small farmer

Chapter 174 Popcorn

Chapter 174 Popcorn (33)

Chapter 160 Four Popcorn
Faint moonlight, clear running water, crooked moon, Yiyi willows.

The night view of Moon Lake is always so quiet, so beautiful, so unforgettable, whether it is beautiful or not, Zhang Feng feels that he will never get tired of watching it, and feels that this is the destination of his life.

I saw the picture of fireflies that Zhang Feng sent to the group.Liu Yiyi called soon: "I don't care about the madman, I want you to watch fireflies with me..."

"Hehe, no problem, as long as you have time, I am willing to watch with you forever..." Hearing Liu Yiyi's voice, Zhang Feng felt extremely warm, as if a warm current flowed through his heart, maybe this is the feeling of love.

"Well, I will definitely come back tomorrow, you wait for me......"

"Okay, I will definitely wait for you!" Zhang Feng thought to himself that even if there are no fireflies tomorrow, I will sit quietly with you and enjoy the beautiful night and starry sky for a lifetime.


"Hey! What are you eating, little duck?" Early the next morning, the little duck ran to Zhang Feng's yard to play, chasing dogs, flapping dishes, and kept stuffing things in its mouth.

"Where is the popcorn fried by my dad! Crazy brother, do you want to eat it?" The little guy was very generous at that time, and with his small black hands, he grabbed a few popcorns and reached out to Zhang Feng.

"I don't eat it. When did your dad learn how to fry popcorn?" Zhang Feng waved his hand, then asked with a smile.

"Oh, it wasn't my dad who made it, it was the old man at the entrance of the village." The little duck didn't express clearly just now, but when he heard what the little duck said, Zhang Feng immediately understood that there is a neighbor next door every ten days and a half months at the entrance of the village. An old man in the village came to fry popcorn. It cost three yuan a pot, which was very cost-effective. Almost all the villagers had fried popcorn there.

"Today is the fried popcorn again?"

"That's right, there are a lot of people who are fired!" The little guy said while chasing the butterfly.

Zhang Feng was also a little greedy, so he hurried into the house, packed five or six catties of corn, and walked towards the entrance of the village.

Walking to the door of the second uncle's house, Zhang Feng casually informed Zhang Yi. As soon as the guy heard that popcorn was going to be fried, he immediately turned off the TV, packed three catties of corn and followed Zhang Feng to the entrance of the village.

When Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng arrived at the entrance of the village, the large group of frying popcorn had already left, and only three or two people were still waiting. It seemed that coming late also had some advantages.

"Hey! Xiaofeng is here to fry popcorn!" Aunt Osmanthus greeted with a smile when she saw Zhang Feng.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten popcorn for a long time, this time I'll try frying some..."

"Xiaoyi is here too..."

"Hello, Aunt Osmanthus..."

Everyone greeted each other and continued to wait. About a quarter of an hour later, it was finally Zhang Feng's turn.

Stir-fried popcorn has almost disappeared in the city now, only occasionally seen in remote places. Stir-fried popcorn is almost an unforgettable memory of the post-80s and post-90s.

When I was young, there were no snacks in the village. Except for the wild fruits on the mountain, everyone’s favorite food was popcorn, which was delicious and sweet.

So as long as people who stir-fry popcorn come to the village, almost every household will fry three to five catties, serving as snacks for the children at home to satisfy their cravings.

Thinking about being able to eat a handful of popcorn every day was a kind of happiness when I was young, and it was very easy to satisfy. As I grow older, my heart becomes more and more complicated, and my desires become more and more, as if I will never know how to be satisfied.

Looking at the iron pot for frying popcorn, Zhang Feng felt very friendly, just like when he was a child, like a round winter melon, with a big middle and two small ends, it is completely sealed when the pot is covered, and there is a high-flaming coal fire underneath , The blower is still blowing air, making the coal burn more vigorously.

The old man who fried popcorn has been doing it for 30 to [-] years, and he has mastered the heat well. Every pot of popcorn is fried just right, without any softness or burnt.It's breathtaking, every simple thing, as long as it is done to the extreme, is a beautiful art.

After waiting for about four or five minutes, Zhang Feng's first pot of popcorn was finally cooked. The moment the old man opened the lid, high-temperature gas gushed out, boom!With a bang, the delicious popcorn finally came out.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi hurriedly packed the popcorn scattered in the cage, while the old man took a sip of tea and continued his work.

"Well, it's delicious, I haven't eaten this for a long time!" Zhang Feng threw one into his mouth, and said with a lot of aftertaste.

"Hehe, yes, I remember that when we were young, when we fried popcorn, that was the happiest time for us."

Think about how greedy you were when you were young. When it came time to stir-fry popcorn, your friends would wait by the side. When the popcorn came out, there would always be some flying out of the dustpan. Those who snatched the rice flower ate it with great relish, and even exaggerated it on purpose, making the friends around you envious.

It was fun to think about it when I was a child, as if it happened yesterday, and the memory is still so clear, but unfortunately, it has been more than ten years in a blink of an eye, things have changed, and the former friends either went out to work, or they had already married and started a business, and there is no such thing as a child. as kind.

Time is like the Tapang River in front of us. It flows to the sea and never returns. The past has passed and will never come back. Therefore, we must know how to cherish everything in front of us and not let life leave unforgettable regrets.

Two blooms, one for each

On the other side, the little duck is bribing the little stone with popcorn, and is going to ride his scooter.

"Little Stone, I'll give you two popcorns, how about letting me ride your scooter once?"

"Only two? Five is about the same..." Little Shitou curled his lips and shook his head dissatisfied.

"Okay, five is five, but I have to sit twice..."

"Okay!" Xiao Shitou thought to himself that the two times would pass quickly, and it would be a good deal to exchange for five popcorns.

In this way, the two little ones finally reached an agreement. The entrance of Xiaoshitou’s house is a long inclined slope, about 30 meters long, and there is a ridge of one or two meters high at the turn of the slope. If you are not careful, you will rush down the slope , very dangerous.

When Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi finished frying the popcorn and happened to pass by here, the little duck was already sitting on the scooter, and the little stone was pushing hard from behind.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" excitedly

The scooter was getting faster and faster, and it was about to turn. The little duck reacted from the excitement. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time, and the scooter leaped out from the high ridge.

"Ah... ah..." The duckling screamed with eyes closed!
what! !

Zhang Feng was startled suddenly and saw a UFO attacking on Gaokan.

The next moment, Zhang Feng saw that it looked like a duckling, and hurried to catch him, and the scooter with huge inertia hit Zhang Feng's chest heavily, and Zhang Feng grunted in pain, almost suffocating.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yi was also stunned by this sudden change, and quickly realized, "Why is it this little thing again?"

"Wow... woo..." The little guy was probably terrified, and cried loudly while hugging Zhang Feng, as if Zhang Feng had hit him, crying very terribly.

"Hehe, it's alright, it's alright..." Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly. This guy bumped him into pain, but he cried so aggrieved.

"I'll go, this little guy wants to drive a speeding car at such a young age, what will he do when he grows up?" Zhang Yi saw the scooter on the ground and the duckling hanging on Zhang Feng's body, he suddenly understood and shook his head. shook his head.

"Cry again! Cry again and I'll beat you up..." Zhang Yi raised his fist and threatened.

"Woo..." The little guy cried even more sadly now.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. This guy must have been frightened this time, and hugged him tightly like an octopus.

"Okay, okay, it's safe and won't fall!" Zhang Feng patted the duckling's back and comforted him with a smile.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?? Little Shitou, did you two fight?" Hearing the crying, Xiaoshitou's mother also ran out.

"Xiaofeng and the others are...??" Seeing Zhang Feng, Xiaoshitou's mother immediately asked Zhang Feng.

Then Zhang Feng told what happened just now, and Xiao Shitou's mother was horrified. You must know that there is a solid concrete floor under the slope, and it would be dangerous if you fell from a height of more than two meters. It's Zhang Feng, but next time, the children can't have such good luck every time.

Then Zhang Feng suggested planting a few rows of shrubs here, or laying out a row of railings, so that it would be much safer for the little ones to play on scooters.

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(End of this chapter)

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