small farmer

Chapter 171 Taking Honey

Chapter 171 Taking Honey (44 for Subscription)
"Yo! Old man, Grandma Liu, are you here too?" Zhang Feng met the two elders just as he walked out of the backyard.

"Yeah, I heard that your family produced a big pumpkin weighing seven to eight hundred catties, so come and have a look..." The master said with a smile.

"There were too many people just now, and we couldn't squeeze in." Grandma Liu said with a smile.

"Hehe, everyone came to watch the excitement, but the pumpkin is not that big, only three or four hundred catties." Zhang Feng smiled, and led the two elders to the backyard. "Look, the big pumpkin is here."

Zhang Feng checked online just now, and the world's largest pumpkin weighs more than 1900 catties.

It was bred on a Swiss farm and exhibited at an agricultural fair in a small town in eastern Switzerland.

The world's largest pumpkin weighs 953.5 kilograms, and a small truck had to be used to transport the giant pumpkin, which weighed almost as much as a small car.

This also broke the Guinness World Record for the heaviest pumpkin in the world previously held by an American couple.

Almost a ton!The Swiss farmer easily beat all competitors to earn the Guinness World Records certification for the "world's largest pumpkin".

Compared with the world's largest pumpkin, Zhang Feng's is simply a pocket-sized pumpkin, but such a big pumpkin is rare in the local area, because Chinese people do not have the hobby and habit of cultivating giant pumpkins, and big pumpkins of three to four hundred catties can appear Already very rare.

"Xiaofeng, the pumpkin in your house should be a local variety, right?" The old man still knows a lot about pumpkins, and he can tell at a glance that this is just an ordinary local variety, but it is really shocking and puzzling to grow such a large fruit.

"That's right, old man, this is an ordinary local breed, probably mutated!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Haha, let me just say, you are so lazy and didn't take good care of it, how could you grow such a big pumpkin." The old man said to Zhang Feng with a laugh.

Hearing the old man's words, Zhang Feng was embarrassed, a little dumbfounded, although he was a little lazy, how could it be impossible to grow big pumpkins?Besides, didn't you plant this one in front of you?Although the effect of Rihua auxin is still a bit lucky, but it is not because I planted it myself. In the eyes of the old man, I just got lucky, so I met such a big pumpkin.

"Xiaofeng, your box of bees can harvest honey, right? It's been half a month." At this moment, Grandma Liu walked to the side of the beehive to observe for a while, and said to Zhang Feng.

"So fast?" Zhang Feng had never raised bees before, so he didn't have much experience. Moreover, once the beehives were placed there, Zhang Feng never managed them. If Grandma Liu reminded him, Zhang Feng would not have remembered.

"Hurry up, it's summer, it's time for flowers to bloom, and the nectar source is abundant, and the speed of bee production is of course faster!" Grandma Liu explained with a smile.

"Cut honey, I haven't done this yet?" Zhang Feng said with some embarrassment.

"No way, how did you get the wild honey of flowers last time?" Grandma Liu asked in surprise.

"Last time..." Then Zhang Feng briefly explained the process of the last time.

"So that's it. It's true that wild and domesticated bees have different methods of harvesting honey." After hearing Zhang Feng's description, Grandma Liu nodded, because wild beehives are irregular, while domesticated bee hives are leaf-by-leaf. Yes, it can be extracted separately, and then put into the honey shaker for extracting honey. Shaking and stirring the handle, the honeycomb will make a circular motion, and the honey on it will fly out and be transferred into the honey shaker due to centrifugal force.

"Hehe, it's okay. I will cut honey. I will help you make a tool for extracting honey later. I guarantee you will master it as soon as you learn it." The old man smiled. Honey is so familiar with such a job that she can't be more familiar with it.

Then the old man took out a honeycomb to observe, measured the size with a thin thread, and then went to the utility room, took out various tools and prepared to make a honey shaker.

"Xiaofeng, go find a clean bucket, the one with thick walls, the one that is too thin and easy to break." The old man asked Zhang Feng to help him.

"Understood, old man, please wait for a while!" There are such buckets in every household in the countryside, and Zhang Feng quickly found one and put it in front of the old man.

"Look carefully, the honey shaker we are going to make is like this..." Then the old man explained the principle and production method of the honey shaker to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng couldn't stop nodding, and found that it was really not difficult to make this thing. I haven't actually done it, and I dare not say that it will be successful if I let myself do it.

The old man is really good at it, but in more than half an hour, he made a simple honey shaking machine. Although it looks very simple, but these tools are the only ones at home, it is very good to be able to make it like this.

"Haha, it's finally done, Xiaofeng hasten to get a honey to try!" The old man stood up happily and said to Zhang Feng.

At this time, everyone was also standing on the side, wanting to see how the old man was going to get the honey. Everyone had never seen it before, and they were very curious.

Soon Zhang Feng took a leaf of honey from the beehive, and the old man fixed it in the honey shaker, and then shook the handle with his hand, and the honeycomb moved accordingly, and the honey flew out and hit the wall of the barrel, and then slowly pooled at the bottom of the barrel.

Just shake it repeatedly for a few minutes, and all the honey in the hive has flown out and gathered in the bucket, so all the honey in the hive has been taken out.

Finally, the empty honeycomb is taken out, and all the honey remains in the bucket—that is, in the honey shaker. As long as the empty honeycomb is put back into the beehive, honey can be taken again in a week or two.

"Well, this honey is delicious, everyone come and taste it, it tastes really good!" The master dipped a little bit of it into his mouth with his finger, and his mouth was immediately filled with fragrance, not as sweet as ordinary honey.

"Well, this honey is really good." Grandma Liu tasted a little, her eyes lit up immediately, and she was full of praise. She felt that even the Baihua honey she had eaten before was far inferior. The whole body of the person is lazy, as if eating fairy wine, which makes people feel refreshed.

The girl Zhang Yue couldn't wait any longer, she ran into the house in a hurry, and quickly took out a few chopsticks to share with everyone, but she herself took a small spoon, scooped it up and slowly poured it into her mouth.

"Hehe, what a greedy little girl!" Seeing Zhang Yue's gluttonous appearance, Grandma Liu couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaofeng, go find your two clean bottles and fill them with honey from the honey shaker." The old man also smiled and instructed Zhang Feng.

"Understood, old man!" Zhang Feng's family has prepared a lot of small bottles like this. They used to be used to hold bad chili or fermented bean curd, and now they have finally come in handy.

At first, Zhang Feng thought it wasn’t much, so he finally packed two small bottles, estimated to be about three or four catties; the honey at home is not a simple thing, because the wild flowers in the yard have been watered by the sun-blooming auxin, so the honey has a unique taste. will be so good,
Zhang Feng speculated that it would also have great benefits for the human body, so Zhang Feng gave a bottle to Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu.The two old people were also very happy, and they obviously liked the honey from Zhang Feng's family very much.

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu, it's almost one o'clock now, let's have a meal together, you two don't go back." The eldest sister insisted.

"Hehe, that's fine. It's better to eat with more people." The old man smiled and agreed, and seeing this, Grandma Liu also stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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