small farmer

Chapter 175 Watering Artifact

Chapter 175 Watering Artifact (for Subscription)

Chapter 160 Five Watering Artifact

"Uncle Er Niu, where are you?"

Zhang Feng called Uncle Er Niu while walking, the little duck seemed to be frightened, Zhang Feng was going to ask him to come back and have a look.

"What's the matter, Xiaofeng, I'm in the orchard now!" Uncle Er Niu asked curiously.

"That's it, your little duck..." Zhang Feng talked about the little duck, and Uncle Er Niu was worried and angry at the same time, thinking how he could raise such a brat, and he didn't play for two days Fang Jiewa, so Uncle Er Niu put down the work in the field and rushed back immediately.

Soon the duckling's earth-shattering cries sounded again by Moon Lake, "This little guy must have been beaten again." Zhang Feng shook his head and said.

"He deserves to be beaten, who let him ride a speeding car!" Zhang Yi felt that such a brat should be beaten, otherwise he would cause trouble without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth.

"Hehe, it's true that this guy is too naughty." Thinking of the troublesome duckling Zhang Feng, he had no choice but to smile wryly.


"Ah! Brother, are you going to fry popcorn?" Zhang Yue was pleasantly surprised when she saw the popcorn that her elder brother was carrying.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've eaten popcorn like this. Try frying it for a few catties, little girl, go and get a plate to put the popcorn on." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Understood brother!" The little girl became more active when she saw the delicious food, and hurried into the room to get the plate.

"Mmm, it's delicious. The popcorn fried at home is authentic!" The little girl murmured with her mouth full of popcorn. The popcorn outside was sweet and greasy, but the kind at home is the best, with a faint fragrance Sweet, crunchy and delicious when chewed in the mouth, with endless aftertaste.

The mother, eldest sister, and Zhang Lin also grabbed a handful each, and ate it with gusto.
"Well, it's still the familiar taste from my childhood." The eldest sister said with emotion. After going out for a few years, I still miss the taste of my hometown the most, and miss the taste of my childhood.


After returning home and having a sip of tea, Zhang Feng walked towards the farm. Since the last time the crocodile invasion was solved, the farm has become smooth, and in just half a month, the eels in the farm have grown from half to two When it grows to about two taels, it is estimated that in one or two months, the eels in the farm will be able to be listed in small batches.

The rice field eels at home grew so fast, which also aroused the amazement of many villagers. They all speculated that Zhang Feng was going to make a fortune again, and it seemed that this time he would make millions again.

"Xiaofeng is going to the farm!"

"Yes, Uncle Seven is going to run a boat?"

"Hehe, we don't have the ability to make money like you, Xiaofeng, so we have to work hard!" Uncle Xiao Qi joked with a smile.

"Where, it's not all about relying on ability to eat!" Zhang Feng smiled and quickly handed over a cigarette. Although Zhang Feng doesn't smoke, he always has a pack ready with him, which is also for receiving guests or elders.

"I see that your rice field eels in your farm are growing well, and I think you will make millions again this time!" Little Seventh Uncle lit up a cigarette, took a puff and said enviously.

"Where, it's still early, and we won't know until it's listed." Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that if he was busy, it would be a failure if he could only earn 100 million. Zhang Feng estimated that he could earn 500 million. , if you can open up the high-end market, it is not impossible to earn 2000 million.

Because Zhang Feng's rice field eels use Rihua auxin, with this product rice field eels will not get sick even if they are intensively farmed, and the quality is better and the taste is better, so the price is naturally better.

The quality and taste of Zhang Feng’s rice field eels are better than those of wild ones. Before that, they only sold for 50 yuan per catty. Zhang Feng now feels that he sells them cheaply. However, since Qingshan is only a small county, Zhang Feng has not raised the price. The rice field eels for Niu Pangzi restaurant have now risen to 60 yuan per catty.

However, this still failed to develop the potential of his own rice field eel, because in the high-end market of big cities, it is not a problem to sell high-quality rice field eels like this for one or two hundred yuan a catty, so Zhang Feng's next goal is to have a relationship with Liu Yiyi. Work together to develop the high-end market in big cities, and sell your own eels and vegetables at a better price.


After exchanging pleasantries with Uncle Qi, Zhang Feng continued to walk towards the farm.
"Xiaofeng is here!" Old Uncle Yu was smoking dry tobacco at the gate of the farm, and asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Old Uncle Yu finished feeding this morning?"

"Hehe, it's just over," Old Uncle Yu said with a smile.At the same time, I thought in my heart that it was the right time to come to work here. It is very easy to raise the rice field eels in Zhang Feng's farm. You only need to feed them three times a day, and you don't need to do anything else. It is amazing that the rice field eels grow so well.

Zhang Feng went into the utility room and saw that there was still a lot of water in the pool, so he did not supplement the auxin. Then he rowed a boat and looked at the ricefield eels in the cages. They were growing vigorously and vigorously.

So Zhang Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed one at random. Although the eel was only a little over one or two, it was not weak.

Seeing that all the eels in the farm were normal, Zhang Feng was about to leave.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, it hasn't rained for the past two days, do you want to go and have a look in the vegetable field?" Old Yu uncle kindly reminded.

After what Old Yushu said, Zhang Feng went to the vegetable field and found that there were green vegetable seedlings growing in the vegetable field of more than ten acres. Unfortunately, there were too few people in the vegetable field, and he was too busy to water the vegetables every day.

So Zhang Feng thought to himself, should we build irrigation facilities? ?

Then Zhang Feng thought of the system mall, which has everything in it, "The system will search for irrigation facilities for me."

"Good host, please wait a moment!"

Zhang Feng soon discovered that an intelligent watering system was cost-effective. This intelligent watering machine can draw water from canals or small rivers by itself, and automatically water the vegetable seedlings according to the temperature and humidity in the vegetable field, as well as the withering state of the vegetable seedlings. It is convenient and does not require human operation at all.

This kind of intelligent watering machine is very light, weighing only [-] to [-] kg, and can be easily moved. It only takes one or two machines to irrigate a vegetable field of [-] or [-] acres within two hours.

"The system will exchange two for me." Of course Zhang Feng will not let go of such a good machine. With this kind of watering artifact, his vegetables will no longer have to worry about water shortage, and this thing is not expensive, one is only one With [-] points, you can get a [-]% discount if you buy two at a time.

"Okay, host, please wait a moment!" The system's voice just fell, and two machines appeared in the storage space in the next second.

"I'll go, I said, why is it so cheap?" Then Zhang Feng looked at the production date, and it turned out to be an inventory of 1000 billion years ago, and it has been eliminated for 800 billion years. This is completely sold to himself by disposing of junk.

"System, there won't be any problems with this watering machine, right?" Zhang Feng sees that it has been stored for 1000 billion years, can this thing still be used?If it was on the earth, it would have been wiped out long ago.

"Please rest assured the host, the products sold by the system are all stored in a special environment, even if it takes a trillion years, it will not affect the use."

After listening to the system's explanation, Zhang Feng finally felt relieved. Moreover, this kind of thing does not exceed the scientific and technological strength of the earth. It is just to be manufactured on the earth. It is estimated that the price will increase by a hundred times, which is not worth the loss.

But in this way, Zhang Feng can also use it with confidence, without worrying about being too abrupt, because many irrigation systems on the earth can be intelligently controlled and unmanned.


"It's really a magical watering tool!" Zhang Feng was stunned and shocked when he saw the water curtain of the watering machine slowly advancing, watering every corner of the vegetable field, and irrigated an acre of land in just two or three minutes.

"Xiaofeng, you are really high-tech..."

"Can there still be such a magical operation??" Cousin Zhang Yi was also dumbfounded.

The villagers who watched the excitement in the vegetable field were also shocked. They had never seen such a terrifying watering artifact. With this thing, the efficiency of watering has increased by more than a hundred times.

"Xiaofeng, where did you buy this thing? Is it expensive??" Some villagers were immediately tempted when they saw the terrifying efficiency of such an irrigation machine, so they asked Zhang Feng about it.

"Hehe, this thing is easy to use, but it's too expensive. You can buy a small car for such a price." Zhang Feng said in a condescending way, because things in the system cannot be sold at will.

"Tsk tsk! It's really a big deal. A car needs to be repaid at least tens of thousands!" After everyone shook their heads and thought it was too expensive, so everyone gave up the idea of ​​buying it, Zhang Feng was immediately relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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