small farmer

Chapter 211 Violently Beating the Hooligans

Chapter 211 Violently Beating the Hooligans (33)

"Big brother, big brother!"

"Hurry up! The reservoir is full of water again..." The next morning, Zhang Feng was watering the flowers and plants in the yard when the little girl ran in panting.

"What? The reservoir has released water again?" Zhang Feng immediately put down the watering can and asked his sister in surprise.

"That's right, many people in the village have gone..." The little girl just came back from the entrance of the village, and saw the villagers driving in groups to the downstream reservoir, so she ran back quickly.

Tapang River Reservoir, every year during the rainy season from April to October, the gates are opened several times to release water, so as to reduce the pressure on the storage capacity of the reservoir. At this time, it is often the time to give benefits to nearby villagers.
Because fishing is prohibited in the reservoir, a lot of fish will be released along the outlet every time the water is released. At this time, not only the villagers of Moon Lake, but also people from several nearby villages will rush over, and even the people in the city will call. Friends come to join this lively fishing feast.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Zhang Feng didn't delay at this time, went to the utility room, grabbed the fishing net and harpoon, took his two younger sisters, and headed towards the reservoir.

At this time, the side of the reservoir is as lively as a market, the whole river is densely packed with people, it is a fishing feast;
"I wonder why there are so many people. There were not so many last time, right?" Zhang Feng took his sister to the river in a few minutes. At this time, there were already people in the river, some were holding seine nets, some were holding harpoons , but most of them are burying their heads in the river with net bags to catch fish, and there are exclamations from time to time, it is estimated that someone has caught fish again, and it is very lively;

"It must be that everyone has posted to the group of friends!" Zhang Yue shook her head, the information was transmitted too fast, everyone called friends and friends, and in a short while, the entire Qingshan County knew about it, so there are not many people.

"It's okay, let's go and join in the fun." Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and now the family does not lack this little fishing money, so let's treat it as a game, and the more people there are, the more lively it will be.

Speaking of which, Zhang Feng walked towards the river with a net bag and a harpoon, and the two younger sisters also held a net bag each, and followed closely behind Zhang Feng.

Because of the hot weather and the dry climate recently, the water level of the river is very low, most of which are only submerged to the knees, and the deepest part just reaches the thighs, so there is almost no danger, and there are so many people here, even if there is an accident, it will be timely rescue.

The rushing river falls from the sky, rushes down from the outlet tens of meters high, and hits the river channel heavily, making an earth-shattering sound, which can be heard even hundreds of meters away.

The aroused water splashes are like fireworks in winter night, blooming in the clear river water, looking extremely beautiful from a distance.

"Brother, hurry up! Come on! There's a big fish over there..." As soon as she stepped into the river, the little girl spotted a fish with sharp eyes.

"Here comes the fish, here comes the fish..."

"Quick! Hurry up..."

At this time, a big dark fish came from upstream to downstream. Everyone rushed to the big fish when they heard the voice of the little girl.

"Why don't I know the rules of these sluts??" Zhang Feng and the three of them were stunned watching this scene. They never expected that these outsiders would break everyone's tacit understanding. In the past, whoever found it when fishing used to belong to whoever it was. , of course, unless everyone is very familiar with each other, let's have fun together.

"You two follow me, and all the fish you catch will be yours..." Zhang Feng was completely irritated by these shameless guys, and dared to snatch the food. Lord Ma has three eyes, really I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

"Yeah, brother, you're so kind..." Zhang Yue jumped up excitedly, and Zhang Lin was also full of joy. They knew that big brother was good at fishing. As long as they were serious, they could easily earn 2000 yuan in one morning. .

Zhang Feng stopped talking, raised his harpoon and kept scanning the river surface, and suddenly Zhang Feng found a carp swimming towards him.

Without further ado, Zhang Feng immediately slapped the harpoon in his hand towards the water, and with a bang, water splashed everywhere. The carp was hit with a sap without knowing it, and the next moment it floated in the river.

Zhang Feng quickly caught the fish in his hands. Seeing Zhang Feng's series of fishing movements, the people around him were dumbfounded. They never expected that such operations could be performed in fishing. Everyone looked at Zhang Feng like a god.

"Little sister put the fish on the car, by the way, you just guard there..." Seeing everyone's strange eyes, Zhang Feng didn't care, and handed the carp to Zhang Yue and said.

"Understood brother." The little girl saw the harvest so quickly, happily hugged the carp and walked towards the river.

"Xiaolin, you continue to follow me..."

"Understood bro..."

"Big fish, a big fish has come down..." Suddenly a big fish soared into the sky and fell heavily into the water, and the crowd suddenly became commotion.

Zhang Feng and his sister quickly went up, and before everyone could react, they picked up the net pockets and went to fuck the fish with lightning speed;

When the net bag entered the water, there was a burst of waves. At this time, the big fish finally knew that the danger was coming, but before he could react, he was caught by the net bag. It was too late to escape, and it became Zhang Feng's in the next moment. loot.

"Hee hee, big brother, come on..." Seeing that Zhang Feng had gained again, the little girl immediately burst into a smile, and immediately ran happily into the river.


Zhang Feng's eyes are extremely sharp, and it is always a second faster to find the fish's trail than a person's. Every time Zhang Feng catches the fish, the person next to the fish will react.

Therefore, most people stayed away from Zhang Feng directly, knowing that they could not catch fish near him. Of course, some people blamed Zhang Feng and wanted to trouble him.

"Boy, you are so awesome, you actually dare to steal my fucking shit..."

Before the bald man in front of him could finish speaking, Zhang Feng slapped him across the face and hit him hard on the face. Zhang Feng's strength was so great that the other's face immediately swelled like bread.

"Ah! You fucking dare to hit me..." The other party was completely stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Feng to strike so fast and so ruthlessly.

Zhang Feng didn't talk nonsense, he directly bullied him, kicked the opponent several meters away with a scud, and fell heavily into the river.

"You fucking snatched my fish just now. I didn't say anything. It was you who broke the rules at first. Now that you can't catch any fish, you want to trouble me..." Zhang Feng snorted coldly.

"Fuck, you wait for me..." The other party fell into a daze, and it took a few seconds for him to get up, and then pointed at Zhang Feng with a livid face and threatened.

"Crap, I'll let you be crap..." Zhang Feng snorted coldly, seeing that the other party dared to speak harshly, he ran over again and kicked the other party into a gourd.

"What's wrong with Xiaofeng..."

"Xiaofeng is all right..."

"That bastard, who dares to come to our Moon Lake to play wild!!" After a while, the villagers of Moon Lake raised their harpoons and walked over with stones.

"It's okay, this bastard sprays dung all over his mouth if he can't catch fish. If you don't give him some color, he thinks I'm a soft persimmon..."

Seeing everyone surrounding him, the bald-headed gangster was so frightened that he limped and fled quickly. After reaching the river, he started his motorcycle and fled here roaring.

Seeing the gangsters escape, everyone was very relieved. These people are rat shit. They blame others for their inability to catch fish. They are simply asking for trouble.

From then on, when everyone saw Zhang Feng, there was not only admiration in their eyes, but also a trace of vigilance, worrying that Zhang Feng would suddenly violently beat someone up.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, wondering if he was very dangerous, because everyone was so wary of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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