small farmer

Chapter 220

Chapter 220
Chapter 210
"Hey, Xiaofeng brought us a gift, thank you so much..."

Uncle Yu quickly took the gift and thanked him. Everyone was very happy to receive the gift, and expressed their thanks to Zhang Feng one after another.
Everyone is very lucky to meet such a good boss. Not only are everyone treated well here, but also the work is very easy. You only need to feed two or three times a day, and clean the cages. The rest of the time, as long as two people stay behind, others can Free activities, where can I find such a job.

And now after the salary increase, ordinary workers have a monthly salary of 4000 yuan, and the old fish uncle's salary is as much as 5000 yuan. Such a high salary is rare in rural areas, and it is not bad for the income of government employees. up.

Even if you go out to work, it is only three to five thousand a month, so everyone is very grateful to Zhang Feng, and they are more serious about their work, and cherish this hard-won job even more.

After making a tour, Zhang Feng was also very happy to see that everyone had kept the vegetable fields and farms in order. He promised to give everyone a bonus of 200 yuan at the end of the month. This made everyone even happier. The young employees could not help cheering , The faces of the old employees are also full of smiles.

After inspecting the vegetable planting base and rice field eel farm, Zhang Feng was very satisfied with the results. During the few days when Zhang Feng was away, everyone devoted themselves to their duties and completed their respective tasks perfectly.

After chatting with everyone, Zhang Feng returned home.

After leaving home for a few days and seeing the flowers and plants in the yard again, Zhang Feng's heart was filled with warmth, and he felt extremely at ease, and the feeling of staying at home was even better.

Then Zhang Feng took out the scissors and began to prune the branches and leaves of the withered flowers and plants, especially the morning glory on the fence, which is the easiest to wither. Zhang Feng has to prune it every few days, otherwise it will look a little decayed.

"Well, it is beautiful after tidying up." The neatly constructed morning glory is like a beautiful picture of hundreds of flowers, which is extremely beautiful from a distance.

After looking at Zhang Feng, he nodded very satisfied, and then continued to build other flowers.

"Crazy here we come..."

"Grandma Liu Yiyi is here, come and sit down..." Zhang Feng saw Liu Yiyi walking into the yard holding Grandma's hand, and quickly poured tea for the two of them.

"Xiaofeng is trimming flowers and plants?" Grandma Liu also likes flowers and plants very much, so she often comes to see all kinds of beautiful wild flowers in Zhang Feng's yard.

"Yeah, I haven't taken care of it for two or three days...Grandma Liu has a cup of tea..."

"You're welcome, I'll come and take a look at your flowers and plants." Grandma Liu waved her hand with a smile, walked to the edge of the flower bed and looked at the various wild flowers in the flower bed with a smile on her face.


"Xiaofeng, the chrysanthemums in your yard are growing really well. I wonder if you can give me some?" Grandma Liu asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"No problem, Grandma Liu, I'll dig it for you as much as you want..." Zhang Feng agreed very readily. These chrysanthemums were just ordinary wild chrysanthemums. With Rihua Auxin, Zhang Feng can cultivate as many as he wants.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you misunderstood me. I'm going to make glutinous rice chrysanthemum cake, so I just need some chrysanthemum petals." Grandma Liu was very satisfied when she saw Zhang Feng being so forthright and generous. good.

"Crazy, go get a basket, I'll pick it for grandma..."

"Good..." After saying that, Zhang Feng immediately went into the house and took a small basket, and went to the flower garden to pick chrysanthemums with Grandma Liu Yiyiliu.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, are you picking flowers?" Uncle Er Niu walked in and said without holding back when he saw Zhang Feng.

"You bastard..." Zhang Feng raised his eyebrows to remind him that Grandma Liu was there.

"Hey! Is Grandma Liu here?" Uncle Er Niu looked embarrassed, and hurriedly greeted the old man.

"Hehe, Erniu is here, Xiaofeng, go play by yourself, leave this place to me and Yiyi..."

"Hee hee..." Seeing Uncle Er Niu's embarrassment, Liu Yiyi couldn't help laughing.


"Why is the mountain city lively? Are you too happy to come back?" Sitting at the stone table, Uncle Er Niu asked with a smile.

"Fuck you, buddy, didn't I go home in less than three days?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and countered: "I heard that you have been very idle recently, you just hang out in the village all day long."

"What did that bastard say? I wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs every day. I'm busy making wine and selling wine. How can I have free time?" Uncle Er Niu asked loudly.

"Hey, isn't it all said by your little duck? Are you cursing yourself now?" Zhang Feng said gloatingly.

"I... I... This bastard can talk nonsense in a day, I won't clean him up when I go back." Er Niu Shu suddenly said angrily.

"Hehe, it's just a kid. By the way, the ducklings have already started school, right?" Zhang Feng just remembered that the ducklings are going to go to preschool this semester, right?

This little guy is so mischievous, he is simply the king of kids in the village. Every day he leads a large group of little kids running all over the mountains and plains, either climbing trees to catch birds, or going down the river to fish. There is no quiet time every day.

In the past, Aunt Er Niu had to go to work, and Uncle Er Niu was also busy with things on the mountain. The little duck became a wild horse that couldn’t be controlled at all. Successfully go to 'scourge' the teachers and classmates of the preschool.

"Oh, I get angry when you say that..."

"What's the matter..." Seeing Uncle Er Niu's heartbroken look, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"You don't know, this brat was hired as a parent on the third day of school..."

"Huh? Isn't this too fast?" Zhang Feng was a little stunned, completely underestimating the fighting power of the little duck. He didn't expect this guy to still have such a good time at school, even to the point of inviting his parents.

"That's not true. This guy threw a firecracker into the first-grade classroom during physical education class. It almost scared the female teacher to death, and the students sitting in the front row were scared to cry several times..." Erniu Uncle said with a look of lovelessness.

"I'll go..." Zhang Feng gasped, and had to admire the little duck's courage. This guy is really scary and can be too troublesome. Zhang Feng thought he was naughty enough when he was a child, but compared to this guy , It's completely insignificant, the two are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

"Well, in the end, I personally went to apologize to the teacher, and I almost didn't lose my old face... In the end, when I got home, I dealt with this guy severely... It's not even the breakfast money these days. I didn’t give it to him, I cooked noodles for him at home for breakfast, lest this guy sell firecrackers or something when he gets money..." Uncle Er Niu said that he had a headache, but what can he do if he has such a son?
"Oh, what a crime, I guess I owed him in my previous life..." Uncle Er Niu drank a large cup of tea in one gulp, wanting to use it to relieve his worries.

Zhang Feng also sighed unceasingly, the little duck is very smart and cute, but it is naughty that makes people headache,

(End of this chapter)

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