small farmer

Chapter 195 Delicious Mountain Delicacy

Chapter 195 Delicious Mountain Delicacy (for Subscription)

This trip to the mountains can be said to be very rewarding

Especially Hericium erinaceus and wild fungus are really unexpected surprises, I didn’t expect to meet these two good things,

You must know that Hericium erinaceus is a traditional and precious dish in China. It is not only tender and delicious, but also delicious. It is one of the four famous traditional Chinese dishes together with bear's paw, bird's nest and shark's fin. There are "mountain hericium and seafood shark's fin". known as.

As an ingredient, Hericium erinaceus is a delicious dish.At the same time, Hericium erinaceus is also a medicinal material. The medicine made from Hericium erinaceus is called Hericium erinaceus slices, which has the effect of nourishing the stomach and harmonizing the stomach, and is used for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers and chronic gastritis.

In addition, many studies in modern medicine and pharmacology have summarized the medicinal effects of Hericium erinaceus polysaccharides as various physiological functions such as improving immunity, anti-tumor, anti-aging, and lowering blood fat.


After several people went down the mountain, they rushed directly to Grandpa Liu's house. Everyone couldn't wait to find out whether the mushrooms they picked just now were Hericium erinaceus.

"Grandpa, grandma, we're back..."

"My good granddaughter is back, how many mushrooms have you picked?" Grandma Liu was tending the flowers and plants in the garden, when she saw Liu Yiyi happily running into the yard, she turned her head and asked with a smile.

"Hee hee, it's two or three catties, but today we found a treasure." Liu Yiyi said to grandma with a smile.

"Oh, show me some treasures..." At this time, Grandpa Liu came out with a smile and said.

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu..." At this time, Zhang Feng and his brothers and sisters also walked into the yard of the old man's house.

"Xiaofeng...Xiaoyue, you are here," the old man and Grandma Liu responded with a smile.

"Look, old man, this is a good thing we picked today, but I don't know if it's right, so I'll let you identify it." Then Zhang Feng handed the plastic bag containing Hericium erinaceus to the old man, and Grandma Liu also Came over curiously.

"Oh!" Seeing how mysterious Zhang Feng and the others were, the old man took the things curiously,
Seeing the mushroom inside, the old man's eyes lit up, "Hey, it's this thing, you guys are so lucky!"

"Hee hee, grandpa, this is Hericium erinaceus, right?" Liu Yiyi smiled, thinking that her guess must be right.

"Yes, yes, Hericium erinaceus is an incomparably delicious mountain delicacy. The meat is fresh and tender, mellow and delicious. It has the reputation of "vegetarian meat". You are really lucky to meet it." The old man said with a sigh.

Everyone was very happy when they heard the old man's words. They didn't expect that this mushroom was really the legendary Hericium erinaceus. Not only did I see it with my own eyes, but it was also called everyone's spoils of war, so everyone was a little bit rejoiced.

"Look, old man, there are still good things here." Then Grandma Liu pointed to the wild fungus in the bamboo basket and said to the old man.

"Hey! These are wild black fungus, they are all rare and good things!" The old man grabbed a handful of fungus and couldn't help feeling that there are so many delicacies in Qinglong Mountain, and these rare and delicious ingredients can be found.

"These wild red mushrooms are also very good. They are delicious and can replenish energy and blood. They are also good delicacies." Seeing everyone's harvest, the old man was amazed.

"Grandpa, I might trouble you to deal with this Hericium erinaceus later, but we have never done it before." Zhang Feng smiled. He had never made Hericium erinaceus before, so he didn't dare to mess with it, for fear What a waste of such good food.

"Haha, no problem, if you don't tell me, my hands will be itchy!" The old man laughed loudly. Every time he encounters good ingredients, he can't sit still. If it's not that he can't cook, he feels uncomfortable all over his body.

"Hee hee, that's really great!" The little greedy cat Zhang Yue was salivating at the dishes made by the old man, thinking that there would be something delicious again at noon, so Zhang Yue couldn't help cheering.

"Hehe, then we are really lucky!" Zhang Feng was also very happy, thinking that he would see how the old man cooks sometime, and by the way secretly learn from him. Although Zhang Feng has learned basic cooking skills, he is still relatively lacking in experience, so he cooks every day. Watching the old man cook for the first time can always learn a lot of new things.

Then Grandpa Liu closed the doors and windows, and followed everyone to Zhang Feng's house.

Hericium erinaceus, like most delicious mushrooms, can be fried, fried, boiled, meat or vegetarian, no matter how it is cooked, it tastes so delicious.

At noon, the old man cooks himself and made a stewed pork ribs with Hericium erinaceus, a green pepper Hericium erinaceus, a green pepper red mushroom, and a red mushroom soup.In addition, Zhang Feng also fried two side dishes, one fried Chinese cabbage and one sliced ​​fungus meat.Add a pot of vegetarian pumpkin and cowpea soup cooked by Grandma Liu.

Looking at a table full of delicious dishes, everyone couldn't help swallowing,

Such mountain delicacies are quite common in the countryside, but everyone's cooking skills are not flattering. Everyone cooks them casually without any rules, so the taste is very different from that made by professional chefs.

"Hehe, let's start, let's see how the dishes Xiaofeng and I cook?" After everyone sat down, the old man waved his hands and said to everyone with a smile.

"Hee hee, grandpa's cooking is of course delicious, grandma, come and try it too..." Liu Yiyi said flatteringly, and then gave grandma a piece of delicious Hericium erinaceus.

"Yeah, it's delicious, everyone eats it..." Grandma Liu said to everyone with a smile, feeling very happy as she ate the food made by her granddaughter.

Seeing how delicious her grandma's food was, Liu Yiyi's eyes widened into smiles, savoring the fruits of her own labor. Liu Yiyi's food was incomparably sweet and full of accomplishment.

Zhang Feng scooped up a bowl of monkey mushroom pork ribs soup, and it tasted an indescribable fragrance when he brought it to his mouth. He took a small sip, and his mouth was filled with fragrance. One of the four famous dishes, a veritable delicious mountain delicacy, really incomparably delicious.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Smelling the strong aroma on the dining table, the two puppies couldn't help but ran in and kept barking beside them.

"Hahahaha, Dahei and Xiaohei can't help it anymore, Xiaofeng, why don't you hurry up and prepare something to eat for them?" Grandpa Liu saw that the food he made was so popular that even the puppy couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

"Hehe, that's because the Hericium erinaceus made by grandpa is too fragrant. Isn't there a famous dish in Minyue called Buddha Jumping Wall? I think the Hericium erinaceus made by grandpa should be called Dog Jumping Wall!" Liu Yiyi smiled. Said.

"Hehe, you girl..." the old man couldn't help but smiled, and he was very happy because he was flattering and flattering.

Hearing Liu Yiyi's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, thinking in his heart that he jumped the wall in a hurry. It's really interesting to get this name.

However, the two puppies were really hungry. Zhang Feng put down the bowl, scooped a few spoonfuls of rice into their food bowls, then poured some Hericium erinaceus pork ribs soup, added a few ribs at the end, and put The big black and small black food bowls are brought to the door, let them go to the door to eat.

The two puppies followed Zhang Feng eagerly, and when they saw that lunch was ready, they rushed to the food bowl, eating with gusto.

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(End of this chapter)

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