small farmer

Chapter 204

Chapter 204
Chapter 190: The Pheasant Lays Eggs

"Brother, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu said they won't come here, they'll eat at home." At this moment Zhang Lin came back.

"Oh, then you take a soft-shelled turtle and a black fish and send them there." Zhang Feng knew that the two old men might not come over, so he had already prepared a soft-shelled turtle and a black fish.

Zhang Lin nodded, picked up the soft-shelled turtle and black fish, and walked out of the yard.

"Xiao Yi, don't take pictures yet, you go and tell Second Aunt not to cook, and come over for lunch together."

"Understood, brother." Zhang Yi continued to take a few photos, and then reluctantly walked home.

After Zhang Feng finished killing the fish, he started to kill the snake. The internal organs of the water snake were thrown to the two sparrowhawks who were staring eagerly. Seeing the internal organs on the ground, the two sparrowhawks rushed over quickly and quickly pecked at the food on the ground. In two or three strokes, the big snake's internal organs were wiped out.


"Don't come here, your mouths are full of blood..." After the two sparrowhawks finished eating, they rushed towards Zhang Feng enthusiastically, and Zhang Feng waved his hands quickly to stop them.

Zhang Feng knew that if he didn't give them some snake meat, he might not be able to get rid of them, so Zhang Feng cut two pieces of snake meat more than ten centimeters and shared them with the two foodies. The two sparrowhawks immediately took the snake meat happily and flew to Start enjoying your own food on the big tree.


about half an hour
In the kitchen, a large pot of soft-shelled turtle and water snake was stewed together, exuding an extremely tempting aroma. Two gluttons, big black and small black, had already been waiting at the door of the kitchen, lying on the ground like two door gods. , staring at the earthen pot that was emitting a strong aroma.

It is easy to get tired of eating meat alone, so Zhang Feng made several vegetarian dishes, one stir-fried cabbage, one cold cucumber, and vegetarian sauerkraut.

After cooking on high fire for about two hours, the pot of meat was already cooked to a pulp. Zhang Feng scooped up a small bowl of soup and tasted it. The taste was indescribably delicious.

"Zhang Lin set the table, let's eat right away." That girl Zhang Yue was still angry with herself, so Zhang Feng could only tell Zhang Lin.

The eldest sister and the second aunt helped to set the table and serve the food together. Soon a large table of delicious food was presented in front of everyone, and the room was filled with fragrance. Everyone was full of appetite after smelling such a fragrance.

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt, Brother Niu, let's eat together, don't be polite..."

"Hehe, shall we still be polite..."

"Let's eat, everyone, how about today's soft-shelled turtle and snake meat..."

"Well, it's delicious. The taste of wild soft-shelled turtles is different..." Niu Chong took a sip and exclaimed.

"Everyone eat more if it's delicious, there's such a big pot." Zhang Feng greeted with a smile after eating a piece of soft-shelled turtle meat.
"Xiaofeng, your culinary skills are really good. If you open a restaurant, your business will definitely be very hot." Niu Zhong said in admiration.

"Hey, Brother Niu, if my brother goes to open a restaurant, what about your restaurant?" Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

"Oh, why didn't I think of this? Brother Xiaofeng, please, if you plan to open a restaurant, go to a big city. Those places will definitely make a lot of money."

"Hehe, maybe Brother Niu, maybe I like Qingshan better..." Zhang Feng said jokingly with a smile.


After discussing the issue of vegetable supply,

After lunch, Niu Zhong hurried back to the county seat, ready to open the new restaurant as soon as possible.

The second uncle and the second aunt also returned home, Zhang Feng became idle again, and simply inspected the vegetable field at the entrance of the village, as well as the eel farm.

Because the vegetable field is not short of water, and the medicinal solution of Rihua auxin has been poured, the vegetables in the vegetable field are all juicy and green, and they look very gratifying.

At this time, two to three thousand catties of vegetables are on the market every day, and they have already established a firm foothold in the big cities, and the next step is to expand to the big cities in the east.

Because of the more than ten mu of vegetable land, Zhang Feng adopted the strategy of planting in turn and harvesting in sequence, so that vegetables can be marketed every day, and the vacated land will be immediately sown with seeds, which will mature in about a month. A stable supply of vegetables can be guaranteed.

As for the rice field eels in the breeding base, a small amount will be on the market in about a week. At this time, the rice field eels in the breeding base have already weighed three or four. These rice field eels can grow so fast, it can be said that Rihua auxin has contributed a lot.


The next morning, after sending off the vegetable truck, Zhang Feng returned home, sat at the stone table under the big cypress tree, brewed a pot of tea, and read novels on his mobile phone leisurely.

Suddenly there was a rooster crowing in the backyard.


"Huh! Could it be that the pheasant has laid eggs..." Zhang Feng put away his mobile phone and immediately walked to the chicken coop in the backyard. The chickens at home have not been locked in the chicken coop recently. Because of the two guards of the sparrowhawks, the backyard is very quiet. All the native chickens were released, and as soon as they entered the vegetable field and wanted to harm the vegetables inside, the sparrowhawk would issue a warning and drive them away.

As for the few pheasants that haven't been fully fed, they probably would have run away as soon as they were released, so they have been kept in cages.

When Zhang Feng came to the chicken coop, there was a small egg in the chicken coop in front of him, about the size of a quail egg. Zhang Feng was not surprised to see such a small egg. Anyone who has raised chickens knows that The first eggs laid by a hen are very small.
Zhang Feng picked up the eggs, and then threw a few leaves into the chicken coop. Immediately, the mother pheasant and a few half-sized pheasants flew over and began to peck at the fresh leaves.

Zhang Feng put his eggs on the chicken coop temporarily, picked up a small hoe beside him, and started digging earthworms in the backyard. This is the favorite food of pheasants.
Because earthworms are rich in protein, pheasants and chickens at home are very fond of them. Eating earthworms often can increase their egg production, and such eggs taste better.

"Brother, did the pheasant lay eggs?" Zhang Lin also walked into the backyard after a while.

"It's here, it looks like a quail egg." Zhang Feng smiled and pointed to the eggs on the chicken coop and said to his sister.

"This wild egg is really small." Zhang Lin walked over and picked up the egg and looked at it.

"Xiao Lin, are you going to start school soon?" In the blink of an eye, it is August NO.20, and it is estimated that the university will start in a few days.

"There are still more than ten days left. School will start on September [-]th."

"Okay, then I'll drive you to school..."

The university that Zhang Lin applied for is a university, and Qingshan is not far from the university, it is only seven or eight hours away, so starting in the morning and arriving in the evening, it is not very far.

"Ah! Will it be too far to drive by myself?"

"It's okay, when the time comes, I'll call you, Sister Yiyi and Zhang Yi, and everyone will drive differently, and each of us will arrive in two or three hours." Zhang Feng smiled and said to his sister.

Zhang Lin nodded silently, thinking that this would be fine, as it would be much more convenient to bring the luggage with her own car, and she would not have to worry about being lost or damaged during mailing.

 There was a fire nearby today, and a row of houses should not be ignited, so everyone should pay attention to fire prevention in the future. Seeing the raging fire, I feel really small, and I can only watch the house being swallowed up by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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