small farmer

Chapter 221 Carrots and cabbage each have their own love

Chapter 221 Carrots and cabbage each have their own love (33)

Chapter 210

"Oh, what a crime, I guess I owed him in my previous life..." Uncle Er Niu drank a large cup of tea in one gulp, wanting to use it to relieve his worries.

Zhang Feng also sighed unceasingly, the little duck is very smart and cute, but it is naughty that makes people headache,
Seeing Uncle Erniu's sad look, Zhang Feng comforted him: "Hehe, the duckling is still young, I think it will be fine when it grows up, just say Uncle Erniu, you were not so naughty when you were young, and now you are not so naughty as a wife and child." Hot kang, living so happily?"

"Oh, I hope so." Uncle Er Niu shook his head and sighed, then said with a smile, "But you are a miracle, you were more naughty than me and Zhang Yi when you were young, and you were able to get into a key university."

"Hey, buddy, I'm born smart, don't you envy me..." Zhang Feng said boastfully.

"You're so cheeky that you can use it as a bulletproof vest..." Uncle Er Niu smiled and shook his head.

"Hey, ordinary missiles don't wear it..." Zhang Feng said proudly instead of ashamed, and Uncle Er Niu immediately rolled his eyes.


"My lady... my lady... why are heavy...ah" Suddenly Uncle Er Niu's phone rang, and it turned out to be the classic episode "Zhu Bajie Carrying His Wife" in Journey to the West.

"Pfft..." Liu Yiyi couldn't help laughing, she thought Uncle Er Niu was too funny, and she wasn't afraid that Aunt Er Niu's family would serve her?Dare to say that the lady is heavy.

"Hi, hello, who are you looking for?" Uncle Er Niu blushed, looked at everyone embarrassedly, and quickly connected the phone.

"Oh, you want to buy wine, right? I'm... I'm in the village, and I'll be right back."

"Crazy, I'll go first, let's talk when we have time..." Uncle Er Niu hung up the phone, bid farewell to Zhang Feng, and left in a hurry.


"Hee hee, lunatic, Uncle Er Niu is so funny, he dared to use the ringtone of "Pig Bajie Carrying His Wife"." After Uncle Er Niu left, Liu Yiyi also came out of the flower garden and said with a smile.

"Who knows what this sullen guy is thinking all day?" Zhang Feng also found it very funny, but it's not too unusual.

"But it's not a big deal. Many people in the village still use the folk songs of Yunnan Province as ringtones." Zhang Feng felt like throwing up when he mentioned the folk songs of Yunnan Province. In Zhang Feng's opinion, it was completely disgusting.

It's fine that the lyrics are all about "brother and sister". There are also many "beauties" who are dressed up like sisters, and they come out at every turn to be scary. I don't know if this will easily cause "aesthetic fatigue"?

Zhang Feng remembered that not long ago, a folk song from Yunnan Province suddenly became popular on the Internet. It seemed to be called "Old Driver Wait for Me" or something. After listening to a few words, Zhang Feng felt that his whole body was not good, as if every cell in his body They all stopped breathing.

Maybe radishes and vegetables have their own preferences, and the old people in the village like to hear such things.

When Zhang Feng’s father was still there, the family played it almost every day. At that time, Zhang Feng was still in junior high school, and he almost vomited every weekend when he came home, so now when he hears this thing, Zhang Feng will feel uncomfortable all over his body. (This is the author's personal experience. I don't know if any book friends have such an experience. Those who have never heard Y Nanshan song can experience it online. It is guaranteed to be very strong and explosive.)

"Yiyi, Xiaofeng, I'll go first..." After a while, Grandma Liu also finished picking the petals.

"Grandma, you go first, I'll be right there..." "Grandma Liu, go slowly..."

"Madman, let's learn how to make glutinous rice and chrysanthemum cake?" Liu Yiyi felt that Zhang Feng's cooking skills were so good, and the gap between the two was too great, so whenever she had time, she would pester her grandparents and ask them to teach her how to cook. Vegetables, cakes and so on.

"Okay, I also want to see Grandma Liu's craftsmanship." Zhang Feng nodded, said something to his elder sister and mother, and Liu Yiyi walked towards her house.

"Grandma, we are here to help you make glutinous rice cakes..." Liu Yiyi shouted happily as soon as she stepped into the house.

"Hehe, okay, you guys help me clean the petals first..." Grandma Liu said with a smile.

Because Zhang Feng's chrysanthemums have never been treated with pesticides, it is OK to simply wash off the dust on the petals.

"What is grandma going to do next?" Liu Yiyi asked expectantly as she stood beside Grandma Liu.

"Just boil two small bowls of chrysanthemum water for me, remember to put some rock sugar in it..."

"Got it, grandma..."

Grandma Liu was preparing the main ingredients while talking. Although the glutinous rice chrysanthemum cake is called glutinous rice cake, it cannot be made entirely from glutinous rice, because the rice cake made from glutinous rice alone will be very soft and difficult to shape, so it needs to be added a lot Japonica rice, so that the glutinous rice cake will be soft and hard, and the taste will be better.

After the chrysanthemum water was boiled, Grandma Liu's glutinous rice flour was also prepared. Grandma poured the glutinous rice flour into the pot little by little while stirring constantly.

At this time, the amount of water and rice noodles must be mastered. You can’t have more water and less rice, and you can’t use less water and more rice. This is a test of one’s experience, but Grandma Liu has obviously done it many times, and she has always been unhurried. , appearing calm.

"Yiyi, help me get the mold on the table."

"Okay..." When Liu Yiyi took the things to the stove, Zhang Feng found that the molds were like moon cake molds, they were all round, and the glutinous rice cakes made later would be like moon cakes .

When the glutinous rice flour in the pot was cooked, Grandma Liu poured the glutinous rice paste into the mold, and then smoothed the mold.

"Okay, you can eat them when they are cold." Grandma Liu said happily.

"Grandma, how long do we have to wait?" Liu Yiyi asked impatiently, smelling the aroma of glutinous rice cakes.

"Hehe, what a gluttonous girl." Grandma Liu smiled and shook her head, "Hurry up, it only takes about 10 minutes, let's go outside and wait."

"Grandma Liu asked me to help you..." Zhang Feng hurriedly moved the glutinous rice cakes into the main room. The kitchen in the countryside is not tight, and stray cats often sneak in, so the food at home must be placed in a visible place. place, or directly in the refrigerator.

"Oh, why does time pass so slowly..." The wall clock in the main room was ticking. Although it was only twenty or ten minutes, it felt very long in Liu Yiyi's heart, as if the days were like years.

"Hehe, you girl has no patience at all?" Grandma Liu taught with a smile.

"Hehe, the glutinous rice cakes made by grandma are so delicious..." Liu Yiyi said coquettishly.

"You greedy cat, just wait a few more minutes."


"Okay, okay, Yiyi Xiaofeng, come and taste the glutinous rice cake I made, how about it?"

"Wow! It's so beautiful, why is it like jelly?" Seeing the crystal clear glutinous rice cake, Liu Yiyi couldn't help exclaiming. It was like magic. It looks so beautiful when poured out.

"Well, it's delicious, Grandma Liu's craftsmanship is really good..." The glutinous rice chrysanthemum cake made by Grandma Liu is sweet and fragrant, soft and crispy, it melts in the mouth, and the teeth and cheeks are fragrant. It is a rare delicacy, which Zhang Feng has eaten before One of the best pastries ever.

 Thanks to the book friend 'Mingyang Division 2 of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences' for rewarding again, and also thank you for your monthly and recommendation tickets. Thank you everyone. Today is the third update.

(End of this chapter)

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