small farmer

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
Chapter 190 IX One Hundred Thousand Income

This accident happened

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng also lost interest in chatting,

The two parted ways, Uncle Er Niu went up the mountain to mow grass, and Zhang Feng drove on.

Along the way, the green hills are green, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery beside the mountain road is still beautiful.

After 2 minutes, finally arrived at the destination, Zhang Feng parked the three rounds at the edge of the woods, and walked into the woods with a hatchet and a rope.

His family's forest is on a small hill, which is only 30 meters high. The mountain is full of evergreen pine trees. Although these pine trees are not allowed to be cut down, the trees in the forest will always encounter some diseases and insect pests, so they die every year. There will be a lot of trees or dead branches, and these dead branches become fuel for cooking at home.

There are many pine trees in this pine forest. It is estimated that there are thousands of big trees. Every few tens of meters, you can see a dead tree that has been eaten by insects.

"It's such a pity." Looking at the dead pine tree in front of him, Zhang Feng sighed and shook his head. Such a beautiful tree was killed by insects.

Zhang Feng raised his sharp hatchet, chopped it off, sawdust flew all over the place, and the pine tree, which was as thick as a bowl, fell to the ground in a few tens of seconds.

After cutting down the pine tree, Zhang Feng began to cut off the branches on the trunk, and then picked up all the branches and transported them down the mountain later. There was still a trunk six or seven meters long, which Zhang Feng cut into three pieces. Four knots, so that it can be transported home on a tricycle.

"Chopping firewood and crossing the hills and slopes, the pheasants on the hills... trailing their tails, the pheasants on the hills wagging their tails, spreading their wings and flying over the tigers and wolves' dens........ enter the mountains and hear the turtledoves, and come out and hear the partridges Crying, singing a folk song, the old thrush from the deep mountain was so angry..."

Suddenly a melodious mountain song wafts through the forest
"Huh! Who is singing folk songs??" Now there are only a handful of people singing folk songs in the village, and they are usually sung by old people over the age of 50. Zhang Feng listened carefully and heard that the voice was a bit like Aunt Guilian's. Voice, I didn't expect people in their fifties to have such a good voice.

Listening to this melodious folk song, Zhang Feng was in a better mood. He easily sent all the firewood down the mountain, loaded the car, started the car, and galloped away to the village.


"Xiaofeng is back?" Mr. Liu asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng enter the door.

"Hi, old man, who is this?" Zhang Feng just walked into the house, and saw two old people sitting in the yard drinking tea, one was the old man, and the other was a strange old man with gray hair and about the same age as the old man.

"Hehe, this is my old friend, you can just call him Grandpa Yang."

"Grandpa Yang, hello..."

"Hehe, you must be Xiaofeng. Lao Liu often mentions you to me, saying that your cooking skills are better than his."

"Where is it? It's the old man's absurd praise..." Zhang Feng replied modestly, waving his hands again and again.

"Xiaofeng, aren't you planning to sell the black dragon? Lao Yang liked the photos and videos of the black dragon very much, so he came here to take a look today." The old man reminded Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Yes, good fish are hard to find..." Grandpa Yang sighed.

"Really? Come in and have a look..." Zhang Feng grew up by the river since he was a child, and he is quite interested in edible fish, but he is not interested in ornamental fish, so it is not as good One of the ornamental fish I bought was buried in my own home, and the value of this fish is not low and it is easy to be stolen, so I might as well sell it.

"Okay, let me take a closer look... Such a beautiful ornamental fish is very rare..." Grandpa Yang stood up with a smile and walked into the house under the guidance of Zhang Feng, and Grandpa Liu followed slowly.

When Mr. Yang saw the black dragon in the fish tank, his face was obsessed. Beauty is in the eyes of beholders. In the eyes of Mr. Yang, every move of the black dragon was so graceful, so beautiful and moving. Gradually, the old man's mind was completely immersed in the bathtub. I have forgotten everything about the outside world.

"Oh, this fish addict..." Grandpa Liu looked at Old Yang obsessed.

"Let's go, Xiaofeng, let's sit outside, don't worry about him..." the old man said to Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng and he walked into the yard.

The two came to the yard, drank a few cups of tea, and then Mr. Yang walked out excitedly.

"Hahaha, I am very satisfied with Xiaofeng's carp, how about transferring 10 yuan to me?" Mr. Yang said very excitedly, as he was bound to win.

Zhang Feng glanced at Old Man Liu, and seeing the old man nodded, he knew that this Grandpa Yang was probably a man with good money, so Zhang Feng readily agreed.

"Xiaofeng must remember to tell me next time you have such a good fish..." Mr. Yang was very happy when he bought Zhang Feng's black dragon, and he couldn't wait to return to the city with the black dragon.

"No problem, Grandpa Yang, please go slowly..." Zhang Feng waved his hand to say goodbye to the big money owner who got into the car.

"Xiaofeng is gone, he's going back..." Seeing that Zhang Feng was still staring blankly into the distance, the old man reminded with a smile.

"Hey, Grandpa Yang is really rich. You can buy such a carp for 10 yuan?" Although Zhang Feng has heard of hundreds of thousands of millions of ornamental fish in the news, it is still unbelievable that this scene happened to him. , Zhang Feng shook his head and felt that the world of the rich is really incomprehensible.

"Hehe, what's the point? Lao Yang's family runs a coal mine, and their family property is hundreds of millions. This 10 yuan is just a drop in the bucket." The old man smiled and understood Zhang Feng's mood very well.


"Xiaofeng is good is the sale?" Wang Guilan asked her son curiously as soon as Zhang Feng walked to the door.

"It sold for 10 yuan." Zhang Feng reported to his mother with a smile.

"Really?" Although I heard from my son that this fish is very valuable, I never thought I could buy so much. It is 10 yuan. I don't know how many years it will take to earn so much money if I just farm the land.

"Of course, can it be fake? The money has already been transferred to my card." Zhang Feng also understands his mother's surprised expression. It is really unbelievable for rural people to pay 10 yuan for a fish.

"That's good, that's good, you have to thank you Grandpa Liu, if it weren't for him, the fish wouldn't be able to buy such a good price." Zhang Mu Wang Guilan did not forget to remind her son.

"Got it, Mom..." Nodding her head, she walked home. Don't the old man and Grandma Liu like Baihuami?Zhang Feng was going to get some honey later and send some to them.

Ten days have passed since the last time honey was collected, and the bees in the beehive are probably ready to collect honey again. After Zhang Feng unloaded the firewood from the car, moved it to the side of the house, put on his equipment and walked back.

With Zhang Feng's arrival, the bees in the beehive buzzed and danced. Zhang Feng gently opened the beehive and saw that the beehive was full of golden honey, and a faint fragrance wafted in the air.

"Finally I can get honey again..." Then Zhang Feng took out more than half of it, and left the rest for the bees to make rations for the next few days.

(End of this chapter)

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