small farmer

Chapter 172 Sparrowhawk

Chapter 172 Sparrowhawk (for subscription)
Chapter 160 The Sparrowhawk

The scorching sun at noon,

hanging high in the sky

The flowers and plants in the yard are a little listless, with their heads down, what are they thinking about?
"Wang Wang... Wang Wang..."

"Ah! I almost forgot about Dahei Xiaohei!" Hearing the dog barking in the backyard, Zhang Feng, who was lying on the recliner, suddenly stood up.

I didn't expect the two puppies to be so devoted to their duties, guarding the backyard stupidly, but they were so cute and pity, so Zhang Feng quickly ran into the house to prepare food for them, including broth and rice, and a few pieces of pigs. bones, and then Zhang Feng added a few pieces of their favorite crispy fish.

Zhang Feng brought the food to the backyard, the two puppies were completely starved, and immediately flew over when they saw the food bowl, puff puff puff!Eating with relish, my head almost got into the food.

Sitting under the eaves of the backyard, the two puppies were eating with gusto. At this time, Zhang Feng's mind sank into the system, and he found that the two sparrowhawks in the storage space had awakened and were standing majestically in the space, with sharp eyes. , It is daunting to look at from a distance, and the eagle is indeed the king of the sky.

Sparrowhawks are small hawks. Adult sparrowhawks are [-] to [-] centimeters long. They usually feed on insects, birds or voles, so they are less aggressive to people and livestock. Many people regard them as pet keeping.

Zhang Feng's sparrowhawks are genetically optimized, so their body length is about half a meter longer, their wingspan can reach [-] to [-] centimeters, and their strength is greater. According to the system, they can grab prey weighing [-] to [-] kilograms. Especially good at catching birds.

Now that they have undergone the transformation of the spiritual fluid, the potential of these two sparrowhawks is even greater. Even if they grow to one or two meters long, it is not surprising. It is estimated that hunting pheasants, hares, and even wild sheep and boars will be possible in the future.

The most important thing is that after being transformed by the spirit-enlightening liquid, they have initially opened up their spiritual intelligence, and they naturally recognize Zhang Feng as the master, and they can obey Zhang Feng's orders, and they will not attack people and animals at will. easy going.

"Okay, big black and little black, go play on your own, leave this place to me..." Seeing the two puppies finish their lunch, Zhang Feng said to them with a smile.

"Wow... woo..." The two puppies jumped up and down happily, shaking their heads and tails, and they didn't forget to take away the food bowl before leaving. They are really good and obedient children.

After Dahei and Xiaohei left, Zhang Feng released the two sparrowhawks. The two sparrowhawks suddenly appeared outside. They were shocked when they saw the strange environment, but when they saw Zhang Feng, they immediately calmed down. , waving its wings and flying to Zhang Feng's shoulders, one left and one right are like Zhang Feng's left and right guardians.

"Okay, this is your home from now on, and your task is to drive away the sparrows, you know?" Zhang Feng said, pointing at the sparrows that had become in the vegetable field, and pointed at the two sparrowhawks.

"Cuckoo... Cuckoo..." The two eagles cried out meekly, and immediately spread their wings and flew high into the sky. The eagle howled in the sky, and suddenly swooped down, like a sharp arrow piercing the sky, rushing towards the rocks Sparrows among the grass.

And the sparrows on the ground seemed to have been stunned by this sudden change, and had never expected such a terrifying natural enemy to appear here.

So the two sparrowhawks, relying on surprise and their own strength, caught their prey in an instant, grabbed the sparrow with their sharp claws, and finally landed slowly in front of Zhang Feng to claim credit for their master.

"Okay, yes, this is the prey you caught and I will reward you!" Zhang Feng touched their smooth feathers excitedly. It was the first time he saw eagles hunting. Eagles are so powerful that they all returned with full rewards the first time they hunted.

The two sparrowhawks screamed excitedly, and then tore apart their prey with their sharp claws, happily enjoying their prey. In the chicken coop next to them, there was a sudden burst of chicken and dog jumping, and everyone was caught by the screams of the two sparrowhawks. Shocked, the old hen cooed and hid her little babies under her belly, and then tightly protected them with her wings. Zhang Feng had to lament that maternal love is so great, it has crossed the boundaries between species .

"You two can't bully the chicks in the chicken coop, do you know that?" Seeing the frightened look of the chicks, Zhang Feng quickly ordered the two sparrowhawks.

"Cuckoo..." The two sparrowhawks glanced at the chicken coop, then responded to Zhang Feng with a meek cry.

"Okay, let's go to the tree after eating..." Zhang Feng hurriedly dispatched two hawks. If they were subdued immediately, it would be difficult to explain to his family, so Zhang Feng planned to let them stay in the backyard for a few days, and give them People have the impression of slowly developing feelings so that they don't appear so abrupt.

"Brother, what happened just now..." The little girl hurried to the backyard, "Ah! Eagle, brother, look there are eagles in the tree..." The little girl just saw two eagles flying to the big tree beside the vegetable field, Immediately exclaimed in surprise.

"Hehe, I've already seen it, and I saw them catching sparrows just now!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly when he saw the stunned look of the younger sister.

"No wonder, I said just now why our big flower was so frightened that she hid at the foot of the bed and shivered. It turned out that it was the cry of an eagle just now..." The little girl suddenly realized that the big flower in the family usually held her head up and held her chest up, looking pretty. I was so scared, but when I heard the eagle's cry, I almost peed my pants in fright.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Dahua to be so timid!" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, usually Dahua was arrogant, as if even he, the master, didn't pay attention to him, but now he finally met a natural enemy, what a blessing in disguise. One thing marinated tofu.

"Hee hee, yes, big brother catch them quickly, it would be so cool to have two hawks at home!!" The little girl said with eyes shining as she looked at the two sparrowhawks on the tree.

"Hehe, you think your brother and I are Superman, don't you think they 'fly away' before I get close to them!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ah, no, brother, can't you even catch wild boars and black bears? Why can't you even handle a bird?" The little girl grumbled with her mouth puckered.

"You girl, your brother and I don't have wings, how can we catch them, if you can do it yourself!" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"Hee hee, who makes my brother the most powerful, I believe that big brother must have a way!" The little girl smiled and said indifferently.

"Of course, hard work will definitely not work, so let's outsmart it!" Zhang Feng nodded and said seriously.

"Outsmart? How to outsmart??" Zhang Yue looked at her elder brother curiously and asked.

"Hey, you'll know later!" Zhang Feng said and walked home.

"Oh! Big Brother..." The little girl stomped her feet and followed immediately.

When Zhang Feng came to the kitchen, there were still a few sparrows fried just now in the cupboard. Zhang Feng was going to tempt the two sparrowhawks with delicious food. Lord, this is just for the show of taming the sparrowhawk.

"Cuckoo... Cuckoo..." Zhang Feng put two fragrant fried sparrows under the big tree, and then summoned the two sparrowhawks.

The two sparrowhawks saw that the food was fed by the owner, and it was so delicious, they flew down immediately and began to eat with relish.

Then Zhang Feng slowly approached the two sparrow hawks, stroked their hair lightly, and Zhang Yue behind him was stunned. I just bought it. Could it be that these two eagles are also legendary foodies, who want to eat their lives? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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