small farmer

Chapter 196 Visiting the Garden and Appreciating Flowers

Chapter 196 Visiting the Garden and Appreciating Flowers (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 180

"Well, Xiaofeng, how did you grow this camellia? Why is it so much more beautiful than mine?"

After lunch, Zhang Feng and the old man were drinking tea in the yard. The old man was surprised when he saw the camellia in Zhang Feng's flower garden, and asked in surprise, did he give this camellia back then? They were all the same species, planted at the same time , how can there be such a big difference?

"Really? Maybe my land is more suitable for growing flowers. Don't you see that the flowers here are blooming well?" Zhang Feng pretended to be confused and said, but he knew that it must be because of the use of auxin , but this cannot be said.

"Oh, you kid is really lazy." The old man shook his head, thinking that this kid fished for three days and dried the nets for two days, and only occasionally tended the garden, but he and his wife played in the garden almost every day. They watered and fertilized, weeded and pruned the branches and leaves, but the flowers in the garden were still not as beautiful as Zhang Feng's.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled and touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

The more the old man looked at it, the less he liked it. Although the wild flowers in his garden look good, they still look like wild flowers, but the wild flowers in Zhang Feng's garden are completely different. They seem to have undergone a completely new change. The white golden chrysanthemum, the size of a lid, now has big and white flowers, looking like a small white light bulb from a distance.

And the wild Rudbeckia, which used to be only the size of a dime, but what about now?Its flowers are three to five times larger, and they are golden and beautiful in the sun, and they don't look like wild flowers.

The old man thought about it, and felt that Zhang Feng's soil is really different, which is very suitable for the growth of flowers and plants. Otherwise, how could these wild flowers grow so well and beautifully.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, why haven't you transplanted these mosquito-eating flowers? It should be possible to transplant them, right?" The old man saw that the mosquito-eating flowers in the open space of the flower garden had grown tall, and the flowers were all in bloom.

"It's almost there. I'm planning to transplant in two days. Don't you want some, old man? If you want it later, you can dig some back." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, then I won't be polite, I'll go and have a look first." The old man stood up with a smile and walked towards the mosquito-eating flower.Zhang Feng also followed behind the old man.

"Yo! These flowers can really eat mosquitoes!" Suddenly the old man exclaimed, "Old lady, come and see..."

"What's the matter, old man?" Seeing that Grandpa Liu was so surprised, Grandma Liu immediately walked over quickly and asked suspiciously.

"Old lady, look at these flowers..." The old man pointed to the mosquito-eating flowers and said to Grandma Liu.

"Huh! What kind of flower is this? Why are there so many mosquitoes on the ground??" Grandma Liu was also surprised when she saw the strange flowers and dense mosquitoes on the ground, and turned her head to ask curiously.

"I'm going to ask Xiaofeng..."

"Hehe, this is a new plant cultivated with lantern grass, called mosquito-eating flower. It has the ability to swallow mosquitoes, and it can swallow up to tens of thousands of mosquitoes every day during the blooming period. Those that cannot be digested will be thrown to the roots. Make flower fertilizer by yourself..." Zhang Feng introduced it to Grandma Liu with a slight smile.

"I didn't expect there to be such flowers in the world..." Grandma Liu shook her head, amazed, and felt that it was incredible. She felt that the technology is getting more and more advanced now, and all kinds of weird things can appear, so she didn't No matter how surprised, gradually calm down.

"Crazy, are you telling the truth?" Liu Yiyi also asked incredulously.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, smell it. These flowers emit a strange fragrance. They are super attractive to mosquitoes. As long as mosquitoes enter the flowers, they will become food for mosquito-eating flowers..."

"Ah, I see, I see, a mosquito was swallowed just now... You see, there is another one here..." Suddenly Liu Yiyi couldn't help but exclaimed, and she really saw the scene where the mosquito was attracted and then devoured, this scene Everyone saw it clearly, and they were all shocked beyond measure. Unexpectedly, in just a few tens of seconds, mosquitoes would be swallowed by mosquito-eating flowers one after another. Now everyone finally believed in the magical effect of this flower.

"Oh, madman, you have to give me some flowers like this! Otherwise, I will be bitten by mosquitoes every time I am in the office, and I will be so annoying." Liu Yiyi said excitedly, grabbing Zhang Feng's hand.

"Hehe, okay, okay, I'll help you dig a few and plant them in flower pots later, and you can take them back with you when you go back." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Xiaofeng, can this kind of flower be placed in the room??" Grandma Liu asked curiously.

"That's right, this kind of flower can not only use photosynthesis to provide nutrients, but also absorb the nutrients of these mosquitoes to nourish themselves. They already have some animal characteristics, so put them in the office, as long as they can swallow a dozen mosquitoes a day, They can live for this, of course, it is best to move out of the window to bask in the sun every ten days and a half months, let them absorb the sunlight, so that they can grow better and healthier..." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, this mosquito-eating flower is really amazing...Xiaofeng, remember to leave ten or twenty plants for me. The weather is too hot now, so we will dig it tomorrow morning." The old man said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem, anyway, there are so many here." Zhang Feng can't run out of them at home, and the extra ones are going to be given to relatives and friends.

"Come on, let's go see how big the big pumpkin in the backyard has grown?" Then the old man and Grandma Liu held hands and walked towards the backyard.

Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi also followed behind silently. The backyard of Zhang Feng's house is not big, only a few hundred square meters. The flat land in the middle is the vegetable garden. The south side of the vegetable garden is the house, and the north side is a steep mountain wall.

The big pumpkin is in the northeast corner of the vegetable garden. The hillside here is relatively gentle, so Zhang Feng planted a few pumpkins here in the spring. He didn't expect that the seeds he planted randomly at the beginning would grow such a big pumpkin. than he expected.

And with the passage of time, this big pumpkin is still desperately growing. When it was discovered a few days ago, it was only three or four hundred catties. It has only been a few days, and the big pumpkin has grown up again. Zhang Feng estimates that the pumpkin should be It weighs five to six hundred catties, and Zhang Feng is very curious about how big this pumpkin can grow.

"Tsk tsk, what kind of tonic did this pumpkin take, and it has grown a lot in just a few days." The two elders couldn't help exclaiming when they walked in front of the big pumpkin.

"Xiaofeng, you gave it dilatant, didn't you?" The old man joked with a smile.

"No way, it's totally out of the question!" Zhang Feng said with a wry smile.

Suddenly there was an eagle howling in the sky, and the loud voice pierced the sky. A sparrowhawk hunted over and landed slowly on the big tree beside the ground.

 Asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket, writing a book is not easy, I hope everyone can support the author, thank you, there will be another chapter later, it is estimated to be around 21:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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