small farmer

Chapter 194 Black fungus

Chapter 194 Black fungus (44)

"Yes! My grandpa must know!"

Liu Yiyi's eyes lit up, her grandfather had been a cook all his life, and he had seen almost all kinds of delicacies, which was hard for his old man.

"You wait here for me, I'll go up and get it down." Zhang Feng rolled up his sleeves and was about to climb up the tree.

"Crazy, be careful!"

"Xiaofeng (brother) pay attention to safety"

Everyone warned, because the place where Hericium erinaceus grows is not low, about ten meters above the ground, it is three stories high, and it has just rained, and the tree is very slippery, so everyone is a little worried.

"Hehe, don't worry, nothing will happen." Zhang Feng's current physical fitness is extremely abnormal. Although he has never jumped from a height of three floors, he can be sure that even if he falls from a height of more than ten meters There will be no problems either.

After comforting everyone, Zhang Feng ran up the tree like a monkey, and the people under the tree were stunned. They didn't expect to have such an operation when climbing a tree. This is really cool.

Zhang Feng is like a flying man. Climbing the tree is like walking on flat ground. He climbed to the place where the monkey mushroom grows in two or three steps. Zhang Feng was very happy when he saw the three Hericium erinaceus on the tree.
He carefully packed three mushrooms the size of small bowls into a plastic bag, hung the bag on his back waist, and then slid down from the ten-meter-high tree at high speed under everyone's shocked eyes. It was like taking an elevator, returning to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Crazy, are you okay?" Seeing Zhang Feng's crazy tree-climbing skills, everyone was shocked beyond measure. When Zhang Feng got off the tree, Liu Yiyi immediately ran over and asked concerned.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm fine!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Brother, you were so handsome when you climbed the tree just now, just like Tarzan the ape, you climbed up the tree suddenly, and climbed down immediately..." The little girl Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Yue with admiration. Feng said.

Hearing that his sister compared himself to Mount Tai, Zhang Feng couldn’t help crying and laughing. He was just like Mount Tai, so he became a beast. Thinking about his handsome tree-climbing posture, why is he just like Mount Tai? Other trees are not as good as Mount Tai Is it true that the people in the world are not as good as the beasts in the legend?

"Ahem! Your eldest brother, I am already very good, okay?" Zhang Feng coughed and pretended to be B.

"Everyone, take a look, this is probably Hericium erinaceus." Zhang Feng quickly changed the topic, opened the plastic bag, and three wild mushrooms of different sizes appeared in front of everyone.

The largest one was about the size of a bowl, and the smallest one was as big as a fist. Zhang Feng was very satisfied and thought he was lucky. He met three of them at once. Zhang Feng estimated that a few Hericium erinaceus weighed about a catty and a half. Can sell for hundreds of dollars.

"Xiaofeng, let's go home, we've searched all over this mountain." It's been almost an hour since everyone entered the mountain, and there are no mushrooms in the nearby forest, so the elder sister said to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, I picked two or three catties of mushrooms, enough for everyone to eat." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, thinking that if he continued to search, he would not gain much, so he carried the mushrooms and walked down the mountain with everyone. .

Everyone was lucky on the way down the mountain

I actually encountered an old tree stump full of fungus. On the nanmu tree stump two or three meters high, wild black fungus grew densely, which looked very gratifying.

Zhang Feng tried and found that the tree was dead and it was not easy to get all the fungus off the tree, so everyone picked off all the fungus that could be picked first.

"What about the rest of the lunatic?" Looking at the large black fungus on the height, everyone didn't want to give up, so they looked at Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, leave the rest to me if there is nothing to do!" Suddenly his eyes lit up and he was quick to think, and he thought of a good solution.

Then Zhang Feng took out the dagger from his foot, and cut two or two meters long wooden sticks in the woods, each of which was as thick as a hoe handle, and there was a tree stump at the bottom of the stick.

Seeing Zhang Feng's actions, everyone was puzzled.

"Brother, are you going to beat the fungus down with a branch?" the little girl couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, how is that possible? Isn't the fungus all broken?" Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "You will understand immediately."

As he spoke, Zhang Feng stood up the two sticks, and then Zhang Feng stood on the branch of the stick with one foot, and immediately followed with the other foot. Just like this, Zhang Feng suddenly became [-] to [-] centimeters taller. .

Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized that Zhang Feng had made something like stilts, so that he could stand on it much higher, and he could pick fungus from high places.

However, this method is not suitable for everyone. Except for those who have been specially trained, only people like Zhang Feng who have excellent physical fitness and good physical coordination can walk freely on stilts.

Seeing Zhang Feng nimbly picking the fungus on the tree stump, everyone was shocked and numb. They didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so good. He not only climbed trees as nimbly as an ape, but also stood on stilts with such dexterity.

After about five or six minutes, Zhang Feng finally finished picking the fungus on the tree stump under everyone's surprised eyes. Only then did Zhang Feng realize that everyone was looking at him strangely.

"What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me?" Zhang Feng touched his nose in embarrassment and asked.

"Ah! Brother, quickly tell me, did you practice some martial arts cheats?"

"That's right, lunatic, your body is too perverted." Liu Yiyi was also very shocked.

"Hey, don't I practice every morning? Don't you feel anything after practicing gymnastics for so long?" Zhang Feng reminded with a smile. It's not a small improvement, but everyone usually doesn't pay attention to it.

"Brother, are you saying that the gymnastics we practice every day are the secrets of martial arts?" the little girl asked with staring eyes.

"Martial arts secrets? How is that possible!" Zhang Feng shook his head and continued, "Gymnastics can only strengthen the body and improve everyone's physical fitness, such as strength, speed, body coordination, etc."

"Huh! It seems to be true!" The little girl thought for a while, and found that she had indeed become stronger recently. Yesterday she accidentally picked up a stone pier of seventy or eighty kilograms at home. But she was terrified, and now after hearing what Zhang Feng said, she posted that it was because of the gymnastics she practiced every morning.

The little girl is the least serious about her practice, so her physical improvement is the worst. The eldest sister and Zhang Lin have great potential and are meticulous in their daily practice, so they feel that the changes are even greater. Although they all have some vague guesses, she has a quiet personality , so I didn't ask too much.

Even Liu Yiyi, who just started to practice recently, feels that her body seems to have improved a lot. She used to be very tired after handling the company's affairs every day, but recently she is still full of energy even after working overtime until late at night.

At this time, everyone discovered that the gymnastics they practiced every day actually had such a miraculous effect. Everyone was surprised at once. They never thought that there could be such a terrifying thing in this world.

"Hehe, it's actually not that amazing. Most people who learn gymnastics can only maintain their health, and it won't have much effect on improving their physical fitness." Zhang Feng continued to explain with a smile.

"Then how did we improve so much?" Zhang Lin was the most careful, and found out that the elder brother's words were beyond words.

"That's because I added some medicine when I usually cook, so everyone has made such great progress."

"So that's how it is..." Everyone finally understood. It turns out that not everyone has such great benefits in practicing gymnastics. Only with special medicine can they practice successfully and greatly improve their physical fitness.

"Well, it's good for everyone to know about this matter, don't spread it!" Zhang Feng did not forget to remind everyone.

"Understood..." Everyone nodded seriously, knowing that if this matter spread out, it would definitely cause an uproar and bring troubles to Zhang Feng, but since they were all a family, Zhang Feng was not worried about everyone leaking it out.

Moreover, if this matter is leaked out, someone needs to believe it. If someone tells you that he has learned martial arts cheats, you will definitely regard this person as a fool or a liar, so no one will believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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