small farmer

Chapter 23 Big Sister Returns

Chapter 23 Big Sister Returns (Second Update)

Chapter 23 Big Sister Returns (Second Update)
"Little duck..."

"Where did you die, little duck?"

"Oh! My dad called me..." The little guy ran out as soon as he heard his dad's voice.

"Father, I'm here..."

"Where is the cow you herded, dog? Get it back for me quickly." Uncle Er Niu was furious when he saw the duckling.

"Oh, where is my cow? Wasn't it still on the river beach just now?" The little guy looked around and found that his cow had really disappeared.

"You monkey, why don't you go find it for me?" Uncle Er Niu angrily grabbed the little duck's ears.

"Oh, dad, don't carry it, I'll go right away...I'll go right away..." The little guy broke away from his father's hand and immediately ran to the river beach.

"Hehe, Uncle Er Niu is teaching the little duck again?" Zhang Feng came out, thinking that the father and son were quite interesting.

"This monkey runs around even if it is a cow. If you don't teach him a lesson, he won't remember at all..." Uncle Er Niu said with a helpless smile.

"Hey, Uncle Er Niu, didn't you do the same when you were young?" Thinking of myself, Uncle Er Niu, and Zhang Yi when I was a child, every time the cows were herding, they would throw the cows on the mountain. , It’s just peeing and feeding dung beetles. Every time it’s evening, they look around for cows.

"Talk about me, you kid was the craziest before, okay?" Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Feng a blank look.

Although the two have different generations, they are both about the same age. They played together when they were young, and they knew everything. It's just that Uncle Er Niu got married early, started drinking at the age of 20, and married a wife. This little duck can herd cattle.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled sheepishly and said, "By the way, the cow is gone, why don't you look for it?"

"What are you looking for? Niu has already gone home by himself!" Uncle Er Niu took a puff of cigarette and said indifferently.

Seeing the duckling sweating profusely and anxiously, Zhang Feng wanted to ask: Is it really okay for you to do this?
Is this really real?How can there be such a cheating son's father?
Seeing Zhang Feng staring at him strangely, Er Niu smiled and knew what Zhang Feng meant, "This monkey has a great forgetfulness, if you don't let him suffer, can he have a long memory?"

Zhang Feng could only shake his head with a smile. The children in the countryside are too wild, and their parents are usually busy with their livelihoods, and they have no education, so the education is so simple and rough. If you don’t obey, you will be beaten. , Strict teachers produce excellent apprentices.


time flies
In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and Zhang's mother came back from the market.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, you bought these..." Wang Guilan was surprised when she saw the brand new TV and refrigerator when she entered the house, thinking she had gone to the wrong door.

"Yeah, there was a discount online two days ago, so I bought it because it was cheap."

"It's cheap? How much did it cost?" Wang Guilan put down her things and immediately asked with concern.

"The TV is 1888, the refrigerator is 4000 yuan, the washing machine is [-] yuan, and the water dispenser is [-] yuan. The total cost is less than [-] yuan." Zhang Feng knew that his mother was afraid that he would buy too much, so he quickly explained.

"That's really a good deal." Zhang's mother was relieved when she heard it. She didn't expect it to be cheaper than the ones sold in the county, and they are all branded products, so the performance should be guaranteed.


"By the way, Xiaofeng, your eldest sister just called and said that she will arrive at the bus station around eight o'clock, and you can pick it up then." The mother thought about the matter of the eldest daughter, so she ordered Zhang Feng to come.

"Okay, I'll pick it up later." Zhang Feng hadn't seen his eldest sister for three years, and he was very happy to hear that her eldest sister would be home tonight.

And today is Friday, knowing that the elder sister is coming back, the two younger sisters are also planning to rush back to see the elder sister whom they haven't seen for a long time.

Hearing the good news, Zhang Feng was also very happy, and prepared to cook a delicious meal for them.

So Zhang Feng came to the backyard with a bucket, ready to catch some ricefield eels and sprinkle bait. Zhang Feng stood by the ditch with a net bag, ready to attack at any time.

"Huh! Why are there so many fish?" Soon Zhang Feng found many small fish in the water, and soon Zhang Feng understood that since the ditch directly leads to Moon Lake, these fish probably came from the lake.

However, Zhang Feng didn't have so much time to think at this time. He focused on the biggest eels and shot decisively. There were five or six eels in one net.

Because the attraction of Rihua auxin is too great, these rice field eels and small fish and shrimps are like moths rushing towards the bait regardless of life and death. In this way, it seems that all animals cannot escape the word 'eat'.

After catching more than a catty of rice field eels, Zhang Feng stopped.

Seeing the carp in the ditch, Zhang Feng thought that he could make a braised fish at night, so he caught a few more nets. These fish were not big, the biggest one was only about a catty, and the others were only about two fingers.

That one-jin carp, Zhang Feng, is going to make braised fish, and the remaining small fish and shrimps can be made into a crispy fried fish, which Zhang Yue, the greedy cat at home, will like very much.

After the meat and vegetables were prepared, Zhang Feng went to the vegetable garden in the backyard to pick some vegetables and condiments such as onions and garlic,
Because it’s not enough to eat meat alone, it’s easy to get tired of eating, so Zhang Feng plans to make some more vegetarian dishes: a cold cucumber, a stir-fried cabbage, and a lettuce mixed with sauce.
After being watered by Zhang Feng these days, the vegetables in the backyard not only look good, are green and juicy, but also taste better.
After a few days of eating, the little greedy cat at home asked Zhang Feng to deliver food to them every now and then, and every time the food at home was divided up by the classmates in the same dormitory, so Zhang Feng’s food was sold in the No. [-] middle school. range spread.


It's 06:30 in a blink of an eye
Zhang Feng rode three wheels and headed towards the county seat at a high speed.

Arriving at the bus station early, after waiting for more than an hour, Zhang Feng finally waited for the bus from the provincial capital.

"Sister, I'm here..." As soon as the eldest sister got out of the car, Zhang Feng immediately ran over and shouted excitedly.


"Big sister, let's go! Mom and the others are still waiting at home." Zhang Feng helped his sister carry the luggage, and happily led the eldest sister to Sanlun.

The excited Zhang Qin wanted to put on her wings at this moment, and flew home immediately. She hadn't been home for three years. She was really more timid because of the closeness to her hometown. She wanted to see her missing mother and sister right away.

"Xiaofeng, mom, are they all okay..." On the way home, the elder sister asked with concern.

"Mom's health has always been very good. Except for a little rheumatism, there is no minor ailment like a cold. As for Zhang Lin and Zhang Yue, they are fine. Now they are busy preparing for the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination." Zhang Feng smiled. answered.

chatting and chatting,

but a quarter of an hour,

The two returned to the long-awaited home, the place where the eldest sister missed more than 1000 days and nights.

Hearing the sound of the car, the mother and sister also ran out.

"Mom! I'm back..."

"Good girl, just come back, just come back."

As soon as she saw her mother, the eldest sister ran over excitedly and hugged her mother. The longing for more than three years broke out in an instant. The two hugged each other tightly, and the two younger sisters also ran over. The mother and daughter were all excited Tears fell.

Zhang Feng is also red-eyed, and he has strengthened his belief that he must make his family live better and be happier.

(End of this chapter)

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