small farmer

Chapter 205 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Chapter 205 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Chapter 190 Five Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The hot sun hangs high in the sky at noon

The big cypress tree in the yard is like a huge parasol, covering half of the yard.
At this moment, Zhang Feng was sitting at a stone table under the shade of a tree, holding a piece of wood in one hand and a carving knife in the other, practicing his carving skills.

This time Zhang Feng plans to carve Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as a small gift for his sister to go to college, and they can be placed in the dormitory of the university. I believe my sister will like it very much.

Zhang Feng's carving skills are getting better and better. Although it can't be said that the craftsmanship is the pinnacle, it is not inferior to the average carving masters.

I saw Zhang Feng holding a carving knife in his right hand, just like holding a magic pen. With a few strokes, he outlined Snow White's beautiful body, flowing long hair, and beautiful princess dress. Afterwards, Zhang Feng sculpted slowly, The eyes, nose and even the slender eyebrows are sculpted vividly, and soon a delicate face is drawn, and a lifelike statue of Snow White is completed.

"Brother, this is Snow White!" Zhang Lin walked over to pick up the wood carving and asked with a quiet smile.

"That's right, aren't you going to college? This is a little gift from my elder brother." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, knowing that his younger sister liked fairy tales more, so he prepared such a gift.

"Ah, thank you, brother, I like it very much..." Zhang Lin was overwhelmed with surprise, with a smile on her face, obviously liking this gift very much.

"Hehe, as long as you like it..." Zhang Feng also laughed when he saw his sister so happy.

The younger sister played with the woodcarving in her hands with joy, as if she was holding some kind of treasure in her hands, carefully, and she could tell that she loved it very much.

"Brother, what are you carving now?" After admiring Snow White for a while, seeing Zhang Feng still carving, Zhang Lin turned her head and asked curiously.

"Aren't there seven dwarfs beside Snow White? You must make a set, otherwise it will be a little monotonous." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah?? Brother, thank you so much, you are so kind..." The younger sister was even more pleasantly surprised. She never expected that her elder brother was planning to give herself such a surprise. Not only did she carve Snow White, but she also planned to carve seven dwarfs. This is her favorite fairy tale character.

"It's okay, it won't take much time anyway." Zhang Feng smiled slightly. As the carving technique became more and more proficient, his speed became faster and faster. Now it only takes about [-] minutes to carve a dwarf. For coloring and so on, it only takes three hours to add up a whole set of characters, which is only one morning.

"Hmph, some people are biased. The second sister still has gifts when she goes to college, but I don't have anything when I go to high school..." Suddenly the little girl Zhang Yue said sourly from the side, because she was scared by a water snake yesterday, this girl He is still angry with Zhang Feng.

"You girl, why am I biased? Where did you say the big black and small black I carved last time..." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, thinking that this girl has a kind heart and wants everything. For the first time, the series of animals she sculpted by herself almost ran into her own room.

"I don't care, anyway, if Second Sister has me, I want to have..." the little girl pouted angrily.

"Okay, tell me what you want, and I'll carve it for you." Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, thinking that he would be robbed by this girl again.

"Well, let me think about it..."

After a while, the little girl Lion opened her mouth and said, "Why don't you carve me a set of eight hundred arhats!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng almost fell down in fright, "I'll go! You girl still want eight hundred arhats? Why don't you let me carve one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers for you??"

"Yeah, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers seem to be cooler..."

"Pfft~~" Zhang Lin couldn't help laughing as she watched the excitement from the sidelines.

"You, you, you... You girl, it's cool under the big tree, hurry up and stay there..." Zhang Feng was completely speechless, pointing to the shade of the tree and said to the little girl.

Then Zhang Feng ignored the girl, shook his head and continued to carve the dwarf in his hand.

"Hmph, what a man says doesn't count??" The little girl snorted, and continued to sit by the side and watch Zhang Feng's sculpture.

No matter what the girl said, Zhang Feng pretended not to hear, and concentrated on carving the thing in his hand. After a while, he finally finished carving the first dwarf.

"Brother, can you paint all these woodcarvings?" Although the woodcarvings are so lifelike, they still look a little monotonous without color, and there is no such bright feeling, so Zhang Lin asked expectantly.

"Hehe, don't be too busy, I will color it after I finish carving." Zhang Feng smiled and continued to carve the second dwarf.

"That's good..." Zhang Lin smiled slightly, very satisfied with this, but the little girl Zhang Yue pouted her mouth and was almost able to hang a kettle.

Busy time always flies by the fastest,
Two hours passed in the blink of an eye...

"Xiaofeng has eaten..." the eldest sister shouted to Zhang Feng after finishing the meal.

"Understood, it will be ready soon..." The seven dwarfs have finished six of them, and this is the last one in their hands, and it will be finished soon.

About 2 minutes later, Zhang Feng finally completed the finishing work of the entire carving. A set of carvings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been preliminarily completed, and the rest of the coloring will wait until after dinner.

Zhang Feng finished his lunch in two or three bites, and continued to finish the final work.

"Xiaolin, I'll color it according to this, do you like it?" Zhang Feng took out the computer and searched for a picture of Snow White and the dwarf as a reference.

"I like it very much, this is it." The younger sister was also very satisfied. Zhang Feng took out the paint box, began to prepare the paint, and then began to color the woodcarving.

The pigments used for woodcarving coloring are generally water-soluble, such as gouache and watercolor.They are characterized by low coverage and strong permeability.

The method of woodcarving coloring is mainly to grasp the essence of the wood and the patterns are still visible under the coverage of pigments, and some wood grains are more clear through dyeing.Therefore, when mixing the color, it should not be too thick. The ratio of pigment to water is about [-] to [-], and it should be properly thin and transparent.

Unexpectedly, the coloring of wood carvings was much more complicated than Zhang Feng expected. It was a little rusty at the beginning, so the speed was very slow. As his skills became more and more proficient, the coloring speed became faster and faster, but in the end he still It took more than an hour to paint all eight wood carvings.

After the wood carvings were colored, Zhang Feng began to polish them with fine sandpaper. He used it to lightly polish the surface of the wood carvings with powder that fluffed up after the wood was stained and watered and left the color, until it felt smooth to the touch, and then waxed and polished the wood carvings.

"Okay, it's finally done..." Zhang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, his face was busy for several hours, and his spirit was a little tired.

"Thank you, brother..." Zhang Lin hugged the wood carvings on the table in surprise, her face full of joy.

 There are only two updates today, and I will write more tomorrow, thank you for your support, and thank you book friend 'Sanyo Kaiti' for your reward again, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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