small farmer

Chapter 173 Fireflies

Chapter 173 Fireflies (23)

Chapter 160 Three Fireflies
Golden Fried Sparrow
The two eagles also ate with relish,
He swallowed a sparrow in three or two bites, as if he had never eaten such a delicious food. At first, Zhang Feng was worried that they would not be used to such cooked food, but he didn't know that sparrowhawks were not picky eaters, but liked it very much.

At this moment, the little girl finally came to her senses, and approached the two sparrowhawks cautiously. Unexpectedly, the sparrowhawks saw her fluttering their wings, and flew high into the sky with a whimper, flying freely in the sky, looking down at the The beautiful land is really enviable and yearning.

"Oh! Brother, why did you let them run away?" Xiaoyue frowned and said in annoyance.

"Hehe, don't worry, there will be a long future, as long as we have a good relationship, they will probably live in our house forever, won't they be the same as our pets?" Zhang Feng smiled.

"Alright then!" The little girl was still a little unhappy when she failed to catch the eagle.


Thanks to the presence of two hawks in the backyard, the vegetable field has finally become safe. The sparrows that had been eyeing the tiger had long been frightened and disappeared, and they fled to nowhere. The effect was immediate, and Zhang Feng was very satisfied with the two sparrow hawks.

Suddenly there was an eagle howling in the sky

Sparrowhawks flew into the distance whistling all the time, and another one landed on a big tree at the edge of the field and looked down at the vegetable field, patrolling the surroundings with its sharp eagle eyes.

'How did a sparrowhawk fly away? ' Zhang Feng thought with some surprise. "Could it be that he went hunting?" Zhang Feng thought for a while and thought it should be like this, because the transformation of the enlightenment liquid needs to consume a lot of calories, and it is estimated that both sparrowhawks are hungry, so he separated one to hunt, and the other to hunt. One continued to stick to its post.

Sure enough, Zhang Feng guessed right, and the sparrowhawk flew back after a while. Zhang Feng's eyesight is very good, and he can see the blood on the sparrowhawk's claws and mouth from a distance, which is probably left when catching prey .

This sparrowhawk flew across the sky, and finally stopped with another sparrowhawk. The next moment, another sparrowhawk flew high and rushed into the distance. It was probably its turn to go out to hunt. It seems that the two sparrowhawks really They are very smart, so they take turns to hunt for food, not only taking care of the vegetable field, but also not starving themselves.

Seeing that the two sparrowhawks were so smart, Zhang Feng was relieved, and after watching for a while, he left the backyard.


"Little girl, go and see if there is any tofu for sale at the entrance of the village? If there is any, buy a piece and come back, we will make fish head tofu soup later." Zhang Feng said to the little girl while sitting in the yard.

"Hmph, why do you keep calling me, wait until I finish watching this episode of TV..." the little girl said with a pursed mouth.

"Hey, big lazy and little lazy, who do you call me..." Zhang Feng said with a small smile. It's like this in families with many children. Under the coercion and lure of the second child, the general work of running errands and soy sauce was handed over to him.


Because there is still a piece of black fish in the refrigerator, Zhang Feng plans to make a black fish tofu soup in the afternoon. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrition. Not only the family likes it, but even the puppies and cats at home like it very much, so every time I make a meal There is always nothing left in the big pot of soup, all of which are cleaned up by the little animals in the house.

In the blink of an eye it's evening
After dinner, everyone rests in the yard
At this time, the sun had turned pale, lazily hung in the western sky, the weather was no longer so hot, and the flowers and plants in the yard gradually recovered their spirits.

The industrious bees are buzzing among the flowers, collecting nectar to make honey. This reminds Zhang Feng of the poem Luo Yin, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty: After harvesting a hundred flowers into honey, it will be sweet for whomever works hard.

Honey bees are social animals, and they are divided into three types: queen bee (queen bee), drone, and worker bee.

Among them, the queen bee is the largest and is responsible for giving birth to offspring.

The only task of the male peak is to mate with the queen bee and breed offspring, and it will die soon.

As for the worker bees, they are the busiest bees, collecting pollen almost every moment of their lives to feed the queen bee and other bees.

In addition, they also undertake the work of building nests, cleaning the hives, adjusting the temperature and humidity in the nests, and resisting predators.It can be said that the worker bees really dedicated their lives to others.

As the sun approaches the west mountain
The sky was getting dark gradually, and the little bees that were still shuttling in the sea of ​​flowers just now flew back to their nests one after another, and finally had time to rest.

And Zhang Feng has always been so leisurely, lying quietly on the recliner, looking at the dim sky, the golden sunset, the blood-red sunset, everything is so beautiful, so peaceful, so yearning.

The night is quiet and the mountains are empty in spring, and the birds return each other.

The birds that went out to look for food also returned to their nests. Two new sparrowhawks were wandering in the sky, as if looking for a place to settle down. Finally, they spotted the dense cypress tree in the front yard and swooped down instantly. In the middle of a huge canopy, ready to make this their new home.

"Ah! Brother, look at them...they landed on the big cypress tree..." The little girl saw the two sparrowhawks landed on the big cypress tree at home, she was surprised and excited, and Zhang Feng said excitedly.

"Hehe, I saw it." Zhang Feng nodded, thinking that they are my pets, if they don't live in our house, where else can they live.

The sky is getting darker, the stars are moving, the sun and the moon are changing, the stars in the sky are getting brighter gradually, and the shadow of the moon also appears in the western sky, and it is estimated that it will bloom its own light soon.

"Ah! Brother, look at the beautiful fireflies!" Suddenly the little girl exclaimed, waking up Zhang Feng who was immersed in the beautiful starry sky.

"Firefly? Where is it?" Zhang Feng immediately sat up, looked around, and then asked the younger sister.

"It's in the garden over there!"

Zhang Feng looked around, and in the corner of the flower garden, a firefly was flickering and wandering among the flowers, emitting green light, twinkling like a beautiful star, becoming the most beautiful in the dark night a landscape.

"Sister, look how beautiful the fireflies here are..." The little girl smiled and turned to the elder sister and Zhang Lin in the room and shouted, wanting to share this beautiful scenery with them.

"Ah! There are fireflies in the yard??" The girls rushed out without the slightest resistance to beautiful things. When they saw the fireflies flying among the wild flowers, they couldn't help but exclaimed, such a beautiful thing. It's amazing.

Silver candle autumn light cold screen, light Luo small fan fluttering firefly.

Such a beautiful scenery makes Zhang Feng unable to describe it in words. It is estimated that only the above beautiful poems can describe this situation.
The bright moonlight, the stars all over the sky, and the fireflies that shuttle in the dark night, such a beautiful night is really fascinating and infinitely yearning.

I would rather be a leisurely small farmer than a mediocre scholar.

Zhang Feng felt that this was the life he wanted. He indulged in the mountains and rivers without restraint. Although he was not rich and rich, he was still plain and full of happiness.

 There will be another chapter later, estimated at around 22:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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