hand and smiled.

"Understood, you just pour it into that water basin for me." Zhang Feng pointed to the water basin next to the water pipe and said to the little duck.

"Crazy brother, let me tell you, your little Ba just ate and pecked at my hand!" The little guy showed Zhang Feng his hand, and there was indeed a small red dot on it.

"What's going on? Did you bully it?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise. The small animals in the house are more obedient and generally won't hurt people unless you annoy it.

"No!" The little duck quickly denied.

"Brother Madman, Brother Madman, I know, I know, the little duck dug up earthworms to tease your little Ba, but he didn't give it to eat. In the end, Xiao Ba became anxious, took a bite of the little duck and flew away!" At this time, the snot Chong Xiaoshi hurriedly reported to Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, you little guy asked for it completely! Who told you to lie to it!" Zhang Feng smiled.Then he paid a few little guys and gave them a few pieces of crispy fish, and then sent them away.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

"What's the matter with you, little stone?"

"" When Zhang Feng asked this, the little guy cried even more sadly, and it was so miserable.

"Hehe, what else can happen, his slippers were thrown into the lake by ducklings!" Mother Wang Guilan said to her son with a smile.

"How could this monkey throw other people's shoes into the lake? Let's settle the score with him by taking the small stone." Then Zhang Feng pulled the small stone and went to find all the troublesome ducklings.

Hearing that the lunatic brother wanted to make decisions for himself, Xiao Shitou's cries gradually became quieter, and soon Zhang Feng caught the duckling in the woods by the lake.

"Peter Monkey, why did you throw Xiao Shitou's shoes into the lake, why don't you hurry up and get them back for him!" Zhang Feng slapped the duckling on the back, and said sternly.

"I... I didn't throw his shoes into the lake..." the duckling quibbled.

"Obviously you kicked my shoe like a ball and ended up kicking it into the lake..." Xiao Shitou said aggrievedly.

"I didn't do it on purpose..." the little guy argued loudly.

"Okay, whether it's intentional or not, you should return his shoes quickly!" Zhang Feng quickly stopped the little guy who wanted to argue.

"But I can't get it if it falls into the lake!!" The little duck said with a bitter face.

"Where is it? Take me to see it?" Zhang Feng shook his head. These monkeys don't go to the house for a day, and they make a lot of troubles every day. The big things don't make small things, which is very painful, so the parents He simply didn't care much, and let them run around in the village, out of sight and out of mind.

"It's right there..." Soon the little duck led Zhang Feng to the 'crime scene', following the little duck's fingers, Zhang Feng found a gray slipper floating on the water.

"You monkey..." Zhang Feng shook his head, looking at the slippers in the water, he couldn't help it, and then he found a long bamboo pole from his home and picked up Xiaoshi's shoes ashore.

"Thank you madman..." Xiao Shitou happily put on his shoes and said to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, let's go home quickly, it's almost time for dinner!" Zhang Feng waved his hand.

"Okay! Go home and have dinner!" The little guys walked towards the village with a hop.


Back home, little sister Zhang Feng is feeding the carp in the pool

This pitch-black carp has become a new member of the family. It was named Black Dragon by the younger sister. Because it often eats the earthworms at home, it only took a few days to grow shiny scales, full of energy, and enjoy the leisurely life. Loitering in the pool.

"Brother, this carp is so beautiful! I took a picture of it and posted it on the Internet, and some people said it could sell for 10 yuan!" The little girl said with a smile.

"That's right, look, our black dragon is not bad at all compared to those expensive arowanas. I think 10 yuan is too little!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Xiaofeng, can you really sell it for so much money?" the eldest sister asked in surprise.

"It should be about the same..." Zhang Feng nodded,

"Then just sell it. It's not safe to keep such a valuable thing at home..." the eldest sister said worriedly. Although the security in the village is very good, it is hard to guarantee that someone will take the risk.

"This carp won't be easy to sell right away. I'll ask Yiyi to bring a fish tank back from the city later. It's fine to keep it at home. If we don't talk about it, who knows how much it's worth!"

Zhang Feng felt that the elder sister's worry was justified, and that he should take some precautions. Besides, the older and more valuable things in the house, he should pay attention to it in the future, so as not to let the bad guys take advantage of the loopholes.

It would be fine if the money was stolen, but if the family members were hurt, then he would have to die of guilt, so Zhang Feng was going to exchange some things from the system to protect his family members.

"Did you hear me, little sister, don't talk nonsense!" The elder sister hurriedly told the younger sister to come.

"Understood elder sister!" The younger sister was just a little mischievous, knowing the seriousness of the matter, and would not gossip outside.

Then Zhang Feng came to the kitchen and saw that the pumpkin and cowpea had been cooked, so Zhang Feng filled a big bowl and sent it to Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu.The two old people also liked it very much, and gave Zhang Feng a bowl of Jerusalem artichoke soaked in Grandma Liu as a gift.

 Thanks to the two book friends 'Sanyang Kaitai' and 'I'm Uncle Datou' for their rewards, today's update ends here.

(End of this chapter)

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