small farmer

Chapter 212 Happy Fishing

Chapter 212 Happy Fishing

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Looking at his younger sister's concerned eyes, Zhang Feng said relaxedly with a smile.

"Brother, I'm not worried about you, I'm worried that you'll break someone!" Zhang Lin said with a strange look at Zhang Feng.

Hearing his sister's serious answer, Zhang Feng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Could it be that he was so violent and so disrespectful? ?
"Oh, brother, you are really amazing..." At this time, the little girl ran over excitedly, and then said: "But brother, you must be gentle next time, you see that you made everyone cry."

"It's gotta!! I'll pay attention next time..." Hearing what the two younger sisters said, Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, wondering if these are still brothers and sisters?Don't care about yourself at all, but care about others.

"Hee hee, that's not bad..."


After beating the hooligans away, Zhang Feng's fishing became smoother. Except for the villagers in the same village, almost no one dared to compete with him. Zhang Feng was able to catch a fish every three to five minutes, which was very efficient.

About half an hour later, Uncle Er Niu arrived late with their duckling.

"Hahaha, Xiaofeng, you said that you showed your power just now and beat the shit out of the gangsters in the city??" He slapped Zhang Feng hard and asked with a big smile.

"Hey, I'm usually the third in the village..." Zhang Feng said with a wretched smile.

"Your body plate is too deceptive, if anyone treats you as a soft persimmon, it must be kicked into a super steel plate..." Uncle Er Niu patted the flesh on Zhang Feng's body, all of which are strong muscles, Zhang Feng looked He looks like a frail scholar, but the explosive power of his whole body is extremely terrifying. Can someone who can beat even a wild boar king weighing several hundred kilograms be a simple person?

"Okay, hurry up and catch the fish, buddy, I'm not violent." Zhang Feng waved his hand to change the topic.

"You kid beat everyone to tears, and you said you're not violent?" Uncle Er Niu rolled his eyes.

"Hey, brother, I always advocate convincing people with reason, but unfortunately I reasoned with him, and he insisted on playing hooligans, so what can I do..." Zhang Feng spread his hands and said pretending to be helpless.

"You brat is so good at bragging, why don't you go to the sky?" Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Feng a blank look, thinking that your reasoning is spoken with fists, right?
"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

Uncle Er Niu shook his head and ignored Zhang Feng, picked up the scooping net in his hand, and started fishing in the river.


"Brother, I'm here..."

"Girl, why are you here? Who will guard the fish in the car??"

"Hee hee, where is the little duck guarding, it's okay." The little girl said triumphantly with her head raised.

"You girl is deceiving children again, right?" Zhang Feng was speechless for a moment.

"No way, I hired him with two fish." The girl argued with a smile.

"Routine, you girl is really..." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, thinking that the little duck must have been tricked by this girl again.

"Oh, what a trick..." the little girl argued.

"Then tell me how big are the two fish you gave him?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Uh... It seems that each fish has two or three hundred...grams." The little girl replied hesitantly.

Two or three hundred...grams? ?Isn't this just five or six?Zhang Feng felt very funny, this girl will deceive children.

"Hee hee, these two together weigh more than a catty..." Seemingly knowing what the elder brother was thinking, the little girl explained with a ghostly smile.

Zhang Feng didn't pay attention to this girl anymore, and continued to scan the river with his eyes, not letting go of any clues. Whenever he found fish in the river, Zhang Feng would immediately strike out decisively. Encountering a big fish is a sap, knock it out first.

Seeing that Zhang Feng's fishing methods are so simple and rude, everyone was shocked. At the same time, Zhang Feng also won the title of "Sap Maniac".

Everyone had a great time fishing.
Although fishing is not easy, it is also full of fun.

In the nearby ten miles and eight villages, almost all men, women and children participated in the battle, ranging from seniors in their 80s and [-]s to children in their [-]s and [-]s, all holding net bags, or simply holding water basins, to catch fish in the water;

"Oh, there is one over here..."

"Da Mao, here is a..."

The little duck is not a competent employee at first glance, and has completely forgotten about Zhang Feng's fish at this time, standing by the river and giving orders to a group of children, looking extremely excited.

At this moment, Da Mao caught a fish with a dip net, but unfortunately the fish was too big to be caught in the net bag, so Da Mao prepared to go into the water to catch it.

Suddenly the big fish was thumping desperately in the water, and the water splashed all over the place, "Oh, be careful..."

The water splashed Da Mao just now, and his whole body was soaked, "Oh, catch it quickly..." Seeing that it was not good, the little duck hurried into the water to help. With a smile on his face, he hugged the big fish and returned to the shore.

"Hehe, these two little guys..." Seeing the two little monkeys catch a big fish, everyone was happy for them, and felt very warm at the same time, just like seeing themselves when they were young.


As time goes by, the fish in the reservoir will also instinctively escape from the outlet and escape to a safer place upstream, so there are fewer and fewer fish in the river.

However, the number of people fishing in the river did not decrease with the reduction of fish. On the contrary, more people came to fish for fun.

Whenever a fish is found, it will always cause everyone to loot, but this is also the time when the atmosphere is the strongest, and everyone no longer thinks about making money, but regards catching fish as a kind of fun;
As all the fish were caught by everyone, the adults and old people gradually left the field, and those who remained in the river were playful juniors, or tourists from the city, who were still playing and playing in the Tapang River. Just like Chinese New Year, I had a great time playing.


lighthearted time always flies by
It was noon in a blink of an eye, the scorching sun was scorching the earth, and the high temperature of more than 30 degrees made everyone escape one after another, leaving this natural playground. I believe today has left a beautiful and unforgettable memory for everyone.

"Oh! Miss Xiaoyue, where are my two fish??" Seeing Zhang Yue climbed into the car and was about to run away, the little duck ran over anxiously and grabbed the unscrupulous 'boss'.

"Xiaoyue pay the wages quickly, don't you still want to be lazy??" Seeing the little girl being grabbed by the duckling, Zhang Feng immediately said with a gleeful smile.

"You monkey, just now I asked you to help me watch the fish, but you ran to the river to play by yourself." Xiaoyue pouted,

"Oh, can't I see it in the river?" The duckling looked at Zhang Yue with its big eyes fluttering and said.

"Hmph, I'll give you five dollars for your pity..." The little girl took out five dollars and handed it to the duckling, thinking that you have eyes on your butt?You can also see the fish behind you in the river, what a lie!
"Hee hee, thank you sister Xiaoyue..." The little guy ran towards his friends with the money in his hands.

"You girl has divided more than 1000 yuan, and you still want to be lazy about the children's account?" Zhang Feng said with a smile, Zhang Lin also smiled and shook, thinking it was very interesting.

"Ah, didn't I give him money..." the little girl grumbled angrily, baring her teeth.

"Hehe, all right, sit down and let's go home..."

Afterwards, Zhang Feng drove three wheels, and took his two younger sisters on the flat asphalt road, roaring towards the village.

(End of this chapter)

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