small farmer

Chapter 222 Chrysanthemum Cake

Chapter 222 Chrysanthemum Cake

The glutinous rice chrysanthemum cake made by Grandma Liu is not only sweet and delicious,

And the appearance is very good, its appearance is crystal clear like ceramic jade, and it looks like a beautiful handicraft from a distance.

It melts in the mouth, and the mouth is full of fragrance. Everyone knows that the old man's cooking skills are good. I didn't expect that Grandma Liu's pastry making skills are so exquisite, which is really beyond Zhang Feng's expectations.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved. The two elders have been together for decades, and Grandma Liu's cooking skills must not be bad under the influence of ears and eyes. It is reasonable to make such delicious pastries.

"Hahaha, it smells so good, the old lady is making cakes again?" The old man's hearty laughter was heard from a distance.

"Hee hee, grandpa's nose is still so good..." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"He has a dog's nose, so why not?" Grandma Liu joked with a smile.

"Hehe, I've been a chef all my life, can I do it with a bad nose?" said the old man and walked in with a bird cage, and there was a starling in the cage.

"Well, it's delicious. Today's chrysanthemum cake tastes even better. The chrysanthemum used should not be simple." The old man washed his hands, tasted a piece immediately and commented.

"Yeah, I saw that the chrysanthemums in Xiaofeng's house are blooming so well, so I thought of making some glutinous rice cakes." Grandma Liu said with a smile, the wild flowers in Zhang Feng's house are blooming so brilliantly and so well, if you don't use them, wouldn't it be Too wasteful.

"Oh, if it's the chrysanthemums from Xiaofeng's family, then it makes sense." The old man smiled and turned to Zhang Feng and said, "Xiaofeng's wildflowers are so good, don't you think about how to use them?"

"Aren't those flowers grown for viewing?" Zhang Feng asked because he didn't know. He had never thought about it before, and he didn't know how to use these wild flowers.

"Hehe, you guys don't know how to use such good flowers. It's a waste of money. For example, the best wild chrysanthemums in the flower garden can be made into chrysanthemum cakes and chrysanthemum tea, especially chrysanthemum tea, which is a good thing for clearing away heat and detoxification. , it is very good to drink a few cups of detoxification and beauty once in a while." The old man shook his head and felt that Zhang Feng really spoiled a good thing.

"Chrysanthemum tea? I've never made it before?" Hearing about chrysanthemum tea, Zhang Feng was also a little moved, but unfortunately he didn't have that skill, and he couldn't make chrysanthemum tea even if he had a piece of good flowers.

"Hehe, making chrysanthemum tea is actually not difficult, but it takes a lot of effort and patience. If you want to learn, the old man can teach you." The old man said with a smile.

"Really? Then when do you have time, I really want to learn." Zhang Feng was very interested in chrysanthemum tea, and when he heard the old man's words, he immediately asked excitedly.

"Haha, old man, when I don't have time, let's go there now if you want." The old man said with a smile.

"That's really troublesome for you." Then Zhang Feng hurried home with the old man.


"These two are really, why are you running so fast." Grandma Liu smiled and said to her granddaughter when she saw the hurried backs of the two, "Yiyi, you bring some glutinous rice chrysanthemum cakes over there, let your aunt and Xiaoqin They try."

"Understood, grandma..." Then Liu Yiyi took the glutinous rice cake on a plate and walked towards Zhang Feng's house.

On the other side, Zhang Feng and the old man had already arrived in the yard.

"Old man, what do you think the first step should be?" Zhang Feng asked quickly when he got home.

"Hehe, let's not be in a hurry, let me tell you about the process of making chrysanthemum tea..."

The first step is to pick chrysanthemums and dry them in the sun
Clean up the picked flowers and remove some useless branches.Put it in a cool place to dry, and don't put it in the hot sun or a place with a big temperature difference, which will affect the quality of scented tea.Let it dry until the flowers are dry.

The second step: Steam the flowers in the basket
Use the pre-prepared steaming flower tray, put the dried flowers on the steaming flower tray, the stamens can be up or down, evenly arranged, the thickness is 3 cm is the best, too thick is not easy to steam.

If you use a small stove to steam flowers, after the water in the iron pot is boiled, put two or three steaming flower trays and cover the pot.The fire of steaming flowers should be strong and even.Steam once and add hot water once.The water at the bottom of the pot should be less, otherwise the condensation of steam will affect the quality of tea.

The curing time is about four to five minutes. If the steaming time is too long, the flowers will get wet and soaked, and it will not be easy to dry; on the contrary, if the steaming time is short, the flowers will appear again.In short, it is not good to be too raw or too ripe.When just out of the cage, the petals are not attached to the steamer, and the color is off-white. When the wind blows, it turns reddish brown in a short time.

Step [-]: Sun drying This is also the last step.

The steamed chrysanthemums are spread out in the hot sun for three or four days.Be careful not to turn the chrysanthemums when they are not dry, and do not press them when you take them at night.After three days in the sun, turn it over again. After three or four days in the sun, a total of about seven days before and after, store it for a few days, then take it out and spread it out to dry for one or two days.

"There are only a few steps in making chrysanthemum tea. It's actually very simple. Now let's start picking flowers... Xiaofeng, go and get some baskets..."

"Good old man..." Zhang Feng listened carefully to the old man's explanation, and the rest is practice. Only by doing it yourself can you find out what you don't know.

There are the most chrysanthemums in Zhang Feng's garden, and the two of them only picked a small half of them to have two bamboo baskets full.

"Okay, that's enough for Xiaofeng. It's estimated that you can drink it in a year if you make it into tea, and you can't drink too much chrysanthemum tea, especially for people with yin deficiency, it's better not to drink it. Drinking it will be bad for your health." The old man smiled. explained to.

"I know the old man, so the next step is to clean up the chrysanthemums?"

"Yes, you have to get rid of the straws that don't exist..."

When Zhang Feng and the old man were busy making chrysanthemum tea, Liu Yiyi came to Zhang Feng's house.

"Auntie, sister, this is the glutinous rice chrysanthemum cake that my grandma just made. How about you try it?" Liu Yiyi smiled and handed the chrysanthemum cake.

"Hehe, thank you so much..."

"Ah, Grandma Liu's craftsmanship is really good, and the chrysanthemum cakes she made are so beautiful..." The eldest sister exclaimed in surprise when she saw the beautiful jade-like cakes.

"Hee hee, sister Qin, hurry up and try the cakes made by my grandma, they are delicious." Liu Yiyi was also very happy to hear Zhang Qin's appreciation.

"Well, the taste is super good too. How did Grandma Liu make it? It's really delicious..." After taking a bite, it melted in the mouth, and the mouth was so delicious.

"Could it be that the chrysanthemums you picked just now are used to make this?" The eldest sister asked after eating the unique chrysanthemum fragrance of the cake.

"That's right, my grandma just made this, and it just came out of the oven." Liu Yiyi replied with a smile.

"Grandma Liu's cakes are really good, I really want to learn from her." Zhang Qin's cooking skills have improved recently, and now he is also very interested in making cakes.

"My grandma will be very happy to teach you, and I will call you next time I come to grandma to do it."


"Of course." Then the two started chatting.

 Thank you very much for the support of 'Lively' Da Da, thank you Da Da for the reward of 1000 coins again, and also thank you for your subscription and votes, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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